The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1356: You are dead today!

When Qin Yang and the others arrived in front of the Qingmuliu Building, they found that there were many more guards at the gate, and when they entered the parking lot, they found that the huge parking lot that was quite empty yesterday was full of various vehicles.

"It seems that a lot of people have come today."

Qin Yang glanced over the vehicles and said with a smile: "I just don't know what good cultural relics they brought."

Yang Haoran squinted his eyes and smiled and said, "When you first started, don't win too fast, otherwise, no one would dare to get on!"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "I understand, fishing, you can't scare the fish away, you have to make others think that there is hope of victory!"

Yang Haoran smiled and nodded: "Those cultural relics are usually well hidden by those cultivators' families, but I can't bear to take them out. Since your standard is at least the finest works like the Hanjiang Alone Fishing Picture, even if you get back one more. It’s also good. Every piece of cultural relics at this level has its own unique value."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "I'm only responsible for fighting, identifying cultural relics and confirming their strength anyway, I will trouble you!"

Yang Haoran smiled and said: "It's still the same sentence, division of labor and cooperation, leave the matters on the ring to you, and leave the matters under the ring to me. Besides, you still ridiculed the female doll from the special affairs department to give you. Should they be bodyguards, presumably they won't mess around!"

Speaking of Rika Yamaguchi, Qin Yang couldn't help touching his nose: "She is quite upright."

"Let's go, I hope I have a good start today!"

Qin Yang and the others got out of the car, met with Lixiang Yamaguchi in front of them, passed the gate of the villa area together, and walked towards the ring area.

Before reaching the ring, Qin Yang saw a dense crowd of people, at least several times as many as yesterday. There were men, women, and children, and this huge open area was filled with noise.

The appearance of Qin Yang and others immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Qin Yang is here!"

As someone yelled, everyone's eyes turned around, one after another, their eyes fell on Qin Yang. Most of these eyes contained emotions such as hostility, sarcasm, anger, etc., like a handful of invisible emotions. The sword seems to be about to pierce Qin Yang into all kinds of holes.

"Arrogant Chinese people!"

"Today I want to beat you down!"

"Huaxia, you are dead today!"

Some people in the crowd yelled or uttered provocative words, and even some of them were rather unpleasant.

Qin Yang raised his brows, but his expression remained the same, his steps remained steady as before, and he continued to walk towards the ring.

This is the site of Aoki Ryuu. It is Aoki Ryuu who is presiding over this arena. When Ueno Shijiang looked at Qin Yang who came by, his expression was twofold complicated.

On weekdays, if Ryu Aoki wants to hold any event, I am afraid that there is no way to invite so many giants of the genre to participate. Now because of the shame of Ryu Aoki, countless people rushed to Tokyo from all over Japan after receiving the information yesterday. Few people are on the road, presumably the number will increase in the next few days.

This arena will become a fighting event, but Ueno Toshie has no idea what the outcome will be.

Qin Yang did not give a direct response to the challenge initiated by Ueno Shijiang, but he could see that he was moved!

Since he dared to pose this arena, it means that his combat effectiveness must be higher than his realm of strength, but how high can his alcohol be?

Could it be that he even dared to fight Watanabeno at the 27th peak of the sky?

Is he a genius or a lunatic?

Qin Yang walked to the front of Ueno Shijiang and smiled: "This is Mr. Ueno's site, so please trouble Mr. Ueno to maintain order."

Ueno Shijiang said solemnly: "What do you need?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "I brought cultural relics experts to help me identify cultural relics. In addition, my people will check the strength of each challenger. I only need a relatively spacious area and two sets of tables and chairs."

"These are ready...together with your challenger!"

Qin Yang followed the direction of Ueno Shijiang's finger and saw that there were a lot of chairs on the side of the ring. Most of the chairs were sitting on people, and at the corners, an area was isolated with a barrier. There were two tables and a few chairs, and there was no one. I thought it was reserved for Qin Yang and others.

Qin Yang turned his head and smiled: "Okay, thank you!"

Ueno Tokijiang said solemnly: "I, Aoki Ryuu, will be the first to challenge."

Qin Yang responded with a smile: "There is no problem. The conflict between me and Aoki Ryu is the cause of today's arena. Aoki Ryu's challenger, I will naturally give priority to give you a chance to win back the great prajna."

Ueno Shijiang's face hardened for two minutes, and he snorted coldly, and reached out his hand in a please gesture.

Qin Yang and the others walked to the corner, Yang Haoran sat down on a chair, the man and woman stood behind him, Yamaguchi Rika sat silently on the other side, her eyes slightly complicated.

Qin Yang picked up a bottle of mineral water, took a sip, and checked the time. It was almost nine o'clock. He put down the water and walked directly to the center of the ring, sat down cross-legged, and closed his eyes.

The man behind Yang Haoran raised his voice: "If you want to challenge, please come here for identification with the challenged cultural relics. Those who meet the requirements can come on stage to challenge. The value of cultural relics is about the level of the cold river fishing alone. The strength must be Tian Ren Twenty-Five Aperture Points."

"I come!"

With an outcry, a tall man in his thirties stepped out, holding a wooden box in his hand to Yang Haoran's table, and placed the wooden box in front of Yang Haoran.

Yang Haoran carefully opened the wooden box, which was a colorful porcelain bottle.

Yang Haoran picked up the porcelain vase and watched it carefully for a while, then put down the porcelain vase, and said in a deep voice: "The Qianlong multicolored porcelain vase is in good condition. Although it is slightly worse than the Hanjiang Fishing Picture, it is similar. Pass!"

The middle-aged man standing behind Yang Haoran walked out and said solemnly, "Please stretch out your hand."

The man stretched out his hand, the middle-aged man stretched out his hand to put his wrist, a trace of internal energy sneaked in like a snake, and instantly went through the major meridians of the body and the opened acupuncture points.

"Twenty-five Tianren Acupuncture Points can be eligible for today's challenge!"

The man looked a little impatient and turned and strode towards the ring.

At the same time, Qin Yang, who was sitting cross-legged and closed his eyes, opened his eyes, stood up, and arched his hands at the opposite man.

The man stared at Qin Yang fiercely, clenched his fists, and said loudly, "Shinto stream Edo Huafeng, here is the challenge!"

Qin Yang looked calm and said faintly: "Please!"

The man took a deep breath, suddenly exerted force under his feet, and his whole person instantly turned into a violent wind, rushing towards Qin Yang directly.


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