The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1357: I have come desperately!


  Edo Huafeng's fist blasted towards Qin Yang fiercely with a white misty air and a howling wind.

   Qin Yang did not back down, but also blasted out a punch.


   The two fists slammed into each other, bursting like a knife, and shooting in all directions.

   Both of them retreated to the rear, Edo Huafeng took four steps, and Qin Yang took three steps.

  Edo Huafeng's eyes changed slightly, and he rushed towards Qin Yang again. This time, Qin Yang didn't confront him head-on, but adopted a battle strategy.

   Qin Yang looks like a ghost, constantly dodging the attack of Edo Huafeng. Although it seems to be suppressed by Edo Huafeng's fierce attack, the experts around him couldn't help but sighed.

   Edo Flower Maple loses!

   He is like a blind bear with brute force. No matter if he is waving his strong limbs, Qin Yang is like a flying butterfly, letting his attacks fail again and again.

   When Qin Yang fought back, it was probably when Edo Huafeng failed.

Although everyone was a little disappointed with this result, they were not surprised. After all, Qin Yang had to challenge the entire Celestial Realm. If the first Celestial Twenty-Five Acupuncture Point had failed, then Qin Yang would not be the one joke?

   Everyone looked carefully, they all wanted to determine Qin Yang's true combat effectiveness through this battle.

   Just when Edo Huafeng punched again, Qin Yang leaped to his side and hit him in the ribs with a fierce punch.

   Edo Huafeng was smashed into the air and fell heavily to the ground.

   Edo Huafeng gritted his teeth and turned over and climbed up, but just standing up, Qin Yang's swift sweep of his legs has hit his hastily raised arm.


   The crisp sound of bone fracture sounded, and Edo Huafeng screamed and flew out again.

   Qin Yang did not pursue any more this time, but stood quietly on the spot.

   Edo Huafeng got up from the ground with a pale face, her eyes were a bit unbelievable.

Although his strength is 25 Celestial Man, he has reached the peak of the 25th Acupuncture Point. He is also considered a leader in Celestial 25 Acupoint Stage. He originally hoped to defeat Qin Yang in one fell swoop. Become famous, but did not expect to lose so thoroughly!

   From the beginning to the end, Qin Yang's offensive is very few, relying on the speed of the ghostly body to avoid his attack.

   Combat can be complicated, but it can also be simple.

   Speed ​​and power.

   Strong enough power can directly crush your opponent, but if the speed is so fast that the opponent has no time to react, then you can also easily defeat the opponent!

   The power that Qin Yang showed was only stronger than Edo Huafeng, but the speed was much faster, so that Edo Huafeng could hardly resist Qin Yang's fast attack.

   "What kind of posture should this kid practice? He is fast. As long as he restrains his speed, it should be difficult for him to win again."

   "It makes sense!"

"This kid may be hiding his strength now. After all, this guy can be challenged for a week, even if he has twenty-seven people. Although he said that he will end when he loses, but I always think this guy should It’s a confident competition with the 27th Heaven and Human..."

   "Who will challenge next?"

   After Qin Yang defeated Edo Huafeng, he walked back to the sidelines, took a ball from Situ Xiang, swallowed it with water, and then returned to the court again, sitting cross-legged.

   "What medicine did he take?"

   "It should be a medicine to help restore internal qi or restore physical strength. If it is a medicine that overdraws the body, he will fight for seven days in a row. How can the body fight for so long?"

"Next, he will have an hour to rest, but the challenger just now didn't consume much Qin Yang's internal energy. If it has been only this intensity, I am afraid that no one can beat him at all, so just wait for it. The third day?"

"This guy actually makes a lot of sense. Even if there is no challenger, he doesn't matter. Anyway, he is the winner. There is no big difference between winning two games and winning three games, but we are embarrassed. , Don’t we believe that no one of the 25 cultivators in Japan dare to challenge?"

"Yes, the other party is convinced of this kind of psychology, so no matter what, there will definitely be challengers in the future, especially those rich men who regard themselves as the leaders of the Japanese practice circle, it is impossible to lose this face. Yes, they will definitely challenge Qin Yang regardless of the cost, even if it is exhausted, Qin Yang will be exhausted!"

   "I just don't know who will stand up. From this point of view, Qin Yang's combat experience is also very rich, and his combat power should be higher than his realm strength..."

   Everyone was talking about it. A middle-aged man in his forties walked out of the crowd and placed a wooden box on the table in front of Yang Haoran with a calm face.

   Yang Haoran opened the wooden box, his eyes lit up suddenly.

   Inside the wooden box is a bronze tripod, full of old and primitive taste.

   Yang Haoran took the bronze ingot and carefully identified it for a while, then put down the bronze ingot with some meaning, and sighed softly, "Shang and Zhou bronze tripods, yes."

The middle-aged man next to    stepped forward to check his strength, and also said that he passed, raising his wrist to check the time: "In fifty minutes, you can challenge on stage!"

   Although the middle-aged challenger really wants to rush forward immediately, he still has to speak some rules, otherwise it is better for everyone to rush forward?

   The middle-aged challenger sat down on the side with a cold face. Someone seemed to recognize the challenger and said, "Umekawa Dayang, can you do it?"

   Meichuan Dayang looked back at the and snorted coldly: "You can do it, come on!"

   The person being questioned didn't get annoyed, and smiled: "Aren't we caring about you? All the people here today are standing together. The only opponent is the one on stage."

   Mei Chuan Dayang's expression softened slightly, and he said solemnly: "I'm here to work hard!"

   Umekawa Dayang's words are not too big, but many people around have heard them, and all of them have a look of admiration. They all heard the determination in Umekawa Dayang's tone.

The person who inquired before continued to ask: "Your strength is also the 25th of Heaven and Human. Even if you work hard, it will be difficult to defeat the Chinese. From my point of view, your strength is stronger than the challenger just now, but it is not stronger. How much."

   Umekawa Daiyang replied coldly: "Saber Maru!"

   The inquiring man showed admiration on his face, and he encouraged him in a deep voice: "Come on, we must defeat that Chinese man!"

   Yang Haoran glanced sideways at the middle-aged challenger, and then at Qin Yang, who was sitting cross-legged on the stage.

   Sabre pill, it is a pill commonly used by Japanese practitioners to stimulate the potential of practitioners. It can burst out of great potential in a short time, but it has strong side effects. The more you take, the greater the side effects.

   This Umekawa Ocean is really here to work hard!

   Can Qin Yang hold it up?


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