The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1392: Distressed for no reason!

? "No one is willing to fight with me anymore, so today is nothing, I must be disappointed?"

Qin Yang released a short Weibo, but this seemingly "no gain" Weibo was detonated in an instant, and the fans' enthusiasm was far greater than any previous one!

"Woohoo! The heroes are bound, the swords are empty and profitable, and the husband is not also sad!"

"A heartache for no reason!"

"Great God Qin really made a big deal this time, winning glory for the country. This is much more powerful than going to some night markets to win glory for the country. My role model!"

"Sweeping Japan, who will compete!"

"I have never admired anyone, but I really admire Qin Yang! Convinced, truly convinced!"

Although there was no video streaming out of this arena under the control of Ryu Aoki, the content of the competition and the specific process naturally spread out. The Internet is connected, and the Chinese people in Japan fed back this information. To China.

After so many days of brewing, all those who play Weibo and many people who didn't play Weibo, those who would know, and those who didn't know it all know it!

Everyone knows that Qin Yang is completing an impossible task, which is to sweep the entire Japanese Celestial Realm master with one person's power. In other words, it is to beat the invincible hand of heaven and human!

Fight against a country with one person!

Everyone cheered for Qin Yang's pride and cheer for Qin Yang.

Day after day of winning streak, sporadic news about the ring match was also spread out from various aspects. Everyone looked at the fragmentary news, and their mood became more and more exciting, but they felt more and more about Qin Yang. Silent pay.

Qin Yang was injured.

Qin Yang vomited blood.

Qin Yang was relieved, and he was helped by others.

Everyone can imagine how hard Qin Yang fought alone in that war, and how difficult it was for him, and the most emotional thing is that Qin Yang never mentioned these things.

He didn't mention the ring race, the wheel fight, or the injury. He just told everyone very happy every day how many cultural relics originally belonged to China I won back today.

How many people feel sorry for it?

The most highly praised Weibo comment is the sigh of the generation of sword demon Dugu in Jin Yong's martial arts who is seeking defeat and invincible world, and the second most highly praised sentence is the phrase "a burst of heartache for no reason." , There are countless replies.

"Tongxin hurts +1"

"Tongxin hurts +2!"

"Tongxin hurts +3, keep up!"

Very simple language, but it gives people a very appropriate sense of heart-struck, because as long as everyone thinks carefully, there will be such a distressed feeling.

Distressed for Qin Yang's fighting alone, distressed for Qin Yang's injury, distressed for Qin Yang's good news but not bad news!

How can such a person make people feel bad?


Although there were no challengers on the sixth day, Qin Yang kept his promise, and then insisted on setting down the seventh day arena.

Qin Yang, who had taken a full day's rest, was fresh again. Compared with yesterday, Qin Yang is more confident to welcome any new challengers that may come.

What made Qin Yang feel a little strange was that when they arrived at Qingmuliu Square, they found that there were only twenty or thirty people in the entire Qingmuliu Square area.


Qin Yang touched his nose, and did not go to the middle of the ring to close his eyes and rest his mind. He sat on the chair next to the challenge area.

"It looks like we will be sitting for another day today."

Qin Yang muttered to himself for a day, then turned to look at Ueno Tokie who was not far away: "Mr. Ueno, is there no challenger today?"

Ueno Shijiang's mouth twitched slightly. If it weren't because this was the site of Aoki Ryuu, he was the host here, and he wouldn't want to be here at all!

"Not for the time being, Mr. Qin, you can defeat even an extraordinary master, who will be your opponent in the Heaven and Human Realm?"

Qin Yang blinked and said, "What about the palace man, didn't he make a shot once? If he fails, he won't challenge it again?"

Ueno Shijiang replied with a blank face: "A challenge without winning rate is called death. If Mr. Qin likes someone to challenge, you might as well remove the betting rule. I think many people are willing to accompany Mr. Qin to fight with you!"

Qin Yang grinned, and answered calmly: "I just want to win more cultural relics and go back. I don’t have cultural relics. What are you doing so hard? It’s not fun to look for yourself. It’s better to find a beach to sunbathe and see beautiful women. Comfortable."

This guy hates thief!

Ueno Shijiang turned his head and stopped talking to Qin Yang, assuming a posture that I can't hear anything you say.

Qin Yang chuckled, turned his head, and looked at Yang Haoran: "Lao Yang, it looks like this is about to end."

Yang Haoran leaned back on the chair leisurely, holding a cup of tea, and drank slowly.

"It's good to return with a load."

Zhou Chao admired sincerely next to him: "Qin Yang, you really made a face for the Chinese people this time. Domestic public opinion has exploded these days. I guess you will be treated as a hero wherever you go."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Don't be like this, it will make people very awkward."

Yamaguchi Rika was watching Qin Yang talking and laughing, her mood was quite complicated, he actually did it!

"Qin Yang, what are you going to do next?"

Qin Yang replied straightforwardly: "I have to participate in the Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland at the end of the month. I don't have much time. It is estimated that the next step is to complete the medical practice with Madam Ishida, and then I will return to China, otherwise I will not have time to rush to Poland. ..."

Yamaguchi Rika breathed a sigh of relief, and this guy was finally leaving.

Qin Yang paused slightly and smiled and said, "This time has caused trouble for your special department, but we have also helped you catch a group of bad guys such as the Gorefiend. It can also be regarded as a tribute. Don't bother you to stay with me again!"

Yamaguchi Rika was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said with a serious face: "No trouble, that's my job. Because of what you do, it is estimated that many people are very upset with you and may take action against you, so before you leave Japan , I will always stay by your side to protect your safety."

Qin Yang smiled slightly: "Miss Yamaguchi, there is Lao Yang at My safety must be no problem."

Yamaguchi Rika showed an awkward look on her face. From that night, Ono Akita left, because Qin Yang actually didn’t need their protection at all. If it weren’t for Yang Haoran, then both of them would die. The reason why Yamaguchi Rika stayed was of course not verbal protection, but de facto surveillance.

Qin Yang is already messing up enough, and now there is one more supreme powerhouse beside him, how about it?

Qin Yang of Xiaocheng Realm can assassinate extraordinary masters, and Qin Yang of Dacheng Realm can create an arena to challenge the entire Japanese Celestial Realm. With the addition of a supreme powerhouse, I really want to make trouble, it is not earth-shaking. ?

Such a person is not nervous about special affairs? Can't watch it personally?

PS: complement 2

(End of this chapter)

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