The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1393: 1 war caused by a knife

Qin Yang originally thought that perhaps in the afternoon of the seventh day, would he be challenged by another master who was so strong that he had no opponents. After all, on TV, masters are not always the last moment to save the world.

It's just that Qin Yang is neither the villain, nor the hero who saved Japan naturally did not appear.

The twenty or thirty onlookers who stood by until the end left with disappointment and frustration. They did not wait for their miracle.

Qin Yang stood up from the chair and smiled at Ueno Shie next to him: "Mr. Ueno, I have troubled you these few days. Thank you for the arena and venue."

Ueno Shijiang's face was a little stiff, although he had completely given up after Watanabe Ye gave up, but he still hoped that someone could stand up and defeat Qin Yang and win back the great prajna light.

No way, who made this a war triggered by a large prajna long light?

Yanagyu Chisaka lost the Great Prajna Nagami. In order to win it back, Ueno Tokie put forward a new challenge and brought up the topic of cultural relics, which completely aroused Qin Yang’s anger and set the ring match. Sweeping the heavens and humans in Japan, sweeping more than 400 pieces of cultural relics above the finest.

These more than 400 cultural relics not only contain two national treasures of Chinese cultural relics, but also many Japanese fine cultural relics. After all, not every school can come up with enough Chinese cultural relics. In order to gamble and win, they will Many Japanese artifacts were suppressed.

Nowadays, not only these fine Chinese cultural relics, which were taken back by the Japanese predecessors, but also so many Japanese cultural relics have also fallen into Qin Yang’s hands. These will be brought back to China and become trophies. The exodus of Japanese cultural relics is a shame for Japan.

The source of all this was only triggered by the winning or losing of a music competition between Chisaka Yanagyu and Qin Yang. Chisaka Yanagyu, Toki Ueno, and Ryu Aoki will certainly be remembered and despised by others.

"Since the seven-day arena is over, please leave!"

Ueno Shijiang chased guests coldly. After all, he and Qin Yang had nothing to say. He didn't think about whether to use force to shame, but people with special affairs were by Qin Yang's side, which made Ueno Shijiang very It was fear, not to mention that Qin Yang was not an ordinary person, there were people behind him.

Qin Yang smiled, cleaned up with the others, and left Qing Mu Liu's villa area. As soon as he walked out the door, he saw Madam Ishida standing at the door.

Madam Ishida walked over slowly, his eyes fell on Qin Yang's face: "Mr. Qin, you really surprised me. I thought you were just trying to find some cultural relics, but I didn't expect you to be sure of it. Invincible, the offspring is terrifying!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "You are waiting for me here, you must not make a special trip to say congratulations to me, right?"

Masayoshi Ishida's expression became a little serious: "Yes, since the ring is over and there are no challengers in these two days, I think Mr. Qin has almost recovered. I think it's time to hold our medical exchanges. Do you think What?"

Qin Yang nodded readily: "Surely you arranged everything, right?"

Madam Ishida smiled and said, "Yes, this is Japan. I am the host. Naturally, I have to arrange everything. You can't let Mr. Qin as a guest worry about you."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Go, time, and place."

Mo Yu agreed to the medical test between Qin Yang and Shi Tian, ​​so it was unavoidable, and Qin Yang would not be too muddled.

"If Mr. Qin has no objection, I will meet at Hongyuan Hospital at 1:30 pm tomorrow afternoon. I will send you a message for the specific itinerary later."

Qin Yang nodded: "Okay!"

Madam Ishida stepped back and leaned slightly: "Then I will leave first. See you tomorrow."

"and many more."

Madam Ishida stopped, his eyes fell on Qin Yang's face, with two doubts: "Is there anything else, Mr. Qin?"

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes for two points, and slowly said, "I defeated all the challengers in the arena match. This medical exchange is immediately after the arena. Mr. Ishida is doing such a big deal and the media exposure , I'm afraid it is bound to win against me, right?"

Masato Ishida groaned a little, and replied calmly: "Although the focus is on learning, but based on the current situation, I really want to beat you in medical skills, so that at least I can save some face for Japan."

Qin Yang no longer asked: "Okay, then we will see you tomorrow!"

After Madam Ishida left, Yang Haoran smiled and said: "I have heard that Mr. Mo, the Hidden Gate, is unique in both medical and martial arts, especially medical skills, and he is unique in the world. Now I did not expect it to be an eye-opener. This trip to Japan is too worthwhile. ."

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "Lao Yang, I still have a little confidence in the fight. After all, that is the rule I set, and the strength gap is also controlled within a certain range, but I really don't have much chance of winning this cure. The truth is said He is a master of medicine..."

Yang Haoran calmly replied: "Since your master believes in you and asked you to come, it means that you have enough strength to show it to your heart's content. It doesn't matter if you lose."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I am now the publicity ambassador of my health product company. If I lose to the Japanese, I am afraid that even the company's product sales will be affected a lot!"

Yang Haoran laughed and said, "You little guy, it's quite interesting to do things. You can donate billions of cultural relics without blinking your eyes. Would you care about the sales?"

Qin Yang knew that although Yang Haoran was a supreme master, he had no pretensions and was able to make jokes. He laughed at the moment, "I am young, and I have light strength. It is always good to have more capital to defend myself. I am no better than Old Yang. You, a true god, who dares to provoke you?"

"True God?"

Yang Haoran joked: "The Supreme Realm is also a you have to pay for eating, or you will be scolded by your nose, and your mouth will not be up. It makes no difference... You can never let me eat Bawang’s meal. Right."

Qin Yang was speechless, this metaphor was weird, and it was beyond rebuttal.

"You make a lot of sense... It's always your own business. I, like the shopkeeper, can't hold back my own business, otherwise it will be very shameless."

Qin Yang explained, and immediately looked at Situ Xiang and smiled: "I will announce that I will donate these cultural relics later. This must be big news. Do you think I should take advantage of the situation and give it to my company? Products to brush a wave of advertising?"

Situ Xiang looked at Qin Yang silently, and replied affirmatively: "The effect must be very good...I am sure!"

(End of this chapter)

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