The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1394: Advertising

?"three things.

The first one, the seven-day friendly exchange contest has ended. A total of 424 cultural relics have been won. Except for a handful of memorabilia that I will keep for this trip to Japan, all the rest will be donated to the Beijing Museum for free. I think It may not be long before everyone will be able to see them in the Beijing Museum.

The second one, at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon, at Tokyo Hongyuan Hospital, I will have a friendly exchange of medical skills with Masayoshi Ishida, Honorary President of the Japanese Medical Association.

The third thing is that the results of the recent ring match may have provoke a lot of people. The result of tomorrow's competition is uncertain, so I hurried to make a wave of advertisements beforehand.

Shiya Group’s products Skin Whitening Pills, Bushen Zhuangqi Pills, and Qin’s secret Sanyuan Decoction are really effective. Wang Po sells melons and boasts because they are all our company’s products. Friends who have related needs should hurry up and buy it. There are also big discounts for purchase.

The ad is complete.

Everyone forwards and spreads! "

Qin Yang again generously accompanied the pictures of the three products and added a large LOGO of Shiya Group, and then posted on Weibo.

Situ Xiang, who was leaning on Qin Yang’s shoulder, watched Qin Yang’s Weibo post and couldn’t help but smiled: “The first time I saw a Weibo advertisement to this degree, it is estimated that the publication of your post will cause a fever. Talk about it."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Whatever they discuss, just buy more of our company's products. He is good, I am good, everyone!"

Situ Xiang picked up his mobile phone and smiled and said, "I am full of expectations for the comments in the comment area."

Qin Yang commented with a calm expression: "It's not like that. Anyway, it's an old routine, I can't tell a flower."

After a short pause, Qin Yang added with a grin: "I am showing, therefore I am!"

Qin Yang allowed Situ Xiang to scan Weibo, and he lay flat on the bed with his head in his hands. Thinking of the battles these days, his face couldn't help showing a somewhat triumphant expression.

I am afraid no one will be proud of such a thing.

What's more, after five days of squeezing and fighting, Qin Yang found that the internal energy in his body had soared. He also learned the three ultimate tricks of shocking God under the guidance of Yang Haoran. Haoran, the supreme strong man, forged a friendship, which he admired very much. This can be described as a rewarding experience.

These days, countless netizens in China are paying attention to and talking about this matter. After this incident, I am afraid that their popularity will reach a high level again. I don’t know if they will be watched when they go out.

Probably not. After all, I am just a public figure, not a celebrity, but there won't be those fanatical fans squatting at their door just to take a picture of themselves or ask for an autograph.


Qin Yang was thinking about it, but Situ Xiang next to him suddenly laughed, smiling like a fox who stole a chicken, and couldn't help it.

Qin Yang roughly guessed why she was smiling, and put out a hand around her waist, and said helplessly: "What funny message did you see again?"

Situ Xiang put the phone in front of Qin Yang, still looking like she couldn't help but laugh: "Someone scolded you for thinking about money and wanted to be crazy, and advertised frantically. Then hundreds of people went crazy all the way. I guess that person was about to cry. ."

Qin Yang took the phone and opened the comments to take a look.

"Qin Yang, you are crazy about money, you advertise every three days, there are so many big Vs on Weibo, there is no shortage of bosses, you are the first to advertise so often!"

Qin Yang clicked on the message below this comment and couldn't help but feel happy after scanning.

"My wife, come out and see the idiot, live!"

"The host is in arrears with IQ and needs to be recharged! Do you know how much the cultural relics donated by Qin Yang are worth? A conservative estimate is 5 billion. This is the lowest price. How big is Qin Yang's company and how much it can sell? He shouted How much more can I sell? Qin Yang is crazy about money. This is the biggest joke I have ever heard this year!"

"Xiu'er, is that you, don't show off your incomplete IQ, go home quickly, you. Mom told you to eat!"


There are hundreds of such comments. The person who commented was really scolded and horrible. The most important thing is that these cursing people are all posted together in various online languages. The entire comment message is like a collection of jokes, making Qin Yang Can't help but laugh.

Qin Yang glanced at other comments by the way, and it was almost the same as Qin Yang had predicted.

Most of the people expressed their shock and admiration, but a small part of them seriously calculated how much Qin Yang had donated.

"Qin Yang is a real master in the advertising industry! In order to advertise his company's products, he will donate billions of cultural relics to the country as a means of attracting attention. This routine operation is very shameful, 666!"

This comment has also received a lot of replies. Everyone said that Qin Yang’s advertising campaigns one after another were dizzying, and the most important thing was willingness. It was beautiful after being advertised, and they looked forward to Qin Yang’s excitement. Next time advertising!

"This is an advertising elite who has been delayed by entrepreneurship, medical skills, piano, etc.!"

Qin Yang smiled and returned the phone to Situ Xiang: "It's very lively, everyone is happy, very good!"

Situ Xiang didn't seem to pay much attention to Qin Yang's reaction to Weibo. He reduced the smile on his face and leaned gently on Qin Yang's body, with his fingers gently pressed on Qin Yang's chest.

"Are you worried about tomorrow's test?"

Qin Yang's hand was on Situ Xiang's waist, and he gently stroked and touched his eyes, but his eyes were a little erratic: "Masho Ishida competed with me on medical skills and prepared a batch of patients. I wondered that this is his territory. He probably studied the medical records in advance, but it was the first time I met, so I am very disadvantaged."

Situ Xiang frowned and said: "This is indeed a problem. He is a local snake here, and the patients in the hospital are all arranged by him. It is impossible not to realize the preparation, then what are you going to do?"

Qin Yang suddenly showed a bad smile on his face: "He is setting up the game now. I will play with him first to see what is going on and how I can play well, then I won't say anything. If I can’t play well, then I will raise the so that he has no fun!"

Situ Xiang's eyes lit up: "Raise the table?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Yes, everything he prepared is beneficial to him. There will be a lot of media on the scene by then. I have also put a lot of news on Weibo. There will definitely be a lot of people going there. I raised doubts in front of everyone, and in order to prove his innocence, he had to do what I said, and everything he did would naturally be useless."

Situ Xiang asked curiously: "What are you going to do?"

Qin Yang gently slipped his hand under Situ Xiang's clothes, and said grinningly: "Tomorrow you will know...I finally won the battle for seven days. Would you please treat me well?"

Situ Xiang bit his lip, his eyes waved like water: "Okay, Master, then you lie down and let me come!"

(End of this chapter)

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