The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1395: This time, we will be with you

When Qin Yang and others arrived at Hongyuan Hospital, they were surprised to find that the entrance of the hospital was surrounded by people, including reporters with cameras.

Qin Yang looked at the crowd outside through the window glass, and said with a smile: "There are so many people outside, I'm afraid there are a lot of people in the hospital, this Madam Ishida has done a lot of battle."

Situ Xiang hummed: "Be careful to lift a rock and hit yourself in the foot!"

Qin Yang's face was not complacent, and some were just cautious: "He was originally very skilled in medicine, and if he deliberately arranged in advance, his chances of winning are indeed very high. To some extent, he is basically invincible. Up."

Situ Xiang coldly retorted, "That's because he doesn't know how good you and your master are. I believe you will win!"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Okay, if you win, I will invite everyone to have a big dinner to celebrate...Miss Yamaguchi, you must come too!"

Yamaguchi Rika has a complicated complexion: "You won't speak before you win!"

When the car stopped, Qin Yang pulled the car door and walked out. Just before Qin Yang showed up, the large group of people at the door rushed towards Qin Yang with a splash, like a splash of sea water. Waiting for someone to be surrounded.

"Qin Yang, come on!"

"God, come on, you must win!"

Qin Yang had a slight surprise. He raised his head and looked at the place where the sound rang, but saw a group of people gathered together, holding the small branch of the Chinese flag in his hand, shaking it vigorously.

Qin Yang raised his hand and waved at those people, which immediately caused an exaggerated scream.

At the same time, the Japanese reporters with microphones have all squeezed in front of Qin Yang, and each microphone poked in front of Qin Yang.

"Mr. Qin, before there are rumors that you challenged Japanese practitioners in an arena and won a lot of cultural relics. Is this true?"

Qin Yang replied casually: "We are just friendly exchanges. Just like today's medical exchange meeting, we are all for mutual progress and improvement. I have discussed with many Japanese practitioners. I feel that I am improving very quickly. I hope I can also today. There are gains!"

Friendly discussion?

The faces of the Japanese onlookers around us were quite wonderful.

Are you embarrassed to say these four words?

Almost all of your battles involve life and death. Are you still a friendly exchange?

Your bets are worth several billion, and they are all involved in national treasures. It is even said that even the one in the palace sent people and was defeated by you one by one. The entire Japanese celestial world was swollen by you. Are you embarrassed to say that it is a friendly exchange?

The Japanese had a complicated complexion, but the Chinese audience was too happy. They all laughed and fell together. The performance difference between the two groups of people made the scene very embarrassing.

Those in Japan may not know what Qin Yang posted on Weibo, but the Huaxia people here have been paying attention, and naturally they know.

Friendly exchanges!

I am afraid that these six words will have a new meaning starting today.

"Mr. Qin, you just compared today's medical exchange meeting with the previous arena competition. Does that mean that today's medical meeting will also be a shadow of a sword?"

Qin Yang replied calmly and calmly: "How can it be a sword, light and sword shadow? We are friendly discussions, exchanges, and jointly promote improvement!"

The large group of Chinese people suddenly laughed again, and the scene was a little out of control...

Another Japanese female reporter rushed to ask: "Mr. Qin, your opponent this time is Mr. Ishida Masato. He is a well-known medical expert. Do you have confidence in the victory of this event?"

Qin Yang smiled faintly: "Do your best. After all, Mr. Ishida is really good. No one dares to say that he will definitely win until the end!"

"Mr. Qin, where are the cultural relics you won now?"

Qin Yang laughed and said: "I have invited someone to **** them. I am afraid that it is already here in China. Many of these cultural relics are fine works of Japanese cultural relics. I have donated these cultural relics to the Beijing Museum. If you want to see these cultural relics, you can come to China at any time!"

The lungs of the Japanese present were going to blow up.

If you win, you will win. Why do you deliberately mention that there are so many Japanese artifacts?

Which pot does not open and which pot, right?

You deliberately stabbed us in the heart, right?

Qin Yang answered a few questions casually, then pushed away from the crowd and walked towards the hospital.

Madam Ishida was obviously already waiting for Qin Yang. Qin Yang only walked to the entrance of the hospital, and Madam Ishida appeared at the door, his steps unhurriedly and calmly, as if he were walking in the garden.

"Mr. Qin, welcome to Hongyuan Hospital, please go inside."

Qin Yang and others followed Madam Ishida towards the inside, and many onlookers who had originally gathered at the door also walked inside.

Everyone walked into a huge conference hall. The conference hall was already full of people. There were at least hundreds of people, and many cameras were aimed at the front.

There are a few sofas in the foremost position. It seems that the layout should be set up for Qin Yang and Qin Yang to see a doctor. Around that area, there are many cameras, which are obviously ready to take close-up shots.

Qin Yang frowned, Madam Ishida's mind is very thief!

He prepares so many cameras to shoot at such close range. This is obviously because he wants to borrow himself to check his own skills when he is seeing patients, especially Guanyin Needle. They probably want to record these specific techniques and usage methods. At that time, based on these videos, Madam Ishida was able to roughly understand the mystery of Guanyin Needle, and finally challenged Mo Yu.

Know yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end!

Masayoshi Ishida obviously is not only thinking about defeating himself today, but should also include understanding the details of the hidden medical technique, the details of the Guanyin needle...

Thinking of this, the corners of Qin Yang's mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.


Do you think you can understand the Guanyin needle just by taking a picture like this with a camera?

Guanyin acupuncture needle sticks, maybe you can take a clear picture, but can you figure out how much power and strength I use every time I play the Guanyin needle? How does the internal qi flow, forward or backward, how many powers are there when you flick your finger, is it thick or thin?


Qin Yang followed Madam Ishida and continued to walk forward, only to take a few steps, and a huge cry suddenly sounded in the wide hall.

"Qin Yang, we must win!"

"Qin Yang, come on!"

Many people at the scene stood up all of a sudden, these people are all Chinese.

They may live in Tokyo or other places. After Qin Yang exposed this incident yesterday, many people spontaneously came here to help Qin Yang cheer.

Although we don't understand medical skills, you were fighting alone before. This time, at least we will be with you!

(End of this chapter)

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