The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1422: uninvited guest

"I have checked it before, and it didn’t hurt the bones. It will be better in one or two days... By the way, if you have ice in your house, you can apply a cold compress. Do not apply hot water or apply force within 48 hours. Rub the wound, it will aggravate the injury inside..."

Qin Yang handed the medicinal liquor in his hand to Wen Yuyan and told him carefully, but Wen Yuyan interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"There are ice cubes under the refrigerator downstairs... Qin Yang, how are you doing it, please help me. I am like this, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult to go downstairs..."

Qin Yang hesitated for a while, Wen Yuyan had already continued: "You can help me, I will wash my feet first, don't worry, my feet don't smell."

Wen Yuyan had said so, and Qin Yang would naturally refuse to refuse. In fact, he hesitated only because the relationship between the two was a bit special, so he took the initiative to avoid suspicion.

"it is good!"

Wen Yuyan washed her feet, Qin Yang took a towel to the kitchen, found some ice cubes in the refrigerator and wrapped it in the towel, then went back upstairs and began to apply ice to Wen Yuyan's injuries.

The cold sensation stimulated Wen Yuyan's swollen ankles. Wen Yuyan originally felt hot. The hot ankles suddenly cooled down, and the pain was relieved a lot.

Wen Yuyan leaned on the bed and looked at Qin Yang, who was earnestly applying ice to her ankle, as if something had hit her heart suddenly.

Qin Yang was the first man to enter her room apart from his relatives, and also the first man to maintain such an intimate contact with her.

Wen Yuyan has always focused her energy on her career. She has a very indifferent view of love and marriage, and she is not in a hurry. Even if she had been with Qin Yang before, she also behaved very buddhistly. The mentality of watching, never thought of taking the initiative in love.

Perhaps it was because of the excitement of parents quarreling, or because she had drunk a lot of alcohol, which made her mind drift a little.

Weijiao, this is not a big deal. Qin Yang helps her apply ice, which is not too big to say. It can also be done by helping friends, but Wen Yuyan felt that her mood suddenly seemed to happen. What an inexplicable change.

It was like a seed, emerging from the soil, revealing sharp shoots.

If I had been a little active at the beginning, maybe Qin Yang should be his boyfriend at this moment?

Wen Yuyan was shocked when she thought of this.

What are you thinking about?

Qin Yang now has a girlfriend!

Since I didn't accept it at the beginning, now I think so again, isn't it just slap my own face?

Wen Yuyan's face suddenly blushed. She bit her lip lightly and lowered her head. She didn't dare to look at Qin Yang anymore, but her heart changed because of the thought that suddenly emerged just now. It's messy, like weeping willow branches being chaotic by the wind.

After applying ice seriously for a while, Qin Yang retracted his hand and told him like a doctor: "If you apply ice again tomorrow morning, it should be much better. When you sleep, put something under your feet to make it a little higher. It’s taller. Don’t hurt it with too much force in the past two days. After the swelling is completely reduced, you can walk properly."

Wen Yuyan hummed softly, her voice as small as a mosquito.

Qin Yang glanced at Wen Yuyan, who was a little strange, and his eyes fell on the hug bear again: "You are so old, do you hug the bear when you sleep?"

Wen Yuyan's red face suddenly turned red by two points: "I've grown accustomed to it since I was a child, as if I was accompanied by a partner."

Qin Yang smiled and said nothing. At this moment, he stood up, threw the ice cubes into the sink, and dried the towel.

"Okay, it's too early, you rest earlier, I'm going back!"

Wen Yuyan bit her lip: "Are you going to Poland tomorrow?"

Qin Yang nodded: "Yes, the plane will take you tomorrow afternoon and I will go directly back to the capital to celebrate the New Year. I will say Happy New Year to you in advance!"

Wen Yuyan felt a little bit reluctant, she wanted to ask Qin Yang to stay and live here, anyway, the guest room was empty and there was no one at home, but her reason still suppressed her impulse, and she whispered: "Okay, then you go back earlier, thank you today, and I will invite you to dinner in a few years."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang was not polite, smiled and agreed, then waved his hand: "Go!"

Wen Yuyan watched Qin Yang walk out of the door freely, hearing his footsteps gradually disappearing, and finally hearing the sound of the door closing, Wen Yuyan suddenly felt a little empty in her heart.

Originally there were always people at home, and my mother would always be at home. Maybe it was because there was no one at home, that's why I felt this kind of empty insecurity.

Yes, it must be!

Wen Yuyan took off her clothes, put on a light cotton pajamas, got into the bed, turned off the light, hugged the hug bear next to her, and forced herself to close her eyes.

I drank too much alcohol today, and I always thought about it. Go to bed, and you won’t be able to think about it anymore.


Qin Yang left the villa, got in the car, started the car, and turned on the lights.

The car lights pierced the darkness and swept away. Qin Yang's hand holding the steering wheel suddenly paused, and his eyes swept to the corner not far away.

An inconspicuous black car stopped at the corner. When Qin Yang's headlights were swept past, Qin Yang clearly saw that there was someone in the black car!

Qin Yang looked around. This is a villa area, and each villa is separated by a long distance. The location of this black car is quite clever and unobtrusive. If it is not just swept by the lights , Qin Yang's vision is far beyond ordinary people, it is impossible to see clearly.

The nearest to this location is Wen's and you can see Wen's Villa from that location. Is the person sitting in this black car watching Wen's Villa?

Thinking of this, Qin Yang's heart suddenly raised.

Watching Wen's villa in the middle of the night, what did you want to do?

Nowadays, Wen Yuyan has only one crippled Wen Yuyan at home. If these people have a bad heart, it is just an ordinary Wen Yuyan, a weak woman, how can he withstand it?

Qin Yang started the car, the car slid out, and drove outside.

The car turned two turns, but Qin Yang stopped the car in the shadow of a nearby tree, turned off the lights, and people got out of the car quietly, made a circle, and went to Wen's house from the other direction. At the back of the villa, he quietly touched the villa of the Wen family again, like an ape, touched the villa of the Wen family.

He found a hidden place, sat down quietly, quietly paying attention to the car in the dark, and waiting quietly.

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