The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1423: Grab people!

Qin Yang was not sure how many people were in the car, nor was he sure of their purpose, so he was going to guard and see what they were going to do.

The light in Wen Yuyan's house had already gone out, and the entire villa was plunged into darkness.

The sky is gloomy and cloudy, and although there are street lights on the side of the road, most of the place is dark, just like the black car that melted into the darkness.

After Qin Yang waited for two hours, the black car that had been quiet finally moved.

The two people got out of the car, both of them wore a pair of black masks on their faces, and the clothes on their bodies were all black. The whole person seemed to have melted into the night, and between the actions, the speed was very fast, like Ghostly.

Following the shadow, the two quickly approached the Wen family villa.

Qin Yang looked at them, he should be entering the Wen family villa, Qin Yang simply stepped into the villa first, and touched Wen Yuyan's bedroom from the other side.

The figures of the two flashed quickly and quickly. They were definitely not ordinary people. They were obviously accomplished masters. Qin Yang didn't dare to care about it. Safety first decided to make peace with Wen Yuyan first. Otherwise, if she fell into each other's hands , That can be a rat avoidance device.

As soon as Qin Yang touched Wen Yuyan's door, he heard a sound of footsteps from the outside, and his heart sank. The two guys didn't go in the direction of the main entrance, but went around a bit and climbed directly to the second floor. Obviously It was directed at Wen Yuyan.

Qin Yang twisted the door lock at will, but there was no reverse lock. Qin Yang stepped into the room. At the same time, two figures appeared on the balcony of Wen Yuyan's room.

Qin Yang rushed forward like a gust of wind, and the two gang-qi fist marks had directly blasted out, and blasted toward the two people who were about to rush into the room from the balcony.

The man walking in front gave a cold snort, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he raised his hand and slammed into the fist mark.

Qin Yang's fist mark was blasted by the man with a punch, and more than that, the man's fist mark still flew towards Qin Yang before it dispersed.

Qin Yang was shocked, this guy was so powerful!

At least the strength above the extraordinary!

The two sides are very close. This fist mark is directed at Qin Yang. Qin Yang can use the phantom step to get out of the way, but there is a bed behind him, and Wen Yuyan lies on the bed. If this fist mark hits Wen Yuyan, That's definitely broken, after all, she is just an ordinary person, how can she withstand the blow of an extraordinary master?

Qin Yang crossed his arms in front of his chest, abruptly blocking the punch, and the huge force directly knocked Qin Yang upside down, hit the wall, and bounced back.

The movement in the room shocked Wen Yuyan who was sleeping.

Wen Yuyan opened her eyes and saw a figure flying over her head, she screamed in fright.

Qin Yang hit the wall, bounced back, and fell directly beside her bed.

At the same time, that extraordinary master had already rushed towards Wen Yuyan on the bed. As soon as he probed and grabbed Wen Yuyan, Qin Yang raised his hand and pressed his thumbs in the void, and a spiral finger shot at him. This man.

The man snorted coldly, collected the powerful qi with both hands, and directly grasped the spiral finger, but the next second, the moment his hand grasped the spiral finger, Ssangyong killed a violent explosion. Come.

The huge force bounced the man back, his sleeves were all shattered, some slight wounds appeared on his arms, and blood was flowing on his hands, but it was nothing more than that. The mighty Ssangyong Kill could only Cause such damage.

When Qin Yang issued the double dragon kill, he grabbed Wen Yuyan's arm in front of him, dragged her whole body unceremoniously, and then hugged her head with one hand, and her leg with the other, directly towards The door rushed past.

"Don't be afraid! It's me!"

Wen Yuyan was caught by Qin Yang, and she couldn't see who it was in the dark. She was about to struggle desperately in horror. Qin Yang's voice reached her ears, which stopped her struggling movements abruptly.

Qin Yang?

It was Qin Yang!

Didn't he leave? How could he appear here?

Who is fighting him?

A series of questions instantly appeared in Wen Yuyan's mind, but her hands had already hugged Qin Yang's neck without hesitation, and her body was pressed closer to Qin Yang so as not to fall downward.

There was a bit of cold light in the eyes of the extraordinary master. His body was like electricity, and he raised his hand and blasted out with a punch, but Qin Yang's body had already stepped out of the door and turned the corner. This punch was against Qin Yang. His body flew over and made a big hole in the opposite wall with a crash.

Qin Yang knew that someone was chasing behind him, so he didn't dare to run in the corridor. How could he escape the chase of an extraordinary master while holding a person?

Qin Yang ran out of the door and ran a few steps before kicking the door next to him and rushing in with Wen Yuyan in his arms.

Although Qin Yang had only been here two or three times, the terrain here was already in his mind.

Qin Yang hugged Wen Yuyan and ran to the balcony. He was about to jump from the balcony and fell into the dam below. Then there was the road outside. As long as he ran on the road and shouted for help, then no matter how arrogant this guy was, It is bound to converge a bit.

The chasing soldiers were fast. Before Qin Yang ran to the balcony, the extraordinary masked guest had appeared at the door behind them, watching Qin Yang rushing to the outside window with Wen Yuyan in his arms, and his figure accelerated at the same time. The right hand had already blasted several punches, sealing the way Qin Yang could escape.

As long as Qin Yang hesitates for a moment, as long as he is blocked by these four fist marks, he will catch up to stop Qin Yang, and then take him cleanly!

Although the young man who appeared suddenly was very strong, he was only a young man after all. His practice time was short, and his strength was not put in the eyes of the extraordinary masters at the door.

However, his prediction was wrong.

Qin Yang understood his plan the moment he blasted his fist, so Qin Yang didn't hesitate at all, and rushed over.


An extremely heavy Gang Qi fist stamp hit Qin Yang's back, and the huge force instantly broke through Qin Yang's Gang Qi defenses gathered on his back, breaking in.

Qin Yang felt like he had been hit by a Mercedes-Benz train. Together with Wen Yuyan he was holding, he flew up and flew down towards the balcony.

The person was still in the air, and a mouthful of hot blood spurted out of Qin Yang's mouth uncontrollably, and fell on Wen Yuyan in his arms.

Qin Yang fell on the ground and staggered forward for several steps. Only then did he stabilize his figure so that he did not fall to the ground. After standing firm, Qin Yang ignored the punch he had received. He ran straight to the road outside, and shouted loudly, "Help, someone is going to kill..."


Chapter 4, 3+1, make up the previous chapter.

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