The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1427: How could it be so coincidental?

"Xiao Qin, come and have breakfast."

When Qin Yang walked down the stairs, Qiu Si and Wen Yuyan were putting breakfast on the dining table.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Good morning."

Qiu Si smiled and wiped his hands: "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Very good, until dawn."

Wen Yuyan looked at Qin Yang with bright eyes and a smile, her eyes were slightly different, but she immediately lowered her head and restored her calm by setting breakfast.

Wen Yuyan and Qiu Si talked a lot last night. The stimulation of alcohol and the terrifying experience made Wen Yuyan's mind shake. For the first time, she felt that it was a pity that she missed Qin Yang, but the existence of Han Qingqing made Wen Yuyan could only stop even if she had some thoughts.

Her self-esteem and pride will not allow her to do things that destroy people’s feelings. After all, although she and Han Qingqing can’t have much friendship, but because of Qin Yang’s relationship, she can be regarded as an acquaintance. It's also not bad.

Perhaps this is fine, at least with Qin Yang Zhuyu in front, she will be more critical of men. Even if she hasn't met a man who tempts her again in ten or eight years, she is not in a hurry, she just feels at ease to develop her career.

After all, Wen Yuyan is still a very ambitious woman in her bones. She has a relatively weak view of feelings. She prefers this kind of mall fighting and control, and does not like to be a housewife who takes her children at home and waits for men to leave work. .

In the way of getting along with men, Han Qingqing is obviously better than Wen Yuyan, even Wen Yuyan has to admit this.

I. Talking at night, Wen Yuyan, who is awake again, has once again recovered her calmness and reason, hiding all the messy thoughts of last night in her heart, and the beautiful waves caused by the two people's physical contact are also stored in the depths of memory, perhaps in the middle of the night. When there is no one, it will float in the heart again, bringing a bit of mixed complex emotions.

When she raised her head again, Wen Yuyan's eyes had recovered her clarity, and she asked with concern: "How is your injury?"

Qin Yang smiled and looked at Wen Yuyan: "After healed for a while and slept for a while, it's better already, my chest is not so stuffy...what about your feet?"

Wen Yuyan smiled lightly and said, "It has reduced the swelling a lot, and it will be better in one or two days."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Since my ankle is crippled, let's rest at home for two days. If the company really has anything to do, we can also do video office processing."

Wen Yuyan nodded: "Yes, I'm about to take a day off."

At Qiu Si's greeting, Qin Yang sat down and ate breakfast with the two of them. He didn't feel restrained, and ate hungrily.

Qiu Si looked at Qin Yang, who moved naturally and freely, and his mood was also two-fold complicated.

The stagger between her and Mo Yu back then created a life-long regret in her heart. If she missed it, she missed it. Now that Mo Yu has Long Yue, Qiu Si feels a little relieved, but now she is in the younger generation, but she seems to have lost it. To repeat their old ways.

When Qin Yang first arrived in Zhonghai, he expressed Mo Yu's meaning. Qiu Si did not stop him and let them develop. However, by chance, the relationship between Qin Yang and Wen Yuyan was progressing well, but it seemed that it was always a little worse. Qin Yang quickly Rising, showing his super talents and abilities, has been shining in just two years, and he is alive and well with the copy of Mo Yu that year, but this time there is one more Han Qingqing.

There was an extra Wen Yanhou between Qiu Si and Mo Yu, but now there is another Han Qingqing between Qin Yang and Wen Yuyan... Maybe this is the fate?

No matter what Wen Yanhou thinks of Qin Yang, Qiu Si has always loved Qin Yang, first because he was Mo Yu's disciple, and later because of Qin Yang's own performance. Such an excellent man matches her equally excellent daughter. , It is a match made in heaven.

But now it seems that there is only resignation.

"Xiao Qin, you have to go to Poland today. I won't keep you too much. I will ask the driver to take you back after dinner."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Aunt Qiu, don't be so polite, I'll go back after a taxi."

"It's okay, it's not too far anyway, so it's decided."

Qin Yang saw that Qiu Si insisted, but reluctantly agreed: "Okay, thank you Qiu Auntie."

Qiu Si smiled and said, "What are you polite to aunt?"

After dinner, Qin Yang and Wen Yuyan said goodbye, and then left Wen's house. He would go home to pack his things and prepare to go to Poland.

Not long after Qin Yang left, a car drove into Wen's villa, Wen Yanhou got out of the car with a cold face.

Wen Yanhou walked into the house quickly, and saw Qiu Si and Wen Yuyan sitting on the sofa. Hearing footsteps, Wen Yuyan turned her head, and there was a two-pointed joy on her face.


Wen Yanhou looked at his daughter, his serious face relaxed a little bit.

"Yanyan, are you okay... I got the call and hurried back from the earliest plane."

Wen Yuyan shook her head: "I'm fine."

Wen Yanhou turned his head to look at Qiu Si, and said in a deep voice, "Who made the move, do you have a clue?"

Qiu Siruo took a deep look at Wen Yanhou and replied calmly: "No clue, the other party should have planned to start with Yanyan early. Fortunately, Qin Yang sent Yanyan back yesterday and found someone spying on Wen's house and stayed quietly. Finally, I rescued Yanyan, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

Wen Yanhou frowned, and said with some doubts: "Qin Yang? Why is it so coincidental that those people don't do anything early, and they just meet him when he comes?"

Qiu Si's face changed, and her voice became colder by two points: "What do you mean, do you think the person who shot and Qin Yang colluded with the act?"

Wen Yuyan also quickly distinguished: "Dad, what do you It's absolutely impossible! Yesterday, I temporarily slapped my foot, and he sent me into the house. When I went out, I found someone hiding. He was watching our house in the corner, and he was beaten up by someone to vomit blood to save me. The clothes he vomited blood are still there."

Wen Yanhou was targeted by Qiu Si's mother and daughter together, the corner of his eyes was slightly picked, and his tone was relaxed: "I have no other meaning, just discuss the matter, I don't believe it, after all, there is no good plan."

Qiu Si looked at Wen Yanhou coldly: "I know you have always had a big prejudice against Master Mo Yu, but this time, Qin Yang really saved Yanyan. It can be said to be her savior. Even if you are not allowed to do anything, you should always be grateful, and not mean that you will be a horse and a gratitude."

Wen Yanhou raised his brows, but after all he didn’t say anything about it. After all, his own proposal was a bit too ridiculous, but he was suspicious and prejudiced, so naturally the first thing he thought of was self-direction. Self-acting, otherwise why is it so coincidental?

Qiu Si stood up from the sofa: "Go to the study, I want to talk to you about some things!"


Make up 1~Not bad 2

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