The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1428: You are mad!

In the study.

Qiu Si turned around and looked at Wen Yanhou who followed behind, with a calm and serious expression.

"Those people should be directed at you, right?"

Wen Yanhou frowned: "The identity is unknown, how can I be sure who is here?"

Qiu Si said coldly: "Did you not make any big moves lately? You have offended people, and you have been approached. Those people either want to kill Yanyan and avenge you, or take Yanyan and use it as a hostage. Forcing you to bow your head..."

Wen Yanhou had an unclear expression on his face, and was silent.

Qiu Si stared at Wen Yanhou and suddenly sighed: "Are you serious in doing business badly? Why do you want to engage in these crooked ways? Don't you know that once this kind of thing is exposed, you will be forever?"

Wen Yanhou looked at Qiu Si, his eyes fluctuated slightly, and after a moment of silence, he finally said, "I am a man."

Qiu Si frowned, "Is it because you can't practice?"

Wen Yanhou said in a deep voice: "This world is dominated by the weak and the strong. Only when you have the power in your hand, you have the right to dominate others. Otherwise, people will kill me as a fish and let others kill me. All of this can be destroyed. Rules can only restrain ordinary people, not at all."

Qiu Si gritted his teeth: "Because of the confrontation between you and Mo Yu, because you are not a practitioner, and because of your failure, did you embark on such an extreme path? Although the Qiu family is not the top giant in the spiritual world, it is in Zhonghai On this one-third of the land, you are serious about doing things, but who can hurt you?"

Wen Yanhou stared at Qiu Si and repeated: "I am a man!"

Qiu Si said angrily: "Yes, you are a man, so do you think it is a shame to borrow the power of your wife's family?"

Wen Yanhou said lightly: "The Qiu family is indeed very strong and powerful, but it belongs to the Qiu family, not the power of my literary family. If I borrow the power of the Qiu family, I will eventually lower my voice. Although the Qiu family likes you, But after all, you are a woman, a married woman, and you can't control the strength of the Qiu family. I don't want to whisper, and I don't want you to go back to my natal family to whisper..."

Qiu Si's complexion is complex, and his anger is slightly reduced: "Your character, I can understand this kind of thinking, but haven't you considered the danger of this matter? That is a step wrong and the abyss will be lost.... "

Wen Yanhou nodded. He naturally understood what Qiu Si said. He also knew that Qiu Si cared about him and blamed him. But for other things, he could bow his head to Qiu Si, but he was unwilling to bow his head on this matter.

"Don't worry, I know what I do, and nothing will happen."

Qiu Si glared at Wen Yanhou: "There will be no accident? So what did you say about what happened last night, the extraordinary master shot Yanyan, if it wasn't for fate, Qin Yang happened to be there and saved Yanyan with his fate, then what should we do now? "

Speaking of Wen Yuyan, Wen Yanhou's face muscles trembled slightly.

No matter what Wen Yanhou's opinion of Mo Yu's master and apprentice is, no matter what he thinks of the Qiu family, Wen Yuyan is his daughter, the only daughter, even if he is a male owlet, he can throw away a lot of things, but this cannot be thrown away. .

Wen Yanhou felt shocked and angry when he heard that his daughter was attacked, as well as deeply grateful.

Fortunately, nothing happened...

Looking at the complicated look on Wen Yanhou’s face, Qiu Si softly persuaded, “Why don’t you take a step back? Your Tianbo is developing so well now that there is no need to do illegal things. You can withdraw while there is nothing wrong. Withdrawal, there will be no conflicts of interest, naturally there will be no conflicts, others will not stare at you, and there will be no more worries in the future..."

Wen Yanhou took a deep breath, his eyes fluctuated slightly, and there was such a hesitation in his heart, but this was only a momentary shake, and soon his heart became firm again.

"I will resolve the matter as soon as possible. I will send someone to secretly protect Yanyan and you..."

Qiu Si originally looked at Wen Yanhou expectantly. When he heard Wen Yanhou’s answer, Qiu Si’s eyes were two more sad. Wen Yanhou avoided answering, which meant that he was not willing to withdraw as he said. Keep going!

Qiu Si's eyes faded: "Yanyan, I will send someone to protect it. You don't need to worry about it, I will protect myself, and you don't have to worry about it. Go ahead and do your own business."

Wen Yanhou listened to Qiu Si's sudden indifferent words and knew that Qiu Si was disappointed in his answer.

Her heart was cold.

Wen Yanhou also felt a little irritable: "This is something I did myself, and it has nothing to do with our family. Can't you understand me? If I hadn't established a dragon slayer, without the help of those people, God Bo can develop so fast, can it develop to the level it is today?"

Qiu Si said coldly: "The shopping mall is like a battlefield, I understand this, but everyone still has to follow certain rules. You use the methods you create to achieve your goals and get the opportunity for continuous expansion. What a success, think of you I don’t know how many innocent people’s blood is involved in the career I’ve created. I really can’t treat you calmly. It has nothing to do with our feelings. I just can’t accept my husband as such a person!”

Wen Yanhou took a deep breath and said angrily: “In this world, practitioners dominate everything. They control resources. If I don’t have enough strength, how to compete with them, I can’t practice, and I don’t. With a prominent family background, it’s difficult to recruit masters to work for me. Their eyes are above the top and they look down on ordinary people like me. If that’s the case, then I will use money. There are always people who are willing to work for money, even if they do. Notorious, even if they are villains, but they are useful to me and can help me do what I want to do!"

"How can there be such a clear black and white in this Those who stand on the top, how many are really innocent and have never done evil? They are just winners and losers, I The failure was a mess at the beginning. This is a great shame in my life. I swore at that time that I will control stronger power and I will not be trampled underfoot anymore!"

Wen Yanhou paused for a while, and said solemnly: "Do you know how powerful I am now? It is easy for me to destroy an ordinary family of practitioners..."

Qiu Si looked at Wen Yanhou's exhilarating expression, but the disappointment in his eyes became more obvious.

"You are mad, if you continue like this, something will happen someday."

Wen Yanhou held his head high and said decisively: "I have a sense of measure!"

Qiu Si shook his head, turned and walked outside: "Since you don't want to listen to what I said, then you can do it yourself..."


Make up 2, still 1~

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