The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1429: Nervous eaters

"You didn't live in last night?"

When Qin Yang returned home, Situ Xiang just arrived. Seeing Qin Yang coming back from the outside, he was slightly strange.

"Well, the night I spent at Wen Yuyan's house yesterday."

Situ Xiang opened his eyes wide, and looked at Qin Yang in surprise: "Are you so good? Did you take Wen Yuyan down?"

Qin Yang gave Situ Xiang a white look, and said angrily: "Take a fart, and I ate with her yesterday, she got a foot, I sent her back, but when a master attacked her, I was beaten to vomit blood. ..."

Situ Xiang's expression changed: "Extraordinary master?"

Situ Xiang knows Qin Yang's strength, basically it can be said to be invincible across the heaven and human realm. The one who can beat Qin Yang to vomit blood is naturally not the strength of the heaven, but obviously it is impossible to be a strong man. Although Qin Yang's strength is powerful, A master of Shangtongshen obviously has no chance of winning.

Qin Yang nodded: "Yes, wearing a mask, I don't know where it came from, but I think I can't get rid of Wen Yanhou."

Situ Xiang asked with concern: "Wen Yuyan is all right?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "It's okay, Qiu Si has rushed back with a master. With the strength of the Qiu family, it is natural to protect Wen Yuyan's safety."

Situ Xiang blinked and smiled: "Speaking of which, you saved Wen Yuyan's life?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I think so."

Situ Xiang smiled lightly: "The hero saves beauty, is that beauty ever loved?"

Qin Yang joked, "If you care about this matter so much, is it possible that you are still planning to be a matchmaker?"

Situ Xiang smiled and said: "I just think you and Wen Yuyan had a good relationship, and coupled with Mr. Mo's connection, you and Wen Yuyan didn't get together. It's really regrettable."

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "Since you are already with Qingqing, don't think about Wen Yuyan anymore, otherwise, three people may be hurt by then..."

Situ Xiang blinked and said, "But don't you also maintain a relationship with Li Siqi and Zhuang Mengdie?"

Qin Yang stared at Situ Xiang: "Let's not say whether I want to do this or not. Do you think that with Wen Yuyan's strong personality, she would accept such a relationship?"

Situ Xiang was right to think about it: "That's true. Wen Yuyan has an excellent family background, independent personality, and strong ability. It's really unlikely that she would be willing to take love."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Yes, I think so too."

Situ Xiang curled his lips and said: "But who is right about things in the world? If you can't work harder, then this will be done. Wen Yuyan is good at business operations. Your industry is getting bigger and bigger every day. Great, if you take her heart, it will be your super good help."

Qin Yang shook his head: "It's not good to accomplish something with purpose... Okay, let's not talk about it. Pack up and go to the airport."

Situ Xiang smiled and nodded, and then asked again: "Did you talk to Mr. Mo about this?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "It's not too late, let's talk at another time."


Qin Yang quickly finished packing, and the two went to the airport together. As Qin Yang's hidden attendant, Situ Xiang would naturally follow him, like a personal assistant who could help Qin Yang with some things.

At the airport, Qin Yang met Hou Lang, and the two agreed to go together. In the previous Japanese competition, only him and Hou Lang were the only representatives of China to get tickets for the Polish game.

"Qin Yang!"

When Hou Lang saw Qin Yang, he was very excited: "Before you said you wanted to stay and do errands, I thought it was just to end the battle with Chisaka Yanagyu, but who knew that you made such a big move? Come back early..."

What Hou Lang said was naturally Qin Yang's arena in Japan. Qin Yang smiled and said, "I was not sure at the time, I just tried my best."

Hou Lang exclaimed, "I'm still a lot older than you, but I'm completely incomparable with you. It's really harder to compare people to others, and you have to throw away goods."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "You are too modest, let's go, go through the security check first!"

"Okay, Qin Yang, you are knowledgeable and capable. I went to Poland this time. Anyway, I confided with you. You cover me!"

Flying all the way, when Qin Yang and the others landed in Warsaw, it was already a long time later. The long-distance flight was quite exhausting. When they arrived at the hotel booked before, they slept well.

When he woke up, Qin Yang, energetic again, called Shanghou Lang, and the three of them left the hotel together, ready to stroll around and find food.

The three rushed to Castle Square, which is also one of the most famous tourist attractions in Warsaw. After a stroll, they sat down at a roadside drink shop.

Situ Xiang looked around casually: "The place is not big, it doesn't seem to be too special..."

Hou Lang said with a smile: "These places are actually based on personal style and sentiment. I really want to talk about distinctive buildings. It is really not worth seeing. After all, China's urban construction and various infrastructure construction are ranked in the forefront of the world. of."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Yes, take a look around. That's it. Compared to these tourist attractions, I look forward to the food here. Although Chinese food is rich and diverse, the food of each country has its own unique taste. "

Hou Lang said with a smile: "So you are still a foodie."

Qin Yang shrugged: "I live in the world, with food, clothing, housing and transportation. Of these, food and drink are naturally the most comfortable. I am a layman. How can I avoid vulgarity?"

Hou Lang laughed and said, "Well, let's find a restaurant to eat authentic Polish cuisine."

Qin Yang gave a hum. He was about to speak, but his eyes suddenly changed. He landed at a dining table not far away. A man with a peaked cap was holding a glass of drink and looked like just an ordinary diner, but Qin Yang could feel that this man was not as relaxed as he was on the surface. On the contrary, he was very nervous.

His eyes were quickly looking around as if he was investigating something, and his body was also in a state of tension, like a cheetah about to hunt, ready to rush out at any time.

Qin Yang's gaze fell on him, he had already noticed it vigilantly, and his gaze swept over quickly.

Qin Yang glanced over his eyes calmly, and then casually chatted with Hou Lang.

The man looked at Qin Yang's trio for a few times and then withdrew his gaze. After all, Qin Yang's dressing and attire looked like tourists from the East.

Qin Yang held a drink, looked at the man from the corner of his eye, and landed on a package at his feet.

What's in the package?

Although it was only a meeting of eyes, Qin Yang had already judged from his vigilant reaction and his position, etc., this guy is definitely not an ordinary person, he should be doing something secret and full of danger...


Make up. Tears~~It's still 3~

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