The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1430: Coincidental temporary assignment

Although Qin Yang judged that this man was not an ordinary person, he did not do anything.

He doesn't want to be nosy.

It was just out of professional instinct. Although Qin Yang was chatting with Hou Lang and Situ Xiang, he still paid attention to the man overnight.

After sitting for about five minutes, Qin Yang's eyes suddenly passed the man and swept around the square. Under this sweep, he suddenly noticed something strange.

Not far from standing on the side of the road, talking on the phone, buying fruits on the side of the road, holding a glass of drink, as if in a daze on the side of the road... These people seem to be busy, but their eyes are locked inadvertently. The man with the peaked cap.

The man with the peaked cap looked around, his eyes were two more solemn, obviously, he also noticed the strangeness around him.

He has been spotted.

The man in the peaked cap stretched his hands to button his peaked cap, lowered his head and lifted the travel bag under his feet, then stood up and walked towards the shop.

Just when the man with the peaked cap started to move, all the men Qin Yang noticed before started to move at the same time and walked towards the entrance of the store. Two others moved quickly towards the back of the store, seeming to be preparing to surround it. A peaked cap man.

Situ Xiang was also a vigilant person by nature. She also noticed the strangeness around her, turned her head to look at Qin Yang, and Qin Yang shook her head at her.

The man in the peaked cap disappeared into the shop, and then soon, Qin Yang heard the sound of turning tables and chairs, and then the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly sounded in the back lane of the store, and the people who surrounded the man in the peaked cap were facing at the same time. The rear ran over.

Although Qin Yang did not catch up, but subconsciously pricked his ears.



Qin Yang's brows twitched, his eyes revealed a little dignified.

Gunfire with muffler installed!

These people actually fired their guns!

Someone screamed, and it looked like he had been shot.

Qin Yang's curiosity was suddenly raised. Is the target of these people the man with the peaked cap or the package he was holding?

What are their identities?

Those who dare to use guns in broad daylight are nothing more than gang members, policemen, soldiers, or special agents, etc., and seeing them act swiftly, they all have special training.

Although curious, Qin Yang still sat steadily, without any intention of moving.

He doesn't have any disguise right now, and if he accidentally mixes into this matter, it may cause big trouble.

Hou Lang also noticed the confusion caused by this group of people, frowned and said: "What is this, fighting?"

Qin Yang stood up and said with a smile: "Perhaps it is, but it's none of our business. Let's find a place to eat delicious food."

Of course, Hou Lang was not as clever as Qin Yang, and he did not expect anyone to fire a gun at all. He just treated it as an ordinary fighting conflict, and said with a smile: "Okay!"

The three people left the drink shop, found a restaurant, and began to taste local Polish specialties.

The three of them were drinking and chatting, Qin Yang's phone suddenly rang.

Qin Yang took out the phone, his pupils shrank slightly.

"I'll answer the phone."

Qin Yang took the phone and walked out of the restaurant's door, standing on the side of the road to answer the phone.

"Old man, why do you think about calling me at this time?"

Dragon King Ye Xidong's voice rang on the phone: "There is a temporary emergency that requires you to take action."

The temporary emergency in Dragon King’s mouth was naturally an agent task. Qin Yang didn’t have too many accidents, and replied calmly, “You said it.”

"Just now we received news that someone had entered Warsaw with an encrypted hard drive containing military secrets. This person will sell this encrypted hard drive to the White Witch in Warsaw. The contents of this military secret are heavily involved. At least two countries have already existed. The agent is involved, I hope you can find an opportunity to take action and get this encrypted hard drive..."

Qin Yang frowned, "Encrypted hard drive? How should I contact whom and how can I find the carrier of this encrypted hard drive?"

The Dragon King whispered: "According to our news, the person who brought the encrypted hard drive into Warsaw is named Kenway Haydn. He is a solo man who specializes in all kinds of black market transactions. He is retired from the SEAL team, and he is still a strong player. Powerful practitioner, I have already sent you the relevant information..."

"The latest news is that Kenway has been targeted. The first round of clashes took place in Castle Square. It was a secret agent from the English side that shot, but those people obviously did not know the identity of the Kenway practitioners. Wei escaped smoothly and injured both of them..."

Qin Yang frowned: "Wait! How long ago did you say that the conflict occurred in the Castle Square?"

The Dragon King's tone was slightly puzzled: "About an hour ago, what happened?"

Qin Yang showed an extremely weird look on his face, and his tone was also bizarre: "If you talk about the conflict in the Castle Square, I was right next to them, and I even saw the conflict with my own eyes... Believe it or not ?"

The Dragon King asked in surprise: "What a coincidence?"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "Yes, it's such a coincidence. We just arrived and took a break, and then we were going to visit the Castle Square and have a meal. The guy was sitting five meters away from me..."

Qin Yang recounted the situation at the time, and finally asked: "You said that Kenway brought this hard drive to Warsaw to trade with the White Witch. Is that the White Witch I had dealt with in Korea before?"

"Yes, that's her! White Witch's business scope spans the world, especially Europe and the United States. When White Witch buys this hard drive, obviously it is also a transit business. After buying it, she sells it to other countries or forces at high prices through her channel. After all, the White Witch was originally a very famous broker."

Qin Yang said in a deep voice, "How can I find Kenway?"

The Dragon King explained: "Kenway is a lone His whereabouts are secret, it is not easy to find him. After all, he has just encountered an attack and must be lurking somewhere. Be more careful, but you just have to watch People of the White Witch, in the end, they will inevitably make a deal, and then you can take the hard drive.

Qin Yang asked, "Will the White Witch come in person?"

The Dragon King said uncertainly: "We don't know the true identity of the White Witch, so we are not sure whether she will be there, but the exact news is that Haas Kyle, the right-hand man of the White Witch, will arrive in Warsaw. All you need to do is Staring at Haas, I followed the vine and found Kenway. I have already sent you the information about Haas."

Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and finally there were some clues, otherwise it would be a needle in a haystack to find Kenway.

"Okay. The target is the encrypted hard drive, right? Don't worry about the White Witch, right?"

Dragon King replied cleanly: "Don't worry, we only need the encrypted hard disk. Of course, it is best to get a decryption method."



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