The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1431: Followers

Qin Yang picked up the phone, opened his special mailbox, checked the information of Kenway and Haas, and finally fixed his eyes on Kenway's photo.

The Chinese character face, the hooked nose, and the sharp eyes like the eagle falcon. Although Kenway in the photo has a beard, Qin Yang still knew at a glance that the man in the peaked cap he saw today was Kenway.

The corner of Qin Yang's mouth turned up for two points. There was such a coincidence, and his luck was really good. You can encounter such a situation when you just walk around.

After checking the two pieces of information carefully, Qin Yang confirmed that Haas will arrive in Warsaw tomorrow, and after Haas arrives, he will complete the transaction with Kenway Connector.

Qin Yang thought for a while, picked up the phone and called Shaoyao.

"Boss, shouldn't you take part in the piano competition in Poland? Why do you have time to call me?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "I thought it was just an easy trip, but who knew that the old man arranged things temporarily. You can find them and get to Warsaw as soon as possible. Maybe I need your help."

Shaoyao's voice suddenly tightened: "Okay, I will contact them immediately and be there within tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

Qin Yang told the location of his hotel: "After you arrive, complete the basic preparations."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang hung up the phone and turned around.

Although Shaoyao and others are just ordinary people, their combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of practitioners, but they are extremely proficient in driving, lurking, stealing, blasting, and computer hacking. Their current job is to cooperate and assist Qin Yang. , Basically do not need them to face tough opponents directly.

There was only one Situ Xiang beside Qin Yang, which was very inconvenient after all. He needed the secret assistance of Shaoyao and others.

Back at the hotel, Qin Yang finished taking a bath and studied the map of Warsaw in front of the computer.

Situ Xiang came back from the shower, hugged Qin Yang from behind Qin Yang, his eyes were slightly curious and fell on the computer screen: "Why are you looking at the map?"

Qin Yang smiled: "Get a general idea... there is one thing that I have to leave to you first."

Situ Xiang replied without hesitation: "You said."

Qin Yang opened Haas’s information on the computer: “This person’s name is Haas Kyle. He will come to Warsaw by plane tomorrow. I need you to make-up to cover up your identity before going to the airport, staring at him, and confirming his Where to stay."

Situ Xiang's eyes fell on the photo: "Okay, is there anything else I need to advise?"

Qin Yang whispered: "After confirming his foothold, you will find a way to stare at him and report his location to me at any time. The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to be discovered by the target."

"it is good!"

Situ Xiang did not ask why Qin Yang suddenly wanted to follow the man who had **** with Haas. She was Qin Yang's servant and Qin Yang's woman. When Qin Yang ordered her to do anything, she would do it without hesitation, and she did not hesitate to do it. Do not consider whether the thing to be done is reasonable or legal.

Qin Yang hesitated for a moment and whispered: "A friend asked me to find something. This Haas came to Warsaw to trade this thing. I couldn't find that thing, but I could find it by staring at Haas. "

Situ Xiang whispered: "Understood!"

Qin Yang stretched out his hand to hold Situ Xiang's hand: "Haas himself is a cultivator with strong strength. He should also have bodyguards around him. You only need to stare far away, don't get too close, safety first. "

Situ Xiang pursed his lips and chuckled softly: "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

Qin Yang nodded, focusing on the schedule of the Chopin Piano Competition next to him, and said softly: "The piano competition is divided into three stages. The promotion competition. At the end of the first stage, only 43 people will be left. The second stage is 20. People, 10 people in the third stage, and then the final finals. It will take about ten days before and after. Except for the time of my game, I will participate and be ready to act at any time."

Situ Xiang smiled and said, "Leave me the matter of stalking. You can prepare for the game with peace of mind and don't let this affect your mood."

Qin Yang smiled, and replied casually: "One minute on stage, ten years of work off stage, here, it is not very useful to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily, as long as I perform normally, I don’t think I can get the first place. One, strive to reach the finals."

Situ Xiang smiled and encouraged: "Come on, you will always create miracles, maybe you will be the first this time. Didn't it mean that only two people in China have won the first place for so many years? If you get the first, It's the third one!"

Qin Yang leaned lightly toward the back, with a relaxed expression: "It's only the third one, and it's not the first one. People in the world may remember the first one easily, but how many people will remember the third one, but... I still have to work hard to get a good grade so that my teacher can be proud of it."

Situ Xiang hugged Qin Yang's neck and kissed Qin Yang's face: "You will do it!"

Qin Yang took Situ Xiang's hand, pulled her to sit on his lap, and slipped his hand under her pajamas smoothly.

Situ Xiang had charming eyes and leaned down gently.


Situ Xiang left the hotel early in the morning. She was not in a hurry to go to the airport. Instead, she rented a car and then rented a room in a remote place.

In the rental house, Situ Xiang gave himself a simple disguise, and then drove to the airport.

When Hass Kyle took the four men out of the exit, Situ Xiang recognized him at a glance, watching him get into a business car, Situ Xiang slowly started the car, following his car far behind .

Situ Xiang only followed a distance, and suddenly felt something was wrong. She slowed down a little bit. Sure enough, a car quickly copied from behind him and got stuck between Situ Xiang and the commercial vehicle in front.

Situ Xiang's eyes narrowed slightly for two minutes, she pulled the distance away from the car slightly, and hung behind it.

Situ Xiang had already noticed that this black car was also following the business car in front.

Situ Xiang picked up the earplugs and put them in his ears, and dialed Qin Yang's phone.

"Haas has left the to take a black business car, but I found that besides me, there are people following Haas. It is a black car. I am currently following the black car."

Qin Yang's voice was also two-pointed surprised, but it was very clean and tidy: "Then you follow the black car, a little farther away, don't get too close!"


Situ Xiang slowly followed the black car in front of him until he reached the city, and finally saw the black car in front of him pulled over and stopped.

Situ Xiang slowed down, the car stopped on the side of the road, looked over the black car in front, and saw the black business car that had turned into the hotel door.

Situ Xiang raised his head and glanced over the name of the hotel above.

InterContinental Hotel Rristol.

Situ Xiang glanced at the car parked on the side of the road in front, and dialed Qin Yang's number.



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