The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1596: Don't you kill him?

Wen Yuyan dialed the phone after all.

She wanted to know if Qin Yang and the others were injured, and also wanted to know the follow-up treatment of this matter.

Even if she felt guilty, she had to face it bravely.

Qin Yang answered the phone quickly, and his voice was normal, as always.


Wen Yuyan pursed her mouth, and said with some difficulty: "Are you okay?"

Qin Yang was silent for two seconds, and his voice seemed helpless: "You already know?"

"Well, the security/bureau officer came to the house just now. I have heard about it... Are you and Uncle Mo alright?"

Qin Yang whispered, "We're all right, what's the situation on your side?"

Wen Yuyan briefly talked about Qian Heng and others' visits: "My dad... did he escape?"

Qin Yang’s voice was two-pointed helplessly: "It should be, this is too big, there is no room for relaxation, according to his personality, how could he be able to catch it, and according to my master and me, he should have prepared for himself early Lu...he hasn't contacted you?"

Wen Yuyan bit her lip, and Qin Yang said the same as her mother. They knew her father very well, but her own daughter seemed to be the least understood person.

"No, when they came, we didn't even know what happened."

Qin Yang comforted softly: "This matter has nothing to do with you, don't think too much, just do what you should do...Does Aunt Qiu know it before?"

Wen Yuyan hesitated for a moment, she said frankly what her mother said, and finally couldn't help but explain: "My mother only knows that her father founded the Dragon Slayer, but she doesn't know that he will send someone to deal with you. If she knows, she will definitely stop it, even if she can't stop it, she will definitely notify you..."

"I know, you don't need to explain. This matter has nothing to do with you. Master and I have never doubted this, and this matter will not have any impact on our relationship. Don't think too much about it. Get a good night's sleep. feel."

"Qin Yang, although I know it's useless to apologize, I still want to say, I'm sorry!"

Qin Yang chuckled softly: "No need to apologize. We are friends. This matter has nothing to do with you. Besides, you don’t have to worry about me and the master. We are not injured and there is no loss. It's ours, and we won't do anything..."

Wen Yuyan understood the meaning of Qin Yang's words, and she was a little relieved.

Master Mo Yu did not offend himself or his mother because of what his father did, and Qin Yang also expressed his attitude. Now this matter is already being dealt with by the relevant departments. They will not take any action. Everything is done in business. What should I do? Whatever comes.

Wen Yuyan is not a cultivator, but she also knows that the grievances between cultivators are often very simple and rude. A very straightforward sentence is that if you want to kill me, then I will kill you!

Although his father has escaped, Master Mo Yu may not find him, but what if they can find him?

Then, according to the grievances and grievances of the practitioners, will they kill their father directly and secretly?

After all, this matter was because the father wanted to kill them first, so it is normal for them to treat their bodies in their own way. This is very fair in the practice circle, but Wen Yanhou is Wen Yuyan after all. Even if Wen Yuyan thinks what her father did is completely wrong, how can she accept that her father is quietly killed, or is it a teacher and apprentice Mo Yu?

"Thank you!"

Wen Yuyan was in a complicated mood for a while, and she didn't know what to say, only spit out two words in silence.

"Sleep well, don't think about it, the master will come to see Aunt Qiu tomorrow, and I will come together."

"it is good!"

Wen Yuyan hung up the phone and turned her head to look at her mother next to her.

Qiu Si was sitting next to him, naturally quite clear about their conversation, and his face was equally complicated.

"Don't think too much, go to sleep, mom will sleep with you tonight."



The next morning, Mo Yu and Qin Yang appeared at Wen's house.

Both Mo Yu and Qiu Si had two complicated eyes. Obviously, neither Qiu Si nor Mo Yu had expected that things would develop into this way.

"Let's talk in the study."

"it is good!"

Mo Yu and Qiu Si walked into the study, leaving only Qin Yang and Wen Yuyan in the living room.

Qin Yang looked at Wen Yuyan, with a slightly tired expression on her face. The strong woman's aura on her body had disappeared. On the contrary, there were two more points of weakness that belonged to women alone.

"Did you rest well last night?"

Qin Yang held up the boiling glass in front of him, took a sip, and asked softly.

"If something like this happens, can you sleep well?"

Wen Yuyan showed a bitter smile on her face, she looked at Qin Yang who was sitting opposite her: "I don't know what mood to face you now..."

Qin Yang put down the cup and said with a chuckle: "Don't be so frowning, your dad, a man of the first generation, must have long reserved his way of retreat. Even if he goes abroad, he is definitely a master and he will not suffer."

Wen Yuyan looked at Qin Yang with complicated eyes: "He is treating you like this, don't you hate him, or say, haven't you thought of revenge?"

Qin Yang had obviously thought that Wen Yuyan would ask such a question a long time ago, and he had already figured out the answer, and replied frankly: "In fact, there is no hate. It’s quite a Sometimes you can forge an enemy with just one sentence, and the means to resolve the enmity are usually more straightforward. Either hit the ground, abolish the opponent, or kill the opponent and fight. It’s also common to go here. Although your dad is too cruel, but the grudge, that's it. On the day my master was injured, not only did your dad send the killer, there were others..."

"Your dad wants to kill us, so naturally we won’t fight back. It’s just that your dad has escaped now, and it’s a big deal. Naturally someone will chase him down and arrest him, so our masters and apprentices are not ready to intervene anymore. It’s good for people from relevant departments to do business."

"You also know that your dad is in charge of a killer organization. With the method he used to attack us so harshly, this time the defeat* made him leave the Tianbo Group and flee. He must hate us even more. At the end of my call, I said that I would destroy everything about me, so I must find a way to get him out. Even if he doesn't kill him, he should go to jail and endure the punishment he deserves!"

Wen Yuyan gritted her teeth: "You won't kill him?"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly, his expression slightly helpless: "If we change to someone else, as long as we have the opportunity to kill him, then our master and apprentice will definitely not be soft, but after all, he is Aunt Qiu’s husband and your father. Kill him, what do you do?"

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