The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1597: Share transfer

"If my father is caught, how long will it be sentenced to death?"

Wen Yuyan bit her lip, looking straight at Qin Yang, with expectation in her eyes, as well as uncontrollable panic.

Qin Yang shook his head: "I am not sure. After all, what he did was not only the attempted murder of our masters and apprentices. Even if we do not pursue them, there are other people's affairs, and there are also related things that endanger national security. This is not the case. I have the final say."

Wen Yuyan's eyes were a little bit sad, even if she didn't know what her father did, but what the killer organization did, it was all shown in TV and movies.

The killer takes money to kill people. As the boss of the killer website, can the crime be small?

What's more, according to what Qian Heng said last night, his father did much more than that...

Qin Yang looked at Wen Yuyan's face, and his eyes were somewhat helpless.

What he said just now is the truth, they must try to find out Wen Yanhou, can this kind of person who is ready to take his own life stay?

They promised not to kill him personally, and after catching him, hand him over to the relevant departments for business affairs. This is the biggest promise they can achieve.

Qiu Si and Wen Yuyan need to take care of their emotions, but they also have to take responsibility for their lives and the safety of those around them!

Wen Yuyan didn't say much, because she knew that Qin Yang's ability to make such a promise was already his limit. Otherwise, according to their personalities, as long as they found their father, he would definitely evaporate silently.

The two were relatively speechless, just sitting in silence.

Many things are not just mouths. Just a few words can pass. Everyone has different positions and attitudes.

The two of them sat there for about twenty minutes. The door of the study opened and Mo Yu and Qiu Si walked out. Their expressions were calm and they couldn't see what they were talking about.

"Let's go!"

Qin Yang gave a hum, stood up, and whispered: "I'm leaving now. Call me if anything happens. This will not change our relationship. We are still friends."

Wen Yuyan snorted, and suddenly there were two dividends in her eyes.

Qiu Si sent Master Mo Yu out of the room, returned to the living room, sat next to Wen Yuyan, and put his arm around him.

"Don't be afraid, mom is still there, mom is with you, it won't fall down this day!"

Wen Yuyan bit her lip and asked softly, "What did you and Uncle Mo talk about?"

Qiu Si sighed: "Actually, he didn't say anything, just exchanged information and learned about their attitude. I think you and Qin Yang also communicated?"

Wen Yuyan briefly said, Qiu Si nodded and said: "Although what your dad did makes you feel guilty and embarrassed, as Qin Yang said, this is a grievance between adults and it has nothing to do with you. You are still friends. Do what you did before, without any changes."

Wen Yuyan asked suddenly: "Dad is gone, what about his company?"

Qiu Si smiled slightly: "Wait for two days first, I think your dad will have arrangements. He is very thoughtful. Since he is ready to retreat, the follow-up of the company will naturally be included. Don't worry, mom is still there. Can't mess!"


Qiu Si's speculation soon became a reality, and Zhou Yang from Hongtian Law Firm approached the door that afternoon.

"Ms. Qiu, I am Zhou Yang from Hongtian Law Firm. Your husband, Mr. Wen, previously entrusted me to keep some things. At noon, I received a call from Mr. Wen and asked me to give you the things!"

Qiu Si didn't have any look of surprise on his face, and smiled and said, "I'm troublesome lawyer Zhou."

Zhou Yang put a sealed briefcase on the table, pushed it in front of Qiu Si, then sat upright, and said softly, "Please check... Mr. Wen said, let me assist Ms. Qiu in completing some equity transfers. formalities."

Qiu Si nodded, took the briefcase, checked it again, and tore open the briefcase.

There is only one letter in the briefcase.

Qiu Si opened the letter, read it for a while, frowned slightly, and stood up: "Lawyer Zhou, you sit down first."

Zhou Yang smiled: "Ms. Qiu, please."

Qiu Si took the letter upstairs, entered the study room upstairs, came to the bookshelf, pressed a hidden mechanism next to the bookshelf, and the wall behind the bookshelf suddenly opened a hole, revealing a safe embedded in the wall. .

Qiu Si glanced at the letter paper, then pressed the password and opened the safe.

The safe is divided into three compartments, all of which are placed with some document-like things. Qiu Si didn't care about the things in the two grids below, and directly took out the things in the top grid.

A stack of files, a U disk.

Qiu Si read the file once, then sat down, turned on the computer at the table, and inserted the USB flash drive.

There were a few videos in the USB flash drive. Qiu Si opened the video, watched it next time, closed the video, took the USB flash drive and the stack of files and went downstairs.

"Lawyer Zhou, you have been waiting for a long time."

Zhou Yang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, Ms. Qiu, is there anything I can do for you now?"

Qiu Si nodded and placed the stack of documents in front of Zhou Yang: "My husband has something wrong and has no energy to take charge of Tianbo Group anymore. In order not to delay the development of Tianbo Group, he has all the shares in his name. They were transferred to our daughter Wen Yuyan. He has signed and stamped these share transfer documents. There is a video description of his share transfer on the USB flash drive. One of the videos is reserved for you, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Yang smiled and nodded. He didn't ask why Wen Yanhou didn't show up for such a big deal of equity transfer. He knew exactly what his responsibilities were.

Collect Disaster with others!

What's more, what Wen Yanhou asked himself to do was a legal share transfer, and it was also transferred to his daughter. There were signed and stamped documents and video instructions. It was not complicated to do.

Zhou Yang picked up the stack of documents and read it carefully, and smiled and said, "Ms. Qiu, this matter is not complicated. As long as you ask Miss Wen to sign this document, you can leave the rest to me, and I will help. Everything is done!"

Qiu Si turned to the servant and said, "Go and ask Yuyan to come down."

Wen Yuyan didn't sleep well last night, so she couldn't carry it anymore in the afternoon. She went back to her room to sleep. After being woken up, she came to the living room in a daze.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

Qiu Si pointed to the file on the desktop: "Your dad called Lawyer Zhou and asked him to assist with the transfer of shares..."

After a brief pause, Qiu Si handed the stack of documents to Wen Yuyan: "Your father has transferred all his shares of Tianbo Group to you."

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