The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1601: Meet up

Andy opened his eyes wide and looked at Qin Yang in surprise.

"Mr. Qin, how did you know that Lois was a cultivator before... Did Ms. Claire tell you?"

Qin Yang shook his head and uncovered the answer: "Did you forget that you have already sent me all Miss Lois’s inspection report before. From the data on the inspection report, I can naturally tell that Lois is A practitioner can roughly judge her strength at the same time. After all, the physical data of the practitioner at each stage is completely different..."

Qin Yang's eyes fell on Lois's face, who was listening carefully, and smiled: "Furthermore, Lois is right in front of me. Although she can't move, but her heart beats speed, some of her extraneous manifestations are the same. It can also illustrate this point. There is no need for others to tell me about this."

Andy suddenly, although the mystery has been revealed, it doesn't seem to be that mysterious to speak of, but Andy's two exposed hands have greatly strengthened Andy's confidence.

"Mr. Qin is really a genius doctor. Before I saw Mr. Qin's great power in South Korea and Japan on the Internet, now that we meet, it is indeed a well-deserved reputation!"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Mr. Andy, let’s do this. Although your injury is not mild, the treatment is simple. I will treat you first, and then I will prescribe you a prescription. There is no charge for this treatment. You are not far away. Come here, just treat it as a meeting gift for Mr. Andy!"

Andy replied respectfully: "Listen to your arrangements, Mr. Qin!"

Qin Yang turned his head and said to Situ Xiang: "Xiangxiang, you will arrange the room for these two ladies first. They will stay here for a period of time. I will treat Mr. Andy first."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang took Andy to a room, and asked Andy to take off his shirt and lay on the bed. Qin Yang took out the Guanyin needles and acupuncture Andy for about half an hour. During the period, he kept running and regulating his internal energy. After the injured internal organs, Qin Yang pulled out the Guanyin needle to announce the end of acupuncture.

Andy sat up, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes wide, his eyes showed an expression of incredible shock, and the eyes that looked at Qin Yang became more and more hot.

"Mr. Qin, you are so powerful. I felt a tingling pain when I breathed before. I didn't dare to breathe too fast. The tempo was too strong, but now I can breathe freely. The tingling has completely disappeared!"

Qin Yang smiled slightly: "What you Western practitioners pay attention to is to refine the spirit into the body to make your body stronger. In the end, it is comparable to stainless steel, but even if it is subjected to a fierce impact, it will be the same. Bending will break, and because of your practice method, your treatment of physical injuries after injury is much worse than that of Eastern practitioners. Eastern practitioners practice internal energy, and this internal energy can be turned into a blade from the outside. , You can also swim and walk in the body, open up the injured meridians, soothe injured internal organs, and cure internal injuries. Eastern practitioners have a great advantage."

Qin Yang didn’t say anything indiscriminately. It is true that Western practitioners have stronger bodies than Eastern practitioners, but they lack the rigid and soft inner energy, because all the spiritual energy has been tempered into the body by them. Where can I swim inside the body? Walk the body and get through the blocked meridians. If you want to talk about fighting, you may not be able to say good things, but when it comes to treating internal injuries, Eastern practitioners can get rid of a few Western practitioners. street.

This matter is also a consensus among practitioners in the East and the West.

Andy stood up convincingly and convincingly: "Mr. Qin has amazing medical skills. I am full of hope for Lois’s injury. Mr. Qin, I have heard Claire say that you have to complete the contract through the black prison net and use the black prison net to supervise the completion. I personally have no opinion on this contract. Please contact the staff of as soon as possible to complete the contract so that Mr. Qin can start treatment as soon as possible. Once Lois is cured, I will willingly become Mr. Qin’s servant, for Mr. Qin Five years of wholeheartedly serving!"

After a short pause, Andy added: "Lois’s parents, that is, my son and daughter-in-law, have passed away. Now Lois is my most important person, even if I use my life to replace her. I am willing too!"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "I can understand Mr. Andy's mood, but Lois's treatment takes a certain amount of time. This is not anxious. After I finish the diagnosis and treatment of Lois, I will confirm the situation. If you ask the people from to complete the contract, it's an official business. Please don't mind Mr. Andy."

What Qin Yang wants is Andy’s heartfelt service in the future, so Qin Yang has always been friendly and polite to him. After all, Qin Yang will give Andy the protection of women who occupy an important position in his life in the future. It's not good if Di doesn't work hard, or just care about his own safety when encountering things.

Andy said with understanding: "I fully understand, this is what it should be, after all, it is the first time we met today. The procedure to go is still to go, so everyone can rest assured!"

Qin Yang picked up the pen and prescribed a prescription: "I have prescribed a prescription for you. Although your symptoms have alleviated now, you still need to take about a week of medicinal materials to fully recover..."

Andy said gratefully, "Trouble Mr. Qin."

Qin Yang walked out with Andy and handed the prescription to Situ Xiang: "This is Mr. Andy's prescription. Arrange for someone to grab the medicine, three sets of medicine, and take the medicine according to the method I wrote."

"it is good!"

Situ Xiang took the prescription and left, made a phone call, and soon someone appeared and left with the prescription.

As Qin Yang’s hidden servant, her job is to serve Qin Yang. She has limited energy alone. Naturally, there will be a group of people around her. Fortunately, she originally had one in her Huanyu Group. Think tank. After Mei Yi learned of the situation, she set up an action team specifically to serve her. For example, in this duel between Mo Yu and Lu Tiansheng, Qin Yang handed the matter to Situ Xiang, and Situ Xiang to his subordinate action team. .

Qin Yang and Andy returned to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Qin Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Eddie, take the liberty to ask, what is your realm of strength?"

Andy replied straightforwardly: "The transcendent peak is one step away from the power of God, but this step has troubled me for many years, and I don't know if I can step into it in this life."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang smiled and agreed, and immediately said with a smile: "Mr. Andy, today. You have come from afar, so just take a good rest. Tomorrow morning, I will diagnose and treat Miss Lois, and I will also inform the black prison network. Personnel to complete the signing of the contract..."

After a short pause, Qin Yang looked at Andy, who was still worried, and smiled and said with relief: "Don't worry, my master and I have discussed Lois’s condition repeatedly. There is no problem with the treatment. All it takes is some time. That's it!"

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