The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1602: Early performance

Qin Yang returned to his room, logged on to the Black Prison website, contacted the customer service, and stated his needs. After detailed inquiry, the customer service agreed to send a staff member to Mo Yu's residence the next morning.

At ten o'clock as agreed, the staff of arrived at the villa on time.

Qin Yang was actually very curious about the Black Prison Net in his heart, and wondered whether there would be a few masters. However, to Qin Yang's surprise, although the staff who came were indeed practitioners, they were just ordinary staff. , Not even a practitioner.

The staff seemed to see Qin Yang’s doubts, and politely explained: "Mr. Qin, the service you currently need is only to sign a contract. We can serve you with this service. After all, both parties agree to sign the contract. We are just a notary public for the contract. Unless someone maliciously violates the contract during the execution of the contract, then our Black Prison Network will send law enforcement teams of different strengths to follow up and deal with it according to the actual situation."

Qin Yang couldn't help laughing when he heard the explanation from the staff.

Indeed, I just signed a contract with Andy. Both parties are voluntary. Where can I still need to be stared at by the powerful or even the supreme power? Isn't that a waste of resources?’s staff is very conscientious, adopting a video work pattern throughout the process, collecting all the results of Lois’s examination, and filming the specific process of Qin Yang’s initial diagnosis and treatment, and then taking pictures of the signing between Andy and Qin Yang. The process of pressing the fingerprint of the contract.

The contract includes the agreement between Qin Yang and Andy, as well as Lois’s inspection results, plus video. These are the evidence that the Black Prison Network will use to determine whether the contract is established or whether someone has violated the contract, such as Lois is unable to move now, and the diagnosis result is also very bad. Later, she was cured, able to run and jump, but said that she was not cured. Andy refused to fulfill the content of the contract, then the law enforcement team of the black prison network will follow The contract judged that Andy violated the rules, so that Andy was punished.

The results of the diagnosis and treatment were similar to what Qin Yang had estimated before. Qin Yang retracted his hand, looked at Andy with a look of expectation, and smiled lightly: "Mr. Andy doesn't need to be nervous. Although Miss Lois’s injury is a bit troublesome, but It can be completely cured, it will take about half a year."

Andy asked in surprise: "Mr. Qin, do you mean that Lois will fully recover in half a year, just like a normal person?"

Lois also opened her eyes and looked at Qin Yang in surprise: "Mr. Qin, is what you said true?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I don't have to lie to you. After all, we have also signed a contract. If we can't do it, the contract can't be established."

Andy shook Lois's hand in surprise, and said excitedly: "Lois, as long as half a year, you can fully recover!"

Lois's eyes were slightly rosy, biting her lip, and nodding heavily.

She followed her grandfather Andy and met many doctors, expecting again and again, disappointed again and again, and slowly turned into despair. She thought that she would be like this for the rest of her life, but when she was desperate, Qin Yang told her not Question, after half a year, you will be able to recover like a normal person. How can she not be surprised?

Andy looked at Qin Yang expectantly: "Mr. Qin, when can I start treatment?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Get the relevant drugs ready and you can start this afternoon... Mr. Andy, before Lois is treated, our contract has not officially come into effect. You are completely free. Miss Yis stays here for treatment. You don't have to stay here all the time. Anita is here to take care of Miss Lois. You don't have to worry about her life."

Andy rubbed his hands, his expression slightly hesitant.

This is Mo Yu's home. He took someone to seek medical treatment. Lois lived here as a patient, but it made sense, but if he had been living here, he would look a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Qin, can you tell me what are you going to let me do after the contract is established?"

Qin Yang said frankly: "I am a person who always causes a lot of trouble unknowingly, and provokes a lot of opponents. I am not afraid that these people will attack me. Although my strength is not too high, I still have some self-confidence. Stay safe, but I am worried that those people will retaliate against those around me, so I set up a reward mission on the Black Prison Net, hoping to exchange my medical skills for the help of some experts, as long as they are to protect the people around me ."

Andy suddenly appeared with a look of admiration on his face: "Mr. Qin, I completely agree with your approach. There is nothing more worthy of attention than our relatives. Then who does Mr. Qin want me to protect?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "My girlfriend Han Qingqing is also my future wife. She is just an ordinary person, not a cultivator. If someone strikes at her, she will have no resistance."

Andy thought for a while and said: "Mr. Qin, although he has not started treatment yet, I believe Mr. Qin. Since Mr. Qin said that he can be treated, it will definitely be cured. During the period when Mr. Qin was treating Lois, I Nothing else, so let me start protecting Miss Han."

Qin Yang was taken aback for a moment. He did not expect Andy to be so proactive: "Mr. Andy, I haven't cured Miss Lois..."

Andy smiled and said: "It’s I’m idle anyway. For half a year, I’ve been idle and it’s quite boring. Lois lives here for treatment. I just do something. Take it as a return to Mr. Qin."

When Qin Yang heard Andy say this, he stopped being hypocritical, and said gratefully: "If Mr. Andy is really willing to start protecting my girlfriend in advance, then I would be very grateful. Recently, I have just been with a killer named Dragon Slayer. A conflict was organized. Although I took the core of their six extraordinary killers in one pot, their leader ran away. He knew my relationship with Han Qingqing, and it is impossible to guarantee that he would attack my girlfriend..."

After a short pause, Qin Yang said calmly: "This protection work may be dangerous. I don't expect Mr. Andy to use his life to protect my girlfriend, but I hope Mr. Andy can do his best."

Andy nodded happily, glanced lovingly at Lois in the wheelchair, and said sincerely: "Mr. Qin can cure Lois, so if I give my granddaughter a second life, I understand. With this feeling of taking care of my relatives, I will protect Miss Han like Lois!"

Qin Yang solemnly thanked him: "Then I will ask Mr. Andy for everything!"

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