The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1603: Dig him out!

"This is Mr. Andy, this is his granddaughter Miss Lois. Starting today, Mr. Andy will secretly protect your safety..."

Han Qingqing's expression was slightly surprised: "Isn't Sister He protecting me?"

Qin Yang smiled softly: "Mr. Andy is a transcendent pinnacle. He is stronger. He will protect you, so I can rest assured!"

Han Qingqing looked a little surprised. She had had enough contact with cultivators. She knew what level of extraordinary peak strength was in the world of cultivation. Wasn't Mo Yu the extraordinary peak between breakthroughs before? Such a master protects herself, of course it is safer.

"Mr. Andy, the next day will work hard for you!"

Han Qingqing knew that Qin Yang had been painstaking, and did not refuse, but thanked Andy politely.

Andy smiled and said, "Ms. Han, you are welcome, Mr. Qin is only trying to repay my granddaughter."

When Han Qingqing heard Andy say this, she immediately understood the origin of this master bodyguard. His eyes fell on Lois sitting in a wheelchair and smiled and said hello: "Miss Lois, hello!"

Lois replied readily: "Just call me Lois."

After some exchanges, Han Qingqing learned about Lois's current situation, and looked at Lois with more sympathy.

Lois, who was originally the proud son of heaven, has a bright future, but suffered a change, and her body was injured and turned into a disability. Fortunately, Qin Yang was able to cure her, otherwise it would be really regrettable.

Lois has a straightforward personality, but she is quite silent, not a talkative person.

"Can Lois' disease be cured?"

When Qin Yang and Han Qingqing were alone, Han Qingqing asked Qin Yang quietly, and he was relieved to receive Qin Yang’s affirmative reply: “It’s great if it can be cured, otherwise it’s so young and can’t take care of it for a lifetime. That would be too miserable."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "The first treatment has been done this afternoon, and the effect is good. It will definitely be cured, but it will take a little longer, which is estimated to be close to six months.

Han Qingqing asked curiously: "How do you treat it, acupuncture?"

"Medicinal baths, acupuncture, acupoint massage, oral and external application...all, very complicated."

Speaking of treatment, Qin Yang's expression was slightly unnatural.

In the afternoon, Qin Yang gave Lois the first treatment, medicated bath plus acupuncture, or to be precise, acupuncture and massage at the same time as medicated bath.

You need a medicated bath and acupuncture. Naturally you can’t wear clothes, so Lois wears only underwear all over her body, just like wearing a bikini swimsuit. She is sturdy but not lacking in the feminine and proud figure of a woman. In front of Qin Yang, and because of the massage to stimulate the acupuncture points, Qin Yang's hands and her skin also had intimate contact. The smooth and tender touch Qin Yang still remembers still.

Although Lois was very indifferent, Qin Yang still felt her inner shyness and tension from her physical reaction. Qin Yang himself was actually quite embarrassed, but there was no other way, such as acupuncture and massage. Well, it does need to do so.

Han Qingqing smiled and said: "Do you continue the treatment for half a year? You run outside all day long. Can you stay in Zhonghai forever?"

Qin Yang explained: "There will be more early treatments such as acupuncture and moxibustion. After a period of time, the frequency can be reduced. After all, it takes time for the human body to absorb the effects of the medicine, and the body recovers at a certain speed. These are all impatient. ."

Han Qingqing nodded in understanding: "That's true, and even if you are not there, Uncle Mo is still there."

Qin Yang smiled: "After completing the initial treatment, I am going to bring Loy Ribbon to our home to continue the treatment. If I stay here for half a year, it will interfere with the clean life of the master. Second, Andy is not starting to protect you. Alright, staying in our own home can save a lot of trouble."

Han Qingqing agreed: "It's okay. After all, I live in our own home. Andy protects me while taking care of Lois. After all, living here is still not that convenient, and when you are away, I have many talking partners. ."

"Well, you have no opinion! Since Andy is protecting you now, you can go home and live after school every day, so that Andy can also protect you. If you live in school, I am not at ease."

Han Qingqing frowned and said, "Don't be so careful. Few people know our relationship. No one will go to school to deal with me, right?"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly, he hadn't told Han Qingqing about Wen Yanhou.

Others don't know their relationship with Han Qingqing, but Wen Yanhou knows it very well!

If he wants to retaliate against himself, he will have a high probability to deal with Han Qingqing. Even if he doesn't kill Han Qingqing and catches Han Qingqing to threaten him, then he can make himself throw a rat, or even force himself to do something...

"Something happened recently, I haven't had time to tell you..."

Qin Yang told the story about Wen Yanhou and the dragon slayer once, Han Qingqing's eyes widened after hearing it, and his expression was shocked and unbelievable.

"Wen Yanhou, he is actually the boss of the killer group! He is hiding too deeply!"

Han Qingqing sighed, and immediately thought of something, frowned slightly: "Wen Yuyan is not very sad, she is your friend, and my father did such a thing to you, she must be very embarrassed if she is caught in the middle. Right."

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "Yes, she keeps telling me I'm sorry, but this matter has nothing to do with her, after all, she doesn't know it, and even if she knows, she can't stop her dad..."

Han Qingqing sympathized with her eyes and sighed softly: "She is really miserable too, she has such a father...Are you worried that Wen Yanhou will take action against me?"

Qin Yang nodded: "Yes, he knows our relationship. If he wants to retaliate against me, it might be a very effective way to deal with you."

Han Qingqing frowned, "But aren't all his wife and daughters still in Zhonghai? If he does this, wouldn't he worry about incurring revenge?"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "Wen Yanhou knows very well ~ No matter what means he uses to deal with our master and apprentice, our master and apprentice will not use despicable means to deal with Aunt Qiu and Wen Yuyan."

Han Qingqing was stunned: "Isn't that too bad?"

Qin Yang looked helpless: "Yes, he is now ruined and wanted, and there is nothing that can restrain him. He was originally a male owlet character, but now he is even more unscrupulous, so everything We can consider and guard against the worst."

Han Qingqing nodded, confirming Qin Yang's statement: "Then what are you going to do now?"

Qin Yang said solemnly: "We caught his assistant and got a lot of information about the dragon slayer from his mouth. After the first stage of Lois's treatment is over, I might go to Phoebe. See if he can be dug out..."


On my birthday, I was stunned by a group of authors, and I was dizzy for a day~ The bad chapters will be gradually compensated for later~ I will continue to update them in the daytime~

(End of this chapter)

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