The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1604: Kicked down the abyss again

Southeast Asia, Phoebe Islands.

A speedboat moved forward quickly and quickly approached a primitive desert island. This desert island is remote and not very large. The island is densely covered with jungle and very primitive.

The speedboat drove a distance around the bay, then followed a bay gap and entered, then approached the coastline, and finally stopped by the beach.

Wen Yanhou jumped off the speedboat and glanced at the dense jungle in front of him. His eyes were gloomy and his complexion was cold. Behind him were two big men, one from China and the other with dark skin. They were from Southeast Asia. native.

The three climbed up to the beach, only to find that there was an artificially cleared path in the dense jungle, paved with large and small slabs. Although it is not particularly smooth, it looks a little strange on this kind of desert island.

The three people walked a few steps, and there was a sudden shout from above the crowd, speaking in the local dialect of Fibin.


Wen Yanhou looked up. On a nearby hillside, there was a rather concealed sentry post with a heavy machine gun mounted on it. The muzzle was facing them. Two guards in camouflage uniforms were staring at him. One person's hand is already on the heavy machine gun, ready to shoot at any time.

The dark-skinned local man who followed Wen Yanhou snorted sharply with Fibin words, and the two sentries suddenly closed their mouths.

"Boss, you come less... they are just routine."

Wen Yanhou's expression remained unchanged, and he nodded softly without speaking.

The three walked around the mountain on a stone path and passed through a forest. They passed at least three outposts, each of which was built quite concealed, and they were all heavily guarded with machine guns.

When they walked out of the woods, the three of them suddenly opened their eyes. In front of them was a freshwater lake on an island with mountain peaks on all sides. This freshwater lake was just wrapped up. It was not visible from the sea, but under the mountain peak beside the freshwater lake. There are rows of wooden houses built, and a large area of ​​flattened land, with various training measures.

On the field, there are dozens of people wearing black vests who are being trained by instructors, all of them looking cold and stern.

Wen Yanhou was taken into a wooden building next to him. There were a group of people in the house. Seeing Wen Yanhou coming, all of them stood up and shouted respectfully: "Boss!"

Wen Yan Hou gave a hum, and sat down on the chair at the end.

The others also sat down in their respective positions, and the two people who followed Wen Yanhou stood on either side of Wen Yanhou.

Wen Yanhou glanced across the crowd, and said lightly: "The K team has failed and all members have been arrested. We can't count on it in the future. We must rebuild the K team. You can let out the news in the relevant channels. As long as the strength is above the heaven and the human practitioners , To join the dragon slayer, for any task reward, the dragon slayer only draws 10% of the service fee, and the dragon slayer is free of service fees for the extraordinary strength. Q is responsible for this matter!"

A middle-aged woman in her forties with a dark complexion nodded calmly: "Yes, boss!"

Wen Yanhou said in a deep voice: "In addition to letting those people join in, you can also take the initiative. There are some powerful desperadoes on the Internet. We don't mind them being cruel and wanting, as long as they are strong enough to dare to kill. , Control them with the fairy drunk, it can be used by us."

Wen Yanhou’s eyes fell on a fifty-something elder: "K, you are the person in charge of the K team. You are responsible for the reconstruction of the K team. The sooner the better, I want to see the K team at the latest half a year. At least five team members with extraordinary strength."

The old man nodded calmly: "Yes, boss!"

Wen Yanhou's eyes fell on another 30-year-old man with a hooked nose: "I, I need you to send someone to Zhonghai to stare at the situation of Master Mo Yu and my family. Any changes need to be reported to me."

The man with eagle nose nodded: "Yes!"

Wen Yanhou glanced over everyone in the room, and his voice slowed down: "My identity was exposed, and the dragon slayer also suffered a certain loss, especially the destruction of Team K, which caused us to suffer heavy losses, but our core strength was greatly reduced. There is no problem with the management. I hope everyone will work together to make the dragon slayer strong again as soon as possible."

The people present here are the core management of the Dragon Slayer. They were notified as soon as the K team was destroyed and Wen Yanhou’s identity was exposed, and they quickly took emergency measures, so they did not suffer any injuries. The only loss is Assistant Hao and the K team with extraordinary strength.

"Yes, boss!"

Wen Yanhou finally added: "I will live here during this time. The news is strictly prohibited. Whoever leaks it will be dealt with as betrayal."

Everyone's eyes changed slightly. They had followed Wen Yanhou for a long time, and they knew Wen Yanhou's heart was cruel.

Someone had betrayed the dragon slayer before, but the result was terrible. The whole family of the betrayer was killed in front of the betrayer one by one, even the three-year-old child was no exception. Then the betrayer was planned to hang on his hands and feet. He died under the scorching sun, and the corpse was thrown into the mountains to feed the wolf. It can be said that there is no bones left.

Although this boss is not a cultivator, his cruelty is definitely not comparable to ordinary evil people.

"The meeting is over!"

Wen Yanhou asked a few more questions before announcing the meeting was adjourned, and he came to the place that had been arranged a long time ago.

Although it is a wooden house, the daily necessities in it are not bad at all, and there is even a computer with internet access.

Wen Yanhou sat down in the chair in the room, lit a cigarette casually, looked out the window, a little distracted.

At this point, Wen Yanhou is not too surprised. When he founded the Dragon Slayer, he started to make preparations. In recent years, Tianbo Company has grown bigger and bigger. He registered an overseas leather bag company in Southeast Asia. I have already established my own new company and the scale is not small.

Although his identity has been exposed, he is now secretly wanted and cannot be exposed, but he is still a big boss with money in his bag and man in his hands. In a small country like Fibin with fewer practitioners and weak, he can do whatever he wants!

He can accept such results, but he cannot accept the person who caused all these results!

He thought that his identity might be exposed one day, and he was prepared to expose himself to the underground. Even if he couldn't be a man of action, he would be a real underground emperor.

He just never expected that it was Qin Yang who caused his exposure!

Mo Yu's disciple!

After more than 20 years, he was once again defeated by Mo Yu!

Twenty years ago, he was defeated and he made up his mind to create the Dragon Slayer in secret, so as not to suffer the humiliation of that day. However, more than 20 years later, he was still that person and once again gave him a resounding record. Slapped, kicked him down the abyss again...

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