The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1605: Whole army practice?

Qin Yang’s life has been quiet for a rare period of time. He basically does not go to school now. After all, he has too many things on his own, and secondly, the turbulence caused by his going to school is not small. Besides, it’s true that he goes to school occasionally. It's useless, now Qin Yang relies on self-study in his studies.

Wen Yanhou hasn’t heard anything since hiding. Qin Yang once asked Wen Yuyan, and the answer was that Wen Yanhou had no contact with their mother and daughter. He just entrusted the lawyer to do the share transfer. Obviously, he did all this. They are all well prepared.

Qin Yang was not sure whether Wen Yuyan's words were true or false, and he could not judge. After all, Wen Yanhou was her father. Even if she had contacted him, she knew something, and it was completely reasonable for her to hide it from herself.

Tell yourself the news of his father and let yourself go and arrest his father. If Wen Yuyan did this, then this would be really weird.

Wen Yanhou has been on the wanted list of the Huaxia police system, and he was naturally included on the list of wanted dangerous elements in the Dragon Group. Simply put, Wen Yanhou will not even think about being openly active in China for the rest of his life.

Qin Yang actually admires Wen Yanhou to a certain extent, this person is really a ruthless person!

After the incident, I didn’t mess around with it, I just walked away, and the shares were turned around. It was a clean and tidy move. Presumably, Wen Yanhou at this time has been in a small country in Southeast Asia, and he is hiding behind the scenes. Black. Dao is the boss.

The environments of Southeast Asian countries are very suitable for people like Wen Yanhou to hide, and even he will live more lawless and unrestrained in such places than in China. After all, the restrictions in those places are not as strict as China, and are more suitable for these dangers. The hiding of criminals may be why Wen Yanhou set up the dragon slayer in Southeast Asia.

Qin Yang took Lois back to the villa, and Kang Hui and He Xiu also followed them to the villa. This is to enhance the security of Qin Yang’s home. This villa is not Qin Yang’s name, but it is Han Qingqing’s name. If you know Qin The people of Yang and Han Qingqing's relationship deliberately checked, this is impossible to hide.

Andy has begun to protect Han Qingqing personally. He now plays a role like Delphi next to Nisha. He drives Han Qingqing to school every morning, and then brings two to pass the time and wait until Han Qingqing will take Han Qingqing home after school.

After only half a month, Qin Yang finally completed the first stage of Lois’s acupuncture treatment. Although Lois still seems unable to walk, her body has reacted slightly, which is a sign of gradual improvement. , Andy and Lois are very happy.

Confirming that Lois is moving towards recovery step by step, Andy is more willing to take on the role of bodyguard and protect Han Qingqing wholeheartedly.

"Qin Yang, are all that done? I'm so overwhelmed here, you hurry up and help."

Qin Yang received another urging call from Lei Ziqiang. Before, Qin Yang had promised Lei Ziqiang to help him develop a training plan, and used his medical knowledge to help formulate some special training medical plans. Because of Lois’s affairs, Qin Yang It has been delayed once, now that Lois's first phase of acupuncture treatment has ended, Qin Yang is naturally not good at **** away.

"Well, it's almost done! I can leave tomorrow."

Lei Zi Qiangxi said: "Okay, I'll let you book your tickets, and someone will pick you up when you get off the plane."

Qin Yang is also welcome: "Okay!"

In the past half month, Qin Yang has been paying attention to the follow-up of Wen Yanhou's incident, but Wen Yanhou has not taken any action for such a long time, and even received no news.

Although the Dragon King caught Wen Yanhou's confidant assistant and got a lot of information about the dragon slayer from him, Wen Yanhou saw the assistant being arrested with his own eyes. Before Assistant Hao confessed, he had already activated it. As for the backup plan, he had already made a two-handed plan with careful thought. Under Wen Yanhou's order, the core management of the Dragon Slayer was all hidden, so that the information finally revealed by Assistant Hao basically came in handy.

Qin Yang was quite disappointed by this result, but he also roughly guessed that the dragon slayer who was destroyed by the entire K team was greatly injured. At this sensitive time, the old and cunning Wen Yanhou would naturally not initiate a revenge plan immediately. The possibility is to choose to latent and restore vitality.

This venomous snake didn't know when it would come up again and give himself a vicious blow.

With a feeling of helplessness, Qin Yang took the plane and arrived in Jilin Province. The newly formed special force was in the dense Changbai Mountain.

When Qin Yang got off the plane, two soldiers picked up Qin Yang at the airport and galloped all the way. It took most of a day to finally reach the destination.

This is a base in the mountains, with rows of dormitories, spacious training grounds, and vehicles and crowds coming and going. It seems quite busy.

Qin Yang was led into a room, and at a glance he saw Lei Ziqiang lying on the table in the middle of the room writing.

Hearing the footsteps, Lei Ziqiang looked up, his face suddenly showed joy, dropped the pen in his hand, strode to Qin Yang, and hugged Qin Yang.

"You finally came, but wait for me to die!"

Qin Yang was a little surprised: "It shouldn't be possible. For such a big thing, there must be many related practitioners participating. It doesn't matter if I come or not. Don't I come, your special training camp will not be organized. Yet?"

Lei Ziqiang waved his hand to let the two soldiers who led the way down and then closed the door of the room, pulling Qin Yang to sit down at his desk.

"Brother, you don't know the situation here. This kind of training camp was set up by the above name, and the attention is very high. If the first batch has achieved good results, then it may be promoted on a larger scale in the future, or even in batches. Training practitioners and soldiers, that is to say, practicing practitioners' techniques in the army..."

Qin Yang nodded: "Isn't this very good? Just like universal education, to improve the quality of the whole people, if soldiers are also trained as practitioners, even if they cannot become masters, once the base is up, there will always be many masters, and The combat effectiveness of ordinary soldiers will be much higher."

A bitter smile appeared on Lei Ziqiang's face: "You have a broad mind, but don't everyone think that way!"

Qin Yang was taken aback for a moment, and frowned, "What do you say?"

Lei Ziqiang's expression is slightly weird: "Although it is the age of technology, you must be very clear that those wealthy families have the right to speak. The advantage of practitioners is their most basic foundation. Do you think they Will you agree to promote the cultivation of the whole army and the cultivation of the whole people?"

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