The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1606: Do you think too much of me?

Qin Yang's eyes widened slightly. Although he didn't follow the system route, it didn't mean that he was incomprehensible.

Where is the advantage of the family of practitioners?

Naturally, they have accumulated hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation and their strong strength, which allows them to occupy the upper echelons of society no matter how they change dynasties, and they have sufficient voice.

But what if the whole people practice?

Although it is said that practice requires the consumption of spiritual resources, not everyone can easily become a master of spiritual practice, but if the country really promotes the whole army, if the country finds talented spiritual seedlings, the country will focus on the cultivation of spiritual resources. Perhaps it may not be seen in ten years. What's the difference, but after 20 years and 50 years, I am afraid that the situation will change drastically.

When the advantage of the family of practitioners is no longer a unique advantage, it will become increasingly difficult for them to have sufficient voice.

Prosperous people, many masters?

Compared with the country?

Haha, that's a joke!

If you wait for the supreme powerhouse to appear in batches of practitioners cultivated by the country one day, then these family of practitioners will no longer have any advantages, and will no longer have the unique status and right to speak.

How to prevent this from happening?

Quite simply, if you prevent the advancement of the whole army or the whole people's practice plan, and keep the practice resources in the hands of a small group of people, they will always be at the top of this society.

These high-level contests did not have much to do with Qin Yang. The inheritance of the Hidden Gate was originally a one-liner, and had never been in politics. Naturally, people from large families didn't think or worry much.

In addition to these ideas, there must be other concerns in every aspect that led them to oppose this project.

Qin Yang thought about it, he had understood Lei Ziqiang's thoughts, and immediately smiled bitterly in his heart.

The reason is this.

But the whole people practice?

Ha ha!

"What's the situation now?"

Qin Yang had already seen it when he came. This training camp is very lively. It can be seen that this training camp must be done, so what is the problem now?

Looking at Qin Yang's sudden look, Lei Ziqiang knew that he had understood what he meant. He picked up a teacup, made a cup of tea for Qin Yang, and placed it in front of Qin Yang.

"Since it was under pressure from all parties, this special training camp was finally established. Naturally, I wanted to see the results of the special training. Now this special training camp is like an experimental field. If the experimental field has a good harvest, then Naturally it will be promoted, but if the harvest is not good, then the natural promotion plan will die out."

Lei Ziqiang sighed: "I am not a practitioner, I am a pure soldier, I naturally follow the above orders to do things, and from my heart, I also hope that this training camp can achieve good results. Promote it to some important troops, improve the combat effectiveness of the army, and even eventually promote it to the whole army to practice. When the foundation is strong, the country will naturally become stronger."

Lei Ziqiang looked at the position of the window, approached Qin Yang slightly by two points, lowered his voice and said, "The promotion plan for military practice is divided into two factions. Simply put, it is the approval and the opposition. The training camp was set up under the pressure of opposition, but the ingredients of this training camp were mixed with sand. Do you understand that with sand?"

Qin Yang looked at Lei Ziqiang's cautious look, and felt a little weird in his heart. Of course he understood that mixing with sand. Since he couldn't object, then I would put my people in. Then the final result is not my decision, even if I can't. If it's a word, then I can just pull the hind legs, right?

Qin Yang nodded: "Probably understand, then...what can I do?"

Lei Ziqiang said solemnly: "I hope you will help me find a correct development direction for this training camp and find a way to effectively promote it in the military."

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "Brother Lei, don't you value me too much?"

Lei Ziqiang smiled bitterly: "There will not be too many people in this training camp, only about two hundred. The training time is half a year, and after half a year is the time to test the results, I know that half a year may be a little short for practitioners. After all, everyone knows that the growth of spiritual strength is slow, so I think more about their comprehensive improvement of combat power, which is to completely combine the advantages of practitioners with the advantages of various thermal weapons. I think if they develop well, This may be a new development path in the future."

"Are you a practitioner who is proficient in using firearms and other hot weapons?"

Qin Yang replied casually, and immediately smiled: "This is not difficult. The physical fitness of the practitioner is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Whether it is reaction, vision, nerve response, etc., it is much better. If you can use these The advantage is applied to the use of various hot weapons, and after experiencing actual combat, it will definitely be more powerful than ordinary people!"

Lei Ziqiang looked at Qin Yang with bright eyes: "Do you think my thinking is correct?"

Qin Yang laughed and said: "Although the threat of firearms is much smaller when the practitioner reaches above the Great Success Realm, if the two sides meet on the battlefield, the Great Success Realm who can skillfully use all kinds of firearms will definitely be more dominant. Although the practitioner is powerful, But after all, you can’t be invulnerable, and for practitioners below the Dacheng realm, who are proficient in firearms, their combat effectiveness is definitely much higher than that of the same practitioners... If only from the standpoint of individual combat effectiveness, this idea is feasible."

Why is Qin Yang so sure?

Isn't Qin Yang a living example himself?

On the real battlefield, Qin Yang’s fighting power is very high. It can be said that he has fully utilized the advantages of the practitioner’s body and the advantages of heating weapons. If it is a practitioner of the same strength, both sides have guns. Qin The chance that Yang kills the opponent is basically 100%!

There are naturally more than one person like Qin in Dragon Group or Dragon Nest, there are many, and there should be small elite special forces, but there must be no large-scale ascetic forces, maybe this That is the purpose of this attempt.

Is it worth promoting on a large scale, or is it worth comparing input and output?

The proficiency Qin Yang said is not just mastery like an ordinary soldier, but an instinct to transcend the limit and turn every point of his body's advantage into combat. This requires countless hard training and actual combat. The last thing that can be exercised is that the energy invested in such soldiers is naturally not a little bit, so this training camp was created.

If you can formulate a very popular training course and put it in a controllable range, and the final results are satisfactory, then maybe the next group will not be two hundred people, it may be two thousand people, or even more... …

Qin Yang was speechless. This plan sounds perfect, but first of all, there must be so many practitioners.

Lei Ziqiang heard Qin Yang agree with him and grabbed Qin Yang excitedly: "Brother, you must help me this time. I don't have a background as a cultivator, so I rely on you!"

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