The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1617: 1 is divided into 2

The room was silent again, everyone's eyes were staring at Qin Yang, their eyes shocked.

Qin Yang initiated the challenge?

Is it self-confidence or young and frivolous?

Luo Duanyang, the special instructor who was challenged by Qin Yang, glanced at Liu Weixing and said in a deep voice, "What kind of combat is the challenge you mentioned?"

Qin Yang raised his chin slightly: "Didn't you say that I don't understand firearms, it's better than firearms, free jungle warfare, I think as a soldier, this should be what you are very good at and proud of?"

Luo Duanyang was irritated by Qin Yang's attitude: "Freedom is real, right, OK, I promise you!"

Qin Yang ignored Luo Duanyang's challenge, and his eyes fell on Liu Weixing's face: "Deputy Chief Instructor Liu, what do you think of my proposal?"

Liu Weixing's eyes were slightly narrowed for two minutes, and Qin Yang's words directly pushed him against the wall, and now he can't agree if he doesn't agree.

Liu Weixing attacked Qin Yang with Qin Yang’s ignorance of military affairs, and Qin Yang retorted with actions, to prove that he knew better than a group of them, Liu Weixing could not back down, but if he really bet like that, what if he loses?

Liu Weixing hadn’t spoken yet. Tielan Mountain, who was sitting in the first place, had already smiled and knocked on the table: “This is a good way. It’s a mule or a horse. Pull it out for a walk. We are all soldiers. We speak with strength. If Qin Yang wins, That shows that he has a deeper experience and sentiment, then we will do what he said, if he loses, then we will not say it."

The chief instructor of Tielan Mountain has already stated his position. Liu Weixing naturally can't sing the opposite in public. He hesitated a little and said: "Chief instructor, I have a suggestion. Do you think it is appropriate?"

Tie Lanshan smiled and said, "Speak up, let's discuss it."

Liu Weixing smiled and said: "Instructor Qin has to prove his abilities by challenging methods and prove his proposal. I think this is feasible, but after all, instructor Qin is a very outstanding and outstanding practitioner. His talent must be. Many people throughout Huaxia know that his personal performance is not representative of the public..."

After a brief pause, Liu Weixing said his true thoughts: "Our special training camp itself is experimental, crossing the river by feeling the stones. Before the facts proved that no one dared to say that he must be correct, so I support their challenge, but I think it should be safer."

"If Qin Yang loses, then this matter will not be mentioned. If Qin Yang wins, I propose to divide the team into two, each with 100 people, two teams with similar strength levels, and train according to our two plans. After waiting for half a year, the two teams will conduct confrontation exercises to prove whose training program is more representative... Chief instructor, what do you think?"

Tielan Mountain pondered for a moment: "Dividing the team into two, using two different special training methods. This is indeed a good way to compare. After half a year, it is clear which is better and worse... Instructor Tang, Instructor Lei, you What do you think?"

Deputy Chief Instructor Tang Qian thought for a while and said, "I support this proposal."

After thinking about it, Lei Ziqiang felt that this method was good. Comparison was the easiest answer. He also firmly believed in Qin Yang’s advice. If he could defeat Liu Weixing’s team cleanly in half a year, it would naturally explain the problem. Moreover, Liu Weixing wants to deny it, but it can't be denied.

"I also agree to split the team into two, two training modes, cross comparison, and find a better way!"

Seeing that the opinions of the three deputy chief instructors were unified, Tie Lanshan said categorically: "Okay, then according to what instructor Qin said, than! We are all soldiers, relying on fists, guns, and ability to speak, how exactly? A comparison?"

Qin Yang was clearly prepared in his heart: "Everyone has to learn from each other. Naturally, you don’t need real guns and live ammunition. Just use rubber bullets. This thing can't kill people. As long as the rubber bullet hits the vital position, you lose the game. Of course, if you are Defeating at close range is also considered...Is this all right?"

Liu Weixing nodded: "Yes!"

Although there are differences in ideas and factions, but in the end it is just a dispute. Naturally, there is no need to divide life and death with real knives and guns. Rubber bullets are enough to tell the winner, not to mention everyone else. People from the side testify and watch the battle, and no one can play tricks.

Liu Weixing went on to say: "In order to ensure fairness, the three battles will be determined to win or lose. After all, if it is only a battle, there may be a certain degree of chance."

Qin Yang smiled freely, his expression calm: "Okay, then three battles."

These instructors are all of the Celestial and Human Realm, and they are similar to Qin Yang in the realm of strength. Qin Yang is not afraid of the combat effectiveness of practitioners. He has swept through the Japanese Celestial and Human Realm, and can carry and even kill the extraordinary masters. When it comes to guns or tactics, Qin Yang will not be afraid of them.

"Then everyone will have a good rest today, and the competition will be held tomorrow morning."

After the meeting was over, Lei Ziqiang and Qin Yang left the meeting room, Lei Ziqiang asked with concern, "Are you sure?"

Qin Yang's expression was determined: "Don't worry, you are sure to win, but unfortunately only half of the students..."

"This is better."

Lei Ziqiang laughed and said: "It is easy to do things if people are together. Those people are not together with us, so they will not work together. Even if you win, they are forced to do things with us, as if they are secretly dragged down. It drags down the entire special training camp, but it's not good, everyone separates, but it is better to distinguish between superiors and inferior ones."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "The reason is this But their obvious idea is to use the comparative assessment six months later. As long as there is no obvious difference between the two teams, it shows our special training method. There is no advantage. They can deny us, even together with them, deny the entire special training camp model."

Lei Ziqiang's face was calm: "Of course I know what he thinks in his heart, but if you still can't open the gap between the two teams according to the method you said, it means that our method does not have much advantage. What is looking for is a truly effective special training model."

Qin Yang understood what Lei Ziqiang meant, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, as long as you follow the modified model for special training, the gap will surely widen after half a year."

Lei Ziqiang grumbled, with a look of anticipation on his face: "I hope so. Although this involves some philosophical disputes, I really hope that I can find a way that can be promoted, and then promote it to the whole army to improve the combat effectiveness of the whole army. , Even if you just set up some small-scale troops."

Qin Yang comforted: "Although the base number of practitioners limits the prospects for military development, it is absolutely fine to train a relatively small number of practitioner troops within a certain range, and the combat effectiveness will definitely be very high. If a war breaks out, they will help the legion fight, and they will definitely be able to burst out huge energy!"

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