The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1618: This kid is too evil!

The sun is hanging in the east, but I can't feel any heat. On the contrary, the cold wind blows from the mountains, which is quite cold.

Qin Yang let out a sigh, and the heat instantly turned into a cloud of white mist in front of him.

Lei Ziqiang stood beside Qin Yang and asked with concern: "Are you all ready?"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "OK!"

Lei Ziqiang whispered and encouraged: "Come on, waiting for your good news."

On the other side, Liu Weixing also instructed Luo Duanyang and two other special instructors. The three of them were the opponents Liu Weixing sent to confront Qin Yang.

"Luo Duanyang, you go first, Zhao Lei, you are second, where is your finale? Anyway, you must win!"

Luo Duanyang said coldly: "Although he is very strong, but when he starts the gun, he is definitely not my opponent!"

Zhao Lei sneered and said: "Marksmanship is fed by bullets. Even if he has touched a gun abroad, how much he has contact with and how many bullets he can hit. He has been a student in recent years. I am afraid that he has not touched a gun for a long time. It's not difficult to pass him. It's just that young people don't know that the sky is high and the earth is rich, and if they have some ability, they think they are invincible in the world."

Liu Weixing's expression was not too relaxed, and he whispered: "You must not underestimate the enemy. This Qin Yang is a monster. His talent is not only manifested in his spiritual strength. He is also a genius doctor and a pianist. The one that can get the first place, you must treat it carefully!"

Obviously Liu Weixing had studied Qin Yang, and he still attached great importance to Qin Yang. Even if he thought in his heart that Qin Yang could not win, he was very conservative and made two-handed plans.

If you win, naturally nothing will change. Even if you lose, you can divide the team into two even if you are at a disadvantage, and you still control the first team, as long as there is little difference from the other pair in the final test. That's enough.

Tielanshan held his hands on his back, silently waiting.

Behind the one-ticket instructor, there are still two hundred students. They have already learned the content of the battle from the instructor, and they are all excited.

"Qin Yang is so young, so young to be so good, it is really enviable."

"Hey, don't you see who the master is, Hidden Gate, a single pass, can people with no talent join the Hidden Gate, can it be great if you join the Hidden Gate?"

"Who do you think can win?"

"No matter how powerful Qin Yang is, he is also a cultivator. He is definitely not as good as the other instructors for playing with guns. Those instructors are all transferred from the army. The guns are so good!"

"That's not necessarily true. I have been paying attention to Qin Yang before. His talent is very high, and it is not limited to practice. You see how good people are in medicine. Japanese and Korean experts are not his opponents. He is still a pianist. The Chopin International Piano Competition held in Poland also won the first place. He was the third in China to get the first place. Anyway, since I followed him until now, it seems that he has never failed. Since he took the initiative to challenge, I think he must be sure of victory!"

"Confidence doesn't mean the result. The strength of those specially-appointed instructors is no lower than Qin Yang. I still believe in Instructor Luo after playing guns for so many years."

"Let's wait and see, hehe, no matter what, this game must be very exciting!"

Qin Yang and Luo Duanyang looked at each other, turned their heads and walked towards the two ends of the jungle. They walked out about two hundred meters before they stopped and turned around.

At this time, the two people were about 400 meters together. This distance was beyond the effective range of the bullet. Both men were carrying a semi-automatic rifle, a pistol, and a saber. What they had to do was simple. That is to kill the other party!

The jungle is full of various trees and shrubs. At a distance of four hundred meters, two people can only vaguely know the location of each other, but they can't shoot directly because there are too many trees between them.

"First round, start!"

Following the command of the Chief Instructor Tie Lan Shan, the two people in the jungle moved at the same time, and they approached each other under the cover of the jungle trees.

Under such circumstances, there is obviously no way to ambush or attack. After all, both of them are masters of the Dacheng Realm and can accurately grasp the position of each other.

Soon, the two people each entered each other's effective range, but neither of them rushed to shoot, but continued to get closer while hiding their bodies behind the trunks of trees.

When the two people were only about 30 meters closer, Luo Duanyang pulled the trigger and the rubber bullet swished across the air, hitting the tree, and the leaves whizzed.

Although rubber bullets can't kill people, they still hurt when hitting people. Moreover, the tops of these rubber bullets are glued with white paint. Once they hit people, they will leave a dazzling white mark.

Qin Yang's figure is like smoke, constantly switching between the trees, each movement is clean and neat, even when he is moving, the gun in his hand is still firing, and the bullets are still very accurate to Luo Duanyang's hiding. position.

The distance between the two has become closer, Qin Yang holding the gun, quickly finished playing a magazine.

Just when Qin Yang's gun misfired, Luo Duanyang probed out from where he was hiding, aimed at Qin Yang and pulled the trigger.

Qin Yang did not change the magazine, but flashed his figure, left the place, raised his hand casually, slammed the gun in his hand towards Luo Duanyang, and at the same time drew the pistol from his waist.

Phantom step!


Qin Yang appeared in front of Luo Duanyang's left front. Luo Duanyang was shocked and quickly moved the muzzle in his hand. However, he had just pulled the trigger and Qin Yang had disappeared from the place again.

Two steps!

Three steps!

Qin Yang appeared like a ghost and appeared on the other side of Luo Duanyang. The pistol in his hand directly pulled the trigger.

"Boom boom!"

The assault rifle that Luo Duanyang was shooting suddenly went It wasn't that there were no bullets, but he felt a tingling pain in his neck.

He was shot in the neck!

Not only did he have a white mark on his neck, but his ribs and thighs also added a white mark at the same time.

Luo Duanyang stretched out his hand and wiped his neck, looking at the little white dye on his hand, his face suddenly became cold.


This kid is still so far away from him, he only showed such a little body, the opponent was still moving fast, and all three consecutive shots hit him!

This marksmanship is amazing too!

In addition, the body technique he had just displayed was almost without a trace, as fast as lightning, even if he was a practitioner of the Great Stage Realm, he still couldn't catch the opponent's figure and shoot accurately.

This kid is too evil!

Playing with guns, so much fun...

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