The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1631: 2 Country Exchange Tournament

Looking at Qin Yang's bright eyes, Duan Mufeng smiled two more points on his face.

He was worried that Qin Yang would refuse. After all, Qin Yang is a very special person. If he didn't want to go, he couldn't force it.

"Youth is defined as under 30 years old, so the rules are the same as the definition of the youth group competition of the League General Assembly held last year. Since it is representing China and the Eagle Country for exchanges, the participants are naturally young talents of the younger generation. , Strength can represent the generation of Chinese youth..."

Qin Yang heard Duanmufeng say this, and subconsciously said, "Zhao Qinglong, Yun Bailing?"

Duanmufeng laughed and said: "Yes, they are two of the leaders of our young generation in China. Both have reached the peak of the heaven and human realm. It is possible to break through the extraordinary at any time. Of course, although you may be better than them in realm The two are a bit worse, but the actual combat effectiveness is estimated to be not much different. You are in Japan to sweep the world of heaven and humanity in Japan. We all know this very well."

Qin Yang suddenly became interested. This kind of exchange match is a real elite match. Such a scene must be very hot and enthusiastic. If you can participate, you can't be absent.

Fighting with masters is also a way of practicing. For example, didn't Mo Yu break through directly through the battle with Lu Tiansheng?

Qin Yang is now in the Celestial Realm, and his strength still has time to practice Qi, but the speed of his strength has slowed down. After all, the internal energy in the dantian is already too large. The increase in internal energy in daily practice is compared with this total. But it's not too much.

This is like playing an online game. You can get one level up by hacking a few small monsters in Novice Village, but as the level increases, the experience that needs to be upgraded is getting bigger and bigger. In the later stage, hundreds and thousands of them will be hacked. Weird may not be able to be upgraded.

"Apart from them, are there any acquaintances?"

Duan Mufeng smiled and said: "The three of you are the default candidates. As long as you don't object to it, it will be done. As for others, you still need to review, compare and criticize. After all, this matter represents the face of China. You must be careful... …"

Qin Yang uttered a loud voice and asked cleanly, "I am very interested, when and how long will it take?"

"In mid-April, there are about twenty days away from now, and the entire exchange competition is estimated to last five days."

Qin Yang thought for a moment. At that time, he seemed to have nothing serious, and then nodded cleanly: "Count me, I'm fine."

Duanmufeng laughed and said: "Okay, with you participating, I also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, you can carry the extraordinary and even kill the extraordinary fierce. Although Zhao Qinglong and Yun Bailing are also very powerful, they In the outbreak of real actual combat, the combat effectiveness may not be higher than yours."

Qin Yang said modestly: "The moment of life and death, there is only desperateness. Playing a game is completely different."

Duanmufeng's complexion was slightly serious: "Although it is a competition, not a battle of life and death, it involves the face of the country, and Huaxia is the leader of the Eastern practitioners, and the Eagle country is the leader of the Western practitioners. The collision of the two represents The meaning is naturally different. The battle will never be too easy at that time. If you are a little careless, you may even be injured and disabled. I have to explain this to you in advance."

Qin Yang's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled: "Okay, I have experienced a lot of life and death battles, and the experience is pretty rich."

Duan Mufeng's face was a little slow, and he chuckled: "That's true. In your seven-day ring in Japan, it can be said that almost every game is a life and death battle. Those people can't wait to kill you directly in the ring..."

Qin Yang smiled and turned to look at Mo Yu: "Master, let me go and see, is it all right?"

Mo Yu chuckles: "You are the master, and you just need to be careful."

Qin Yang had a slight expectation of two points in his eyes: "Well, presumably, the confrontation this time is definitely more intense than the previous League Tournament competition, which is very interesting."

Now that the matter was finalized, Duanmufeng was also relieved and turned to talk about other things.

Qin Yang saw that there was nothing wrong with him for the time being, so he slipped back to his room and took a shower. Before, he had been with Zhuang Mengdie in her general manager's office, and he was irritating her.

Duanmufeng and Mo Yu had a very speculative chat. During the meal, all three of them drank two bottles of liquor.

After Duanmufeng left after dinner, Qin Yang watched Duanmufeng's car disappear at the door, turned his head and smiled: "Master, do you know Senior Duanmu?"

Mo Yu smiled and said, "I've had a few dealings, it's some kind of friendship."

Qin Yang said with a smile: "Master is really a friend all over the world, this Duanmufeng is the executive vice president of the Association of Practitioners."

Mo Yu smiled and glanced at Qin Yang: "Since you have decided to go, don't be ashamed."

Qin Yang said confidently: "I can't beat the old, and I'm still very confident to beat the younger generation."

Mo Yu hummed: "Don't speak so high-profile. Be careful when you get slapped in the face. According to what I said, the number of practitioners in the Eagle Country is also very large. This generation has a lot of evildoers, and the strength is not comparable to the Chinese youth generation. Poor, and there are evildoers who have stepped into the extraordinary."

Qin Yang's eyes widened suddenly: "Transcendence? Has their younger generation stepped into transcendence?"

Mo Yu nodded: "This is also the reason Duanmu wants you to compete."

Qin Yang took a breath of cold air: "Then this exchange match is very dangerous. This extraordinary end, can most people still have to fight? Even if I have resisted or even killed the extraordinary, I dare not say that I can Victory."

"But you have defeated the extraordinary after all, haven't you?"

Mo Yu stared at Qin There was a bit of joking in his eyes: "There are still twenty days left. I advise you to take advantage of this time to practice the lower pupil technique. At the beginning, you defeated the dragon slayer. That transcendent also killed him by sneak attack with pupil technique."

Qin Yang's expression was slightly solemn: "Well, I have vaguely touched the threshold of the fourth layer of pupil surgery before. I will use this time to consolidate and improve it to see if I can really completely break through the fourth layer."

In the past twenty days, no matter how you practice your inner energy, your improvement will be limited, but if you can raise the pupil technique by one level to the fourth level, then his combat effectiveness will be greatly increased. After all, there are several people fighting in the battle. Don't look at each other's eyes?

If you look at the opponent's eyes and are disturbed by the pupil technique cast by the opponent's eyes, how do you deal with the opponent's phantom attack?

Shigong Miao Jiangong's combat power was so high that he was able to defeat opponents much stronger than himself by reaching the fourth level of black hole. Qin Yang's combat power was originally high. If he could truly break through to reach the black hole, he would have to defeat the transcendent. Possible things.

Qin Yang's phone rang suddenly, and Qin Yang took out his cell phone and answered the call: "Qingqing...what, did you encounter an attack?"

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