The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1632: Tough guy

Han Qingqing packed the books into his bag, and walked out of the teaching building with his school bag on his back, looking at a chair under the shade of the tree opposite.

Andy got up from the seat and took the lead to walk towards the parking lot. Han Qingqing followed Andy not far behind and walked out.

Although Andy protects Han Qingqing personally, this is a school after all. There are already many strange eyes on Han Qingqing. She doesn't want more discussions because of Andy.

Han Qingqing has a watch presented by Qin Yang with positioning and distress functions, and earrings with signal transmitters. Andy can know her location at any time and receive her distress as soon as possible, so Han When Qingqing is in class, Andy will find a place nearby to wait. When she is over, Andy will drive out the car first, and then pick her up on the side of the road.

The relationship between Han Qingqing and Qin Yang has been exposed. Qin Yang is a billionaire. It is normal to have a car to pick Han Qingqing to and from school, and it will not cause too much surprise. After all, there are many students with cars in the school. , This matter is nothing new.

The car drove all the way, and quickly left the prosperous neighborhood, and drove onto a relatively secluded concrete road, and then down the road straight to the Mid-Levels Villa.

A van approached oncoming, and it was about to pass by, but the van suddenly bends in direction, banging the left side mirror of Andy's car directly and breaking it, and then the car was shocked again. Turning to the left, then the harsh brakes sounded, and the van twisted to a stop on the road.

Andy also stopped the car, he turned his head and whispered: "You stay in the car, don't get out of the car, I will go down and take a look!"

Han Qingqing agreed, lowered the window glass for a little bit and looked at the van on the opposite side.

Andy opened the door and walked towards the van. After a few steps, the door of the van opened, and a man in his early fifties walked out.

Andy's pupils narrowed slightly for two points, stopped, and looked at the man in front of him alertly.

This man turned out to be white like Andy, and he was tall, with strong muscles, and his clothes were tightly stretched, as if he was about to explode at any time.

"You hit my car!"

Andy said in a deep voice, his muscles were already tight and he was ready to take action at any time, because he realized that this man was not an ordinary person, and his expression was not right.

"is it?"

The burly man glanced across the knocked-out rearview mirror and smiled slightly: "I did it on purpose!"

After the burly man said this, he suddenly started under his feet and rushed towards Andy like a tank.

Andy's eyes changed, his muscles bulged in an instant, he stepped in front of the sturdy man, and slammed his punch towards the opponent.

There was a bit of violent enthusiasm in the sturdy man's eyes, as if he had seen a **** wolf. He threw a punch at the same time, but not at Andy's fist, but at his shoulder.

The fists of Andy and the sturdy man hit each other's shoulder at the same time, and the faces of the two changed at the same time, and their bodies were thinking of hitting the back at the same time.


Andy slammed into the door of the car, the window glass instantly shattered, and the door was sunken.

Han Qingqing screamed in surprise, and subconsciously twisted his head to avoid the splashing glass fragments. Fortunately, this is tempered glass. There will be no sharp edges after breaking, so Han Qingqing was just startled, and did not Injured.

The sturdy man was not much better. His body slammed into the van. Not only did the van’s door dent directly, but the van was also hit and moved a short distance to the rear. Half of the wheel fell directly on the side of the road. In the ditch.

The sturdy man put his hands on his hands and the door was sunken in two places, and he himself stood up, looking at Andy bloodthirsally, licking his lips with his tongue, and said coldly: "Unexpectedly, he is a master! "

Andy stood up straight, still blocking Han Qingqing's front, staring at the sturdy man opposite, quickly said: "Miss Han, call Mr. Qin!"

"it is good!"

Han Qingqing and Qin Yang have experienced many lives and deaths. Although such a scene made her panic, she didn't panic. She responded cleanly and quickly picked up her mobile phone to call Qin Yang.

At the same time, the sturdy man stood up straight, grabbed the door of the van, and pulled it suddenly. The door was suddenly torn off by him. The sturdy man held the door in his hand and rushed again like a violent locomotive. Coming over, the steel door in his hand waved, like a huge blade slashing towards Andy directly.

Andy's face was solemn. The two met just now. He has noticed that this guy's strength is not low, even if he is not much different from himself, but he suffers from not daring to let go, otherwise, relying on this man's strength , Wanting to kill Han Qingqing in the back seat was no more than a snap.

Andy's muscles were as tight as a King Kong, his hands stretched out, and he abruptly grasped the steel door that was chopped like an axe. The blood flowed out of his palm instantly, but as if he hadn't seen it, he kicked it out fiercely. , Kicked the opponent out again, but this time most of the strength was concentrated on his hands, the opponent took a few steps back but was unharmed.

Andy's hand grabbed the car door and made a semicircle, then swiped it out suddenly.

Andy didn't use the method of splitting the car door horizontally, but directly grabbed a corner and swung it just like holding a big hammer and smashing it directly.

The strong man raised his arms to block his head, and Andy's car door slammed on him, making a dull noise.

The strong man was directly hit and flew out, slammed on a telephone pole with a bang, and the telephone pole instantly bent a huge arc toward the center.

The strong man bounced back to the ground, and then got up cleanly in the next second. With such a violent impact, ordinary people might have broken their bones, but he seemed to have nothing.

Andy straddled a few steps, still standing between the strong man and Han Qingqing in a straight line, he did not catch up to attack the strong man, but stared at the other side guard.

His duty is to protect Han Qingqing, and now he doesn't know if the other party has any accomplices, and he is afraid to leave the car for half a step. Otherwise, even a practitioner who has just started, can easily kill or kidnap Han while he is away. Qingqing.

The strong man stared at Andy with red eyes: "You are also a Western practitioner. Why do you sacrifice your life to the Chinese people? Your dignity?"

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