The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1633: Chase

Andy stared at the strong man coldly, and replied coldly: "That has nothing to do with you, who are you?"

The strong man looked at Andy, who was on guard, and said with bloodthirsty eyes: "Give her to me, I will not trouble you afterwards, otherwise, I will kill all the people around you!"

Andy's eyes were cold: "Come on!"

The strong man saw that Andy was not moved by his threats, and knew that he could no longer succeed today, so he snorted and turned and rushed directly to the next forest.

Andy didn't catch up, turned around and asked, "Miss Han, are you hurt?"

Han Qingqing shook her head, her expression calmed back: "I'm fine, Qin Yang said that he and Mr. Mo are rushing over... Mr. Andy, I see your hands are bleeding..."

Andy said solemnly: "It's okay, the skin is injured, let's go back first."

"it is good!"

Andy got into the cab, started the car, and quickly walked towards the villa.

Andy was quite nervous all the way, because he was worried that the other party had a back player, but he never encountered any danger. On the way, he also met Kang Hui and He Xiu who came to meet him. After the four came together, they returned to the villa.

Kang Hui checked Andy's injured hand. It was indeed just a skin injury. To protect Han Qingqing, he forcibly took the man's car door cross-cut, and the palm of his hand was cut open, but the wound was not deep.

If this is an ordinary person, I am afraid that this fierce car door splits horizontally. Not to mention a cut, I am afraid that even one hand will have to be cut off, but Andy was only slightly injured, showing the hardness of his muscles and bones. .

This is the advantage of Western practitioners, steel bars and iron bones, infinite power, like a steel monster!

Kang Hui was helping Andy treat the wound, Qin Yang's car had already entered, and Qin Yang and Mo Yu walked into the house quickly.

Qin Yang saw Han Qingqing at a glance, and he was immediately relieved.

Previously, Han Qingqing did not hang up the phone according to what Qin Yang said. This is a precautionary measure. If Han Qingqing is arrested, Qin Yang can still get more information through dialogue, so that it can proceed faster. More accurate rescue, so Qin Yang knew that Andy had repelled the attacker and knew that Han Qingqing was safe and sound.

"Qingqing, are you okay?"

Han Qingqing shook her head and looked calm. It was not like an ordinary woman who was flustered after being attacked and could not recover for a long time. Her eyes fell on Andy's hand: "I'm fine, but Mr. Andy's hand is injured!"

Qin Yang gave a hum, and he was already standing next to Andy: "Mr. Andy, how are you hurt?"

Andy smiled and said: "The skin injury is not a hindrance, but the attacker's strength is not low, I couldn't catch him."

Qin Yang replied without hesitation: "It's okay, as long as you are all okay, the assailant ran away, and you can catch it again if you ran away. By the way, who was the one who shot?"

Andy shook his head: "White man, in his early fifties, strong, should be slightly worse than me, but not much worse, listening to his tone is not to kill Miss Han directly, but to kidnap her, maybe his ultimate goal is still Mr. Qin, catching Miss Han is just to threaten you!"

Qin Yang's face was solemn: "Western practitioners, who have hatred with me, may be the members of the Nord family."

Andy's eyes revealed a bit of surprise: "The Nord family? That is a very powerful family of practitioners!"

Qin Yang nodded: "I know that I have a grudge against them. Someone in their family took an order and wanted to kill me. I ended up killing me. I have been reminded before that people in their family know that the person who started it is I, want to get revenge on me, this guy is almost certainly from the Nord family."

Of course, Qin Yang’s enemies are not limited to the Nord family, but at this time period, they are the most likely to start with Han Qingqing. Who has exposed his relationship with Han Qingqing recently?

Wen Yanhou?


It’s not long since Wen Yanhou fled in embarrassment. He probably hasn’t regained his vitality yet. He should not seek revenge on himself in such a hurry. What’s more, the probability of him attacking Han Qingqing is not high, even if he really wants to choose an important woman around him. To coerce his hostages, then he would also choose other people instead of Han Qingqing.

In fact, whether it is your friend, your own woman, or your own girlfriend, once they fall into the hands of your opponent, the level of threat is the same.

Things started because of themselves, even if they were just ordinary friends, Qin Yang would do his best to save people, and would not let others be murdered because of his troubles.

"Do you remember what that person looked like?"

"Remember." Andy and Han Qingqing both spoke at the same time, with a certain expression on their faces.

Qin Yang nodded: "Then let's draw him, as long as we draw a seven-to-eighth portrait, and ask someone to help us inquire, maybe we can know his identity."

If there is no direction of doubt, even if you know the other person’s appearance, you may not be able to find out the identity of the other party. After all, the other party is a foreigner. Any identity is possible. But now that there are objects of doubt, the situation becomes much simpler. Up.

Qin Yang found a pencil and paper and began to sketch according to the description of the two.

The conflict happened too fast before, and Han Qingqing was busy calling Qin Yang again, and Andy repelled the fact that the other party had only met one or two. Han Qingqing did not have time to take a picture of the other party, otherwise, there would be no trouble. Up.

"The face is a bit long, a bit square, but the chin is a bit pointed, short hair, well, flat head..."

Andy fought against the attacker. As a cultivator, he naturally and clearly remembered the other's while recalling and describing, Qin Yang kept the pencil in his hand, brushing and drawing, from time to time Ask if the painting looks like!

Soon, a sketched head appeared in front of everyone. After a few minor changes, Han Qingqing opened his eyes and said affirmatively: "It's him, almost eight or nine points!"

Andy also replied affirmatively: "Yes, it's almost like this!"

Qin Yang nodded, picked up the phone and took a picture of the sketch on the desktop, then turned on the phone directly, sent an email, and dialed the number of Nisha on the other side of the ocean.

"Nisha, I want to ask you to help me with something. My girlfriend was attacked by a Western cultivator whose strength is about the extraordinary realm. The other party intends to kidnap my girlfriend. I suspect that it was you who had mentioned it before. I used to be from the Nord family. I drew his profile picture. I would like to ask you to find out his identity. Well, you can just find out if there is such a person in the Nord family. You don’t need to talk to the Nord family. People conflict, just help me find out the news..."

"Okay, it's easy. Although the Nord family is strong, but the opponent has extraordinary strength, it is not difficult to verify whether the Nord family is a member, wait for my news!"

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