The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1637: Kidnapping crisis

"It's just killing chickens and monkeys!"

Qin Yang's tone was slightly cold, and this coldness was naturally aimed at the Nord family and Bill.

"There are many people who want to deal with me or masters, and many of them have rich backgrounds. I want to use Bill's life to tell other people like that. If you want to kill me, you have to realize it if you die. There is a powerful family behind, and no one can protect him!"

Han Qingqing heard Qin Yang's words and knew that Qin Yang was going to kill Bill. She didn't think it was inappropriate, because she was already very comfortable with this world where the weak and the strong.

Crisis, blood, and life have made Han Qingqing and her at the beginning very different!

"Bill is hiding now, where are you going to find him?"

Qin Yang smiled: "There is always a way to find him, and I will solve this matter."

Han Qingqing lay down and hugged Qin Yang's waist slightly sideways: "Be careful yourself."

"Well, don't worry, this is our territory. He is an outsider and can't turn it over."

After Han Qingqing fell asleep, Qin Yang quietly left the study.

He dialed the number of Dragon King and briefly recounted what had happened.

"You send me his information, and I will arrange for someone to investigate. Once there is him, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Thank you!"

The Dragon King urged: "Be careful yourself, the other party has extraordinary strength."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I know it in my heart. By the way, what happened to the five people before?"

"It's not bad. They used the fairy drunk made by Wen Yanhou before, and now they are cooperating with drugs to detox. It will take a long time. They can't be allowed to go out to perform tasks with drug addiction. This is a hidden danger and must be eliminated. ."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Anyway, don't trouble me anymore."

The Dragon King promised: "You don't have to worry about this. If you don't feel 100% sure, they won't be able to leave here."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang hung up the phone and looked at the phone for a while, and Aswell called again.

"Mr. Qin, the Patriarch has announced that Bill will be expelled from the family. Since then, his behavior and life and death have nothing to do with the family... Are you satisfied now?

Qin Yang smiled coldly: "Bill was originally a knife of your Nord family. There is no difference between expelling and not expelling. You don't need to act like you have suffered a lot."

Aswell was silent for two seconds suddenly. Obviously, he didn't expect Qin Yang to see the matter very thoroughly, knowing that their Nord family was playing the trick of Mingxiu plank road crossing Chencang secretly.

"Since you think there is no difference, why must you ask us to do this?"

Qin Yang snorted coldly, but didn't answer Aswell's words, and said coldly: "Since you have expressed your opinion, then you can watch it."

Qin Yang stopped talking nonsense with Aswell and hung up.

Qin Yang leaned on the chair, frowning, thinking about how to find Bill.


Xue Wantong got out of the taxi and walked into the community with her bag.

Today I encountered a child in the company who was in urgent need of help. In order for the child to go through the procedures as soon as possible and receive the relief money for the operation, Xue Wantong has been working overtime until now and has been busy with everything.

Walking into the community, going upstairs, standing at the door of the house, Xue Wantong raised her wrist and took a look.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

It's so late!

Xue Wantong frowned, took out the key from the bag, quietly opened the door, and glanced into the room.

The lights are off in the living room and no one is there.

Xue Wantong breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was too late today and her mother had already rested.

so far so good.

Xue Wantong changed her shoes and walked to her bedroom, fearing to awaken her mother. After all, it took her mother a hard day to open a shop.

On weekdays, my mother has to wait for her to come back, but she didn't wait for herself today. Maybe she was too tired.

Xue Wantong opened the door of her room, turned on the light, and then stepped forward, but suddenly widened her eyes and let out a low cry in horror.


On Xue Wantong's bed, a white man in his fifties was leisurely leaning against the head of the bed, looking at Xue Wantong with a leisurely look. His eyes were like nails, as if he was about to make a hole in Xue Wantong's body.

"who are you?"

When Xue Wantong asked, the man on the bed stood up, appeared in front of Xue Wantong, and slashed Xue Wantong's neck with a palm.

Xue Wantong didn't have time to say a word, and there was darkness in front of her, and she fell directly to the ground, and she fainted.

I don't know how long it took, Xue Wantong felt that her body was being shaken, and there was a pain in her arm. He dimly opened his eyes, and his pupils suddenly widened.

She is now hanging in the air, and she is still rising!

She struggled twice in horror, but found that her hands were tied by a rope, and the rope was pulling her body up into the air.

She looked in the direction of the rope and just saw the white man who knocked him out before. He was not hurriedly contracting the rope and hanging himself in the air.

Xue Wantong looked around, only to find that this was an abandoned construction site. A building was only half repaired. The rope went around a metal shelf tens of meters high, and the other end was in the man's hand.

Soon, Xue Wantong was dropped into the air at a height of several tens of meters. The man tied the rope without rush, and then he blew a whistle at Xue Wantong.

"Miss Xue, how do you feel up there?"

Xue Wantong stared at the man in horror: "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

The man put his hand on his waist and bowed gracefully, with a polite look: "My name is Bill Nord and I come from the Nord family. This time I was looking for Miss Xue just for the sake of adulthood... …"

Xue Wantong's heart was filled with For a while, Jack said loudly: "I don't know you, why are you arresting me?"

Bill chuckled: "Yes, we haven't met each other, but I know you. Maybe I mention a name and you will know it."


Bill smiled and said, "Jack Nord, the one who once thought about you and made you fall downstairs."

Jack Nord!

Xue Wantong suddenly came back to her senses, Bill Nord, they are members of a family!

Bill looked at Xue Wantong's widened eyes and smiled slightly: "Miss Xue, do you remember now?"

Xue Wantong shook his head and said: "Jack's death has nothing to do with me. He drove down into the cliff by himself..."

Bill smiled and took out his phone: "I know it has nothing to do with you. You can't kill Bill, but your friend can. And he must be willing to do this for you!"

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