The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1638: Don't say I didn't give you a chance!


Qin Yang suddenly turned over and sat up from the bed, his face full of anger.

"Qin Yang, your beautiful friend is blowing the night breeze in the sky now, would you like to take a look?"

Qin Yang said coldly: "Which friend?"

Bill's voice was a bit cruel and ridiculed: "Listen to your tone, there are many beautiful friends, then maybe you don't care about her at all, after all, there is one less of her, and you have many more."

"Don't talk nonsense, who is it?"


Qin Yang's mobile phone quickly received a short video of a few seconds. A woman in a small suit was hung in the air, her body floating helplessly in the air, as if she would fall down at any time, and the height was at least several Ten meters, if you really fell down, you can imagine the end.

Qin Yang recognized Xue Wantong at a glance, and his blood was like falling into an ice cave for an instant!

How could Bill find Xue Wantong?

"Are you surprised why I only found your girlfriend at night and turned around to find Miss Xue again?"

Qin Yang took a deep breath: "Why?"

Bill's voice suddenly turned cold: "Do you think you killed Jack without knowing it no one knew it?"

Qin Yang's pupils suddenly shrank, Jack!

Jack was killed by Qin Yang before he went to Japan, but if they knew it, they wouldn't be able to retaliate until today. Isn't this because of Horaton?

Bill seemed to enjoy this sense of control, and said proudly: "You did not realize that Jack was killed by you at the beginning, but you did investigate you at the time. It's just that you didn't show the mountains or the dew and blinded us, but You killed Horraton again. Now that we found your head, how can we not think of Jack's death?"

Suddenly, Qin Yang felt regretful in his heart.


After I learned from Nisha that the news of Horaton’s death was exposed, I didn’t think of Jack’s affairs. After all, how long had this incident been, I relaxed my vigilance, and because of this, I neglected Xue Wantong’s side. Take advantage of the opportunity.

Although in fact, with so many classmates, roommates, friends, and lovers around Qin Yang, he does not have so many powerful guards who can protect them all. After all, this Bill is an extraordinary master, even if he sends a bodyguard, then The strength is almost useless.

"where are you?"

Bill reported a position, it was a very remote area.

"If you still want your friend to live, then you will come alone. I don't care if you call the police or call someone. Anyway, as long as I see the second person, you can collect the body of your beautiful Xue, um, this High, I'm afraid the picture is a bit miserable!"

Qin Yang replied without hesitation: "Okay, I'll come right away, don't hurt her, otherwise, I will go to Nevada and kill all your family members. I can tell you can do it!"

Bill's voice was cold: "Are you threatening me?"

Qin Yang counterattacked in a cold voice: "Aren't you threatening me now? You are only allowed to hurt my friends. Don't you allow me to hurt people close to you? I know you are alone, but you have parents after all. I know that although you are bloodthirsty, you are good to mother..."

Bill's voice was as cold as ice: "You know me very well."

Qin Yang said coldly: "Since you use such tricks, don't blame others for dealing with you in the same way!"

There was a little more anger in Bill's voice: "I'll give you half an hour, and within half an hour, you will collect her body!"

Han Qingqing was awakened by Qin Yang's voice, and looked at Qin Yang worriedly.

Qin Yang quickly got up and looked at her apologetically. Before speaking, Han Qingqing had already spoken softly: "Go, pay attention to safety."


Qin Yang probed Han Qingqing's face and kissed him, quickly put on his clothes, rushed into the study, and opened a safe in the study.

The safe was full of various things, as well as a pistol and two magazines. Qin Yang inserted a magazine into the pistol, inserted the pistol in his back, and then selected several small things. He quickly installed it in various places on his body, and then closed the safe.

"Master, help me!"

Mo Yu quickly opened the door of the room and looked at Qin Yang's armed appearance, without saying anything: "Where?"

"Bill kidnapped Xue Wantong and forced me to come and save people. You and I will take a trip and act by chance."

"it is good!"

The master and apprentice rushed out of the yard and got into Qin Yang's car, which roared out of the villa.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Yang's car had arrived in that remote area, and he also saw the suspended building in the dark.


Mo Yu didn't speak. When passing a building, he pulled the car door and slipped out of the car silently, lurking in the night.

While in the car, Qin Yang had already decided on a strategy with Mo Yu, that is, Mo Yu got off the car nearby and then looked for a chance to touch it. If there was no chance, he would wait for Qin Yang to start and rush over quickly.

If there was more time, Qin Yang would definitely be able to work out a more detailed plan, but the other party only gave him half an hour, and Qin Yang didn't dare to delay or gamble.

Although Qin Yang threatened Bill to kill his family, those were not important at all. What was important was Xue Wantong's safety.

When Qin Yang's car appeared on the street, his phone rang.

"Park, walk here!"

Qin Yang did so, parked the car on the side of the road, walked towards the building, and quickly approached Xue Wantong.


There was a cold drink in the darkness, and Bill walked out of the shadows and looked at Qin Yang as he approached coldly.

"You are quite bold, aren't you afraid of death?"

Qin Yang glanced over Xue Wantong above once again set his eyes on Bill in front of him, wondering how likely it would be if he took out a gun to attack the opponent, but soon Qin Yang gave up this intend.

The opponents are extraordinary masters, and they are also Western practitioners. Their bodies are comparable to stainless steel. Although the bullets are powerful, they may not be hit. Even if they are hit, they may not be able to severely damage the opponent.

"My friend is in your hands, can I not come? I can't let my friend die because of me, and I don't even have the courage to come out and rescue me."

Bill smiled: "Courageous, well, since you are here, let alone I didn't give you a chance..."

Bill took out a small button from his pocket and shook it at Qin Yang: "I made a small twitch at the tied rope. As long as I remove the button, the rope will break after 30 seconds. If you can climb the steel frame and reach the high platform within 30 seconds, you can grab the rope and rescue your friend..."

Before Qin Yang spoke, Bill had pressed the button cleanly, with a strange smile on his face.

"Then let's start now!"

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