The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1639: Is this also OK?

Watching Bill press his fingers, Qin Yang's heart suddenly contracted.

His figure flashed, and he rushed towards the tall iron frame on the side. If there was no Bill guarding below, he might be able to catch Xue Wantong firmly below, and the force of the fall was great, but he was after all A powerful cultivator with a metamorphosis, but Bill steadily blocked his way. Before he defeated Bill, he would never have a chance to catch Xue Wantong firmly.

Qin Yang had a gun in his hand, but he was still uncertain. After all, Bill was a powerful and experienced extraordinary master. At such a close distance, the pistol could not give Qin Yang much advantage.

Qin Yang flew under the iron frame, grabbed the iron frame, and quickly climbed upwards. His whole body was like a monkey, his movements were swift and violent.

Qin Yang knew that Bill must be conspiring. He was even guessing whether Bill had installed explosives on the top of the steel shelf. After he rescued Xue Wantong from above, he set off explosives to kill the two of them together.

If there is a choice, Qin Yang will definitely not climb this shelf, but he has no choice.

If he didn't climb this shelf, if Xue Wantong really fell down, she would fall to the ground like a watermelon, blooming cruel blood flowers, and losing her life cleanly, just like withered flowers.

Qin Yang's movements were very fast. In just ten seconds, he had already climbed to the upper part of the iron frame, at least forty to fifty meters above the ground, and another section of the net was the iron frame horizontal. At the position of the pole, Xue Wantong was hung from the iron crossbar.

At this moment, Bill, who was standing below watching Qin Yang's climb, showed a cruel smile on his face, and suddenly shouted, "Look at people!"

Bill raised the button in his hand and pressed it cleanly again.


A small organ on the steel frame closed abruptly, and the rope that was stuck in the small organ was cut off cleanly, and Xue Wantong, who was hung on the rope, suddenly fell directly downward.


Xue Wantong subconsciously let out a horrified cry, her face full of horror, and the shadow of death completely enveloped her in an instant. She did not dare to look below, and closed her eyes subconsciously.

While Bill said something, Qin Yang had already anticipated what would happen. He quickly took out something like a flashlight from his pocket, then bent slightly, and then suddenly exerted force, and the whole person flew away from the iron. She rushed directly to Xue Wantong who fell in the air.

Qin Yang grabbed Xue Wantong's waist with his left hand, and turned half of his body in midair. The flashlight in his right hand had been aimed at the iron shelf next to him and suddenly pressed the button on it.

The tip of this flashlight-like equipment flew out like a long crossbow arrow, and the back of this crossbow arrow was wrapped around a slender, soft, soft steel wire.

The tip accurately passed through a hole in the iron frame, and then the force reached the end, the tip suddenly protruded four crossbars, and the metal rod instantly turned into a crossbar, which was quickly lost as Qin Yang fell. Pulled it back, and then stuck in a hole in the iron frame with a click.

The steel wire was straightened instantly, and Qin Yang's arm, which was falling continuously holding Xue Wantong, suddenly shook. A huge pulling force was instantly transmitted to Qin Yang's arm. Qin Yang gathered his internal energy and firmly grasped the handle part of his hand. , Allowing his body to turn and hit the iron frame.

Seeing that he was about to hit the iron frame, Qin Yang stretched out his foot and pressed it against the iron frame to prevent Xue Wantong in his arms from hitting the iron frame. After he was stable, Qin Yang released the handle and grabbed the railing with one hand. Shouted: "Hold me tight!"

Xue Wantong was waiting for death in the air, but suddenly felt that she was being hugged by a person. She opened her eyes and saw the dreamlike face.

Did he jump over?

Although Xue Wantong was full of panic in her heart, she was very clear about the current situation. She was hanging several meters away from the iron frame. Qin Yang rushed out to hug him. Wouldn't he fall with him?

At a height of forty to fifty meters, even if Qin Yang is a cultivator, he would not be spared if he fell like this. What's more, there is a scornful Bill next to him. Even if Qin Yang is not killed, he will definitely be attacked by Bill!

He just skipped it!

Without any hesitation!

Is he not afraid of death?

Xue Wantong's heart was instantly filled with deep emotions, and she even felt a kind of tears, the original fear of death in her heart seemed to dissipate a lot at this moment.

As long as he is in Qin Yang's arms, even if he is dead, there is nothing terrifying.

However, they didn't just fall down like this. The tool Qin Yang popped out jammed a three-corner hole in the steel clamp, and hung them firmly.

The seemingly thin wire, bearing the weight of two people and the huge momentum at the moment when the fall was stopped, did not break!

Xue Wantong's eyes widened, shocked.

He didn't even continue to fall down!

not dead!

Qin Yang really saved himself, in such a situation, he could actually save himself!

It's really amazing!

Hearing Qin Yang’s voice, Xue Wantong, who felt her hands and feet soft, hugged Qin Yang tightly, even her legs were directly on Qin Yang’s thighs, like a dodder. Entangling. Around the big tree on which one lives, tightly, not daring to relax at all.

Qin Yang let Xue Wantong pester him, crawling down quickly.

Although there is still a stern Bill below, Qin Yang is not sure whether there are other traps on this shelf, so he dare not bet.

Qin Yang quickly slid down, while Bill below was dumbfounded, with shocked eyes and a face of disbelief.

Is this also OK?

What is that thing, Zipline?

How could he carry such a thing? Did he guess what he did?

Do not!

They can't let them run away like this Yang must be killed today!

Although Qin Yang is strong, he is only a guy with celestial strength after all. He is extraordinary strength, and it should be easy to kill him!

Qin Yang didn't come here alone, but he still had time.

As soon as this thought flashed in Bill's mind, Qin Yang had already made a whistling sound to the sky, and the sound spread far away.

This guy is calling for help.

Sure enough, there are accomplices!

Is it his master?

A little vigilance flashed in Bill's heart, and at the same time he rushed towards Qin Yang without hesitation. He wanted to quickly kill Qin Yang with the momentum of thunder before the people hiding in the distance arrived!


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