The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1643: One step forward or one step backward?

"You go back, don't give it away, rest early."

At the elevator entrance, Qin Yang turned around and persuaded Xue Wantong to go back with a gentle expression.

Xue Wantong stopped, her eyes slightly complicated.

The atmosphere between the two people is slightly subtle, and they are silent with each other without speaking.

The elevator has arrived.

Qin Yang walked into the elevator and waved at Xue Wantong, motioning her to go back quickly.

The elevator doors closed slowly, gradually blocking the sight of the two.

At the moment when the elevator doors were about to close, Xue Wantong suddenly stretched out her hand and directly stopped the elevator.

The elevator doors bounced back to both sides again, and Qin Yang looked at Xue Wantong slightly surprised. The next second, Xue Wantong rushed into the elevator, hugged Qin Yang's waist directly, and put his head on his chest.

"Don't alienate me!"

Qin Yang was taken aback for a while, feeling like he was being poked at the center of the matter. He did have such a plan in his mind before.

It is not that he has any opinion on Xue Wantong, but that he does not want to harm Xue Wantong.

He likes Xue Wantong because of how men feel about women. After all, there is such a story between two people, and Xue Wantong is still so beautiful. To say that there is no feeling at all, that is nonsense.

Xue Wantong suddenly left Qin Yang's arms, staring into Qin Yang's eyes, and said firmly, "You really planned to do that, right?"

Qin Yang was silent for two seconds before whispering, "I don't want to hurt you, I'm not a good person, and we won't have any results."

Xue Wantong was also silent for two seconds. She knew that Qin Yang was telling the truth.

Qin Yang is a person with a girlfriend, who has a stable relationship and went straight to get married. She and Qin Yang are destined to be fruitless, but thinking about real separation and alienation from Qin Yang, and even becoming the most familiar stranger in the future. Why does my heart hurt so much?

Xue Wantong has understood that her own mind has been in fact for a long time. During this time, Xue Wantong was only paying attention to Qin Yang silently, and did not make further contact with Qin Yang. In fact, she also knew that one step further might be impossible to return. Another way.

Her sanity restrained her behavior and made her stand still, but what happened tonight, the great horror between life and death, and the huge gap that fell to **** and was once again entrusted to the world, it’s solid and reassuring. The hug completely broke the wall in her heart that was not too strong.

She went all out, regardless, otherwise, how could she be so proactive according to her character?

And now it's another node, go one step further, or take a step back?

It is undoubtedly the safest to take a step back. Further, you may face unforeseen things. This may also be a painful journey or a life experience.

Xue Wantong hesitated for two seconds, and her heart became determined again.

"I don't care, anyway, you can't deliberately avoid me, you can't ignore me, even if we are just good friends, you definitely shouldn't avoid me."

Qin Yang looked at Xue Wantong's determined gaze, and whispered softly: "Okay, I won't avoid you."

Xue Wantong still refused to let go: "You swear!"

Qin Yang was amused by Xue Wantong's behavior, moved and ashamed in his heart, raised his hand and looked at Xue Wantong seriously: "I swear, I will never avoid Xue Wantong, otherwise..."

Before Qin Yang finished speaking, he was covered by Xue Wantong's hand: "Okay, I believe it."

Qin Yang didn't say anything, Xue Wantong suddenly seemed to be panicked: "It's getting late, you go back to rest earlier, and then contact again."

Xue Wantong pushed Qin Yang out of the elevator, and then closed the elevator.

Qin Yang's mood was also quite complicated. He turned his head and walked outside the community, but he thought of what Xue Wantong had just said in his heart.

The most difficult to accept the grace of beauty!

Qin Yang went back to the door and got in the car. Mo Yu turned his head and asked, "Is it all right?"

Qin Yang nodded: "It's okay, but I was knocked out. I have rescued her."

Mo Yu hummed: "That time."

Qin Yang started the car, and Mo Yu suddenly whispered: "You and Xue Wantong..."

Qin Yang trembled in his heart: "We have nothing."

"is it?"

Mo Yu's mouth turned up for two points, and he chuckled softly: "If you say this, you have to wipe off the lipstick mark on the corner of your mouth."


Qin Yang suddenly panicked, stretched out his hand and wiped it twice, as expected, there were two very light marks on his hand.

Qin Yang was immediately embarrassed: "It is estimated that today's events stimulated her, she confessed to me..."

Mo Yu waved his hand and replied with a smile, "What are you going to do?"

Qin Yang shook his head with a helpless expression: "I don't know, let's take one step at a time. Maybe her mood fluctuates too much today, maybe she won't be like today again after today."

Mo Yu gave a hum, and didn't say anything more about this matter. After all, this was Qin Yang's private matter and had to be handled by Qin Yang himself, and Mo Yu didn't feel that he was qualified to criticize or point Qin Yang in terms of feelings.

"What are you going to do about Bill?"

Speaking of Bill's affairs, Qin Yang's originally embarrassed expression suddenly became two points serious, and his mind that had been messed up because of Xue Wantong also suddenly cleared, and his mind quickly entered a working state.

"Bill is a knife in the hands of the Nord family, but he has done a lot of nasty things for the Nord family. At least several big things were involved in his previous account. I am going to release this video. They are not watching a show. Did you watch it lively? I let them get off the scene to lively and lively..."

Qin Yang paused, glanced at Mo Yu's expression next to him, and continued: "At the same time, I also want to let this video circulate so that people know his fate. Next time, who wants to beat me, think about Bill's I am afraid I will be a little more cautious when I end."

Mo Yu nodded: "Let's do Don't worry about his origin, you don't need to be afraid, I will support you if something happens, and you can't find your master again. Although our hidden gate has few people, but But there are so many friends!"

Qin Yang smiled: "Yes, Master!"

Mo Yu thought for a while and added: "There is still some time before the exchange game. You'd better be able to make a breakthrough in pupil skills. Although the leader is the supreme powerhouse, he can't always be by your side. It’s always good to take care of you and have a little more ability to defend yourself. Like your master, when you first cultivated to the fourth level of pupil technique, your combat power has been greatly improved, sweeping the practitioners of the same realm, and even able to defeat opponents across levels."

Qin Yang said with a side face: "Master, what do you mean is that if I go to participate in this exchange competition, maybe someone will deal with you in secret?"

"It's not necessarily secretly. If the opponent is strong enough, then there is nothing better than an upright arena to defeat you, hurt you and disable you, isn't that the best method?"

Qin Yang's heart suddenly shrank. He remembered that there will be extraordinary masters in this exchange competition. It seems that the necessity of improving the pupil technique is indeed imminent...

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