The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1644: I will squeeze him to death by myself!

The Nord family headquarters, Nevada.

Aswell walked into the huge villa covering a wide area with solemn expression, walked out of the living room, and saw several people sitting on the sofa talking and laughing.

A sturdy old man turned his head and looked at Aswell, smiling and jokingly said: "Aswell, here comes...what are you doing with your face? Who borrowed you money and didn't pay it back?"

"If you borrow money and don't pay it back? Haha, if anyone borrows Aswell's money but doesn't pay it back, I think his soul is now wailing in hell. I really don't know who has the courage to ask Aswell to borrow money... …"

Everyone burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Aswell walked to the sofa and sat down, sighed and said, "Old folks, we are in trouble."

The sturdy old man who had just made fun of Aswell frowned and sat up slightly, "What's the matter?"

Aswell put down the tablet in his hand, clicked briefly, and opened a video, turned the tablet, and pointed the screen at the crowd.

"I think you should look at this."

Everyone's eyes fell on the tablet screen, and a familiar person appeared on the screen.

Bill Nord.

"Isn't this Bill? Isn't he still looking for trouble with that Huaxia kid?"

Aswell was silent and did not communicate, because he knew very well that when everyone watched this video, they would know what the trouble was.

The faces of everyone changed quickly.

Shocked, angry!

"What is this guy Bill doing, how dare he say these things!"

An old man slapped an angry slap on the table, and a solid palm print appeared on the hard solid wood table, and it fell deeply into the tabletop, showing the tremendous strength of his slap.

This slap made this valuable wooden table immediately scrapped, but no one paid attention to the scrapped wooden table at the moment, and everyone's eyes were attracted by the screen on the tablet.

The development of the matter exceeded everyone's expectations. The conspiracies and secret opponents that the Nord family had used have all been confided from Bill's mouth one after another. The expressions of several old people were quite bad, and some of them had complexions. White, some looked nervous, some looked angry.

All the emotions, after Bill climbed up the elevated stand alone, fell high and fell, and directly fell to the ground and stopped. All the expressions finally returned to shock.

Deeply shocked.

"What happened to Bill, why did he confide in the family secrets, why did he commit suicide, Aswell, what is going on?"

Aswell sighed, his voice a little solemn: "According to the results of the investigation, Qin Yang's Shigong Miao Jiangong is known as the Three-Eyed God Sovereign. He possesses peculiar pupil skills, similar to hypnosis, possessing terrifying ability, and being able to control people's thinking... If you guessed correctly, Bill was hypnotized and did things he couldn't control, such as revealing the secrets of our family, such as accepting suicide orders..."

Everyone looked at each other, and an old man said, "Doesn't he have a terrifying ability similar to a wizard?"

The wizards the old man said are a heretical group of Western practitioners. Each of them has great potential. They do not practice spiritually into the body. They use strange drugs and secret methods to enhance their spiritual power and make themselves extremely powerful. Very special existence.

There are not many wizards since ancient times, but every wizard is an object worthy of respect because they are extremely powerful.

They may not have the power to restrain the chicken, but they have the incomparably powerful ability to interfere and control the behavior of others, and even kill the opponent easily, even if the opponent is a powerful practitioner, they are equally unable to resist.

Not only in the West, but in various countries or regions around the world, there are always some people who are extremely special. They do not follow the usual path of spiritual practice, but they are equally strong, or even stronger.

"Aswei, what's the situation now, this must be the Chinese kid or his teacher. What does he want, is he threatening us?"

Aswell smiled bitterly: "No, he is not threatening us, he is retaliating against us, because this video was not sent to me alone, but a friend of mine forwarded it to me after seeing it. At present, this video has been Spread throughout the practice circle..."

Everyone changed their colors.

"Bill died when he died. Although it is a pity, it is not a big deal after all, but if the secrets he confided are known to those people..."

Aswell looked ugly and shook his head: "I think they already know, or say, they already know what they should know. Since the Chinese kid wants to give us a gorgeous revenge, how could he have these blunders? On my way here, I have received a call from the Quinn family. They want an explanation on this matter. If we can't give them a satisfactory explanation, they will directly take action against our family!"

"They give up! The Quinn family, come if you want, kill them!"

An old man yelled grumpyly, but this yell did not arouse other people's approval, because they were all aware of it.

The Huaxia boy was deliberately doing things, he deliberately broke these things, so that the dead and aggrieved people in these families gathered together, together against the Nord family, and even directly took revenge on the Nord family.

Qin Yang's meaning is very obvious, aren't you trying to mess with me, now I will also trouble you, let others mess with you!

Don't think I'm a bully!

"This kid is too arrogant, should we just look at him arrogant? Let me go to the most China, I will squeeze him to death!"

Aswell glanced at the irritable old man who was talking, and shook his head: "Don't worry about the Huaxia kid, now consider how to deal with the revenge of these families. If you attack Huaxia kid now, it would be equivalent to declaring war. We have not They are not easy to deal with this encirclement."

Everyone is silent Huaxia practitioners are not easy to deal with. This is their consensus. If you continue to fight with Huaxia practitioners at this juncture, it may be unspeakable internal and external troubles.

"No matter what, we should handle this matter first to eliminate the huge impact this matter has on the family. As for the Huaxia Boy, I guess he will participate in this exchange contest, and he may have the opportunity to be on the stage in an upright manner. Teach him!"

An old man beside him exclaimed in surprise: "He wants to participate in the exchange competition?"

Aswell nodded: "Yes, I'm sure, he is one of the candidates."

The old man stood up suddenly: "Okay, this account must be calculated, but this guy's combat effectiveness is not low, Carol's current strength is still a bit insufficient, I suggest using the No. 2 secret medicine to help him break through with all his strength, so that he can be famous. Rightly speaking, Carol entered the participating team and had enough crushing pressure..."

Aswell grumbled: "I agree. I also want to see Carol's majestic scene on stage. I want to watch him personally destroy that Chinese kid!"

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