The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1649: You are definitely not a deserter!

"Jimmy was admitted to the hospital, his head was severely hit, he underwent a craniotomy, his sternum was broken, and his right leg was amputated..."

Situ Xiang stood in front of Qin Yang, quickly reporting the results of her going out to inquire, and opposite her, Qin Yang was sitting on a chair, holding a cup of tea with a calm expression.

Situ Xiang paused, smiling and summing up: "In general, this person has been abandoned."

Qin Yang poured a cup of tea, placed it in front of Situ Xiang, and said with a light smile: "Drink tea, it's hard work."

Situ Xiang sat down on the chair opposite Qin Yang, smiled softly, took a sip of tea, "What shall we do next?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Go and see York."

York Peter, the head of the Peter family and the father of Morgana.

Qin Yang didn't comment on the relationship between Lin Zhu and York before, but then Qin Yang did more to understand and understood York's thoughts and goals, so he took the initiative and abandoned Jimmy first.

Qin Yang knew that he was following Jimmy. He was originally planning to find a chance to clean up Jimmy, but when he discovered that Jimmy was racing with others, Qin Yang immediately broke off the car and chased him, provoking Jimmy, and then used precise driving skills to control Jimmy.

Qin Yang didn’t worry about being discovered or tracked down, because he got the car casually on the side of the road. After finishing the work, he put the car back in place, unconsciously, and this was because of him. Not sure what I am going to do, so take insurance measures.

Situ Xiang looked at Qin Yang with a smile, and asked curiously, "How are you going to talk to him?"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Although York really wants to marry his daughter to Jimmy, Jimmy is now abolished. York can't let his daughter marry a disabled person. If that's the case, I guess Morjana's heart It will also be cold. By then, you can completely elope, as long as you reach Huaxia, under our protection, who can help her not?"

Situ Xiang said with a smile; "You are the first to completely cut off the back of the family and then talk to them, so that people have nowhere to go, and have to do what you say, but even if Jimmy is abandoned, as a father, he still You have enough qualifications to pick Lin Zhu. After all, Lin Zhu is a Chinese, and the conditions revealed in all aspects are not very good. If it is you, maybe York will agree."

Qin Yang couldn't help but smile: "You seem to have a little meaning when you say this. Anyway, I'll talk about it at first sight. It's a little bit of help."

Situ Xiang frowned and said: "It's just that Jimmy has just had an accident, so you will come to the door. I am afraid it will make people suspect.

Qin Yang thought for a while: "You make sense, but I am a little worried about Lin Zhu. Although Jimmy's injury has nothing to do with Lin Zhu, it is easy to be associated with him. If those people are related to Lin Zhu or not, come look for it. Lin Zhu’s trouble, my shot actually hurt him."

After a short pause, Qin Yang made a decision: "Well, I will take care of Lin Zhu in the hospital for these two days and watch the changes. Anyway, there is still some time. When Lin Zhu’s injury is better, I will send him back to China. , And then talk to York, even if they think about it at that time, they are not afraid to hurt Lin Zhu."

Situ Xiang nodded: "This is indeed safer."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Safety comes first. After all, it's in someone else's turf. You still have to be a little careful when doing things and don't capsize in the gutter."

Qin Yang picked up the tea cup, drank the tea in one breath, stood up: "Let's go, go to the hospital, by the way, don't tell Lin Zhu about Jimmy."



Qin Yang carried the fruit, Situ Xiang walked into Lin Zhu's ward with a bunch of flowers.

Lin Zhu's complexion seemed to have improved a lot today. He was lying on the bed and watching TV. A little nurse next to him was sorting out the medicine on the cart and was preparing to infuse him.

Lin Zhu saw Qin Yang come in, his face showed a smile: "Boss!"

Qin Yang sat down in front of Lin Zhu's hospital bed: "How do you feel?"

Lin Zhu smiled and said, "I feel better, there should be no major problems. I'll be discharged from the hospital in one or two days."

Qin Yang nodded: "Okay, I've been here to chat with you these past two days. The two of us rarely get along so alone."

Lin Zhu smiled and said, "Boss, what you said is easy to misunderstand."

Qin Yang glanced across the entire intensive care unit and smiled: "The environment here looks good, and there are beautiful nurses accompanied by..."

Lin Zhu was a little bit embarrassed: "You made the boss spend money."

Qin Yang smiled and cursed: "Our own brother, what are you polite to me? By the way, hasn't Mo Jiana come to see you in the past two days?"

Lin Zhu's expression was slightly complicated: "Last night she secretly called me from her home phone. She is now under complete control and is not allowed to go out at all. She is just an ordinary girl. That is her father again. What can I do?"

Qin Yang smiled: "What about you, how do you think about the two of you?"

Lin Zhu sighed: "As far as this situation is concerned, it is difficult. This is not something I think about, but an objective difficulty, which is not transferred by my will."

Qin Yang agreed and said: "There are indeed difficulties, but there are always more solutions than difficulties. The key is what you think. After so many things, are you still willing to work hard to be with her? She is still willing to be with you. Do you even hesitate to disobey your father's will?"

Lin Zhu stared at Qin Yang, he seemed to understand what Qin Yang meant, and said softly, "This is important?"

Qin Yang nodded affirmatively: "Yes, this is very important!"

Lin Zhu pondered for a moment, and finally raised her head: "I am willing to do my best, and Morjana should also be willing, because she is also very angry with her father's She said even if I see you this time If not, then she will find a chance to get a passport, avoid the supervision of her family, and sneak directly to Zhonghai to find me..."

Qin Yang's eyes lit up slightly: "Elopement?"

Lin Zhu was slightly embarrassed: "That's what she said."

Qin Yang laughed and laughed: "Fourth, you can do it, let a foreign country Bai Fumei be so devoted to you, have the ability, and do it. After you are discharged from the hospital, you will return to China first and leave the rest to me. Although I am not sure what the final result will be, I think it will be much better than you are now!"

Lin Zhu stared straight at Qin Yang: "Thank you, boss, but shouldn't I stay and face it together? If I left so first, wouldn't it be like a deserter?"

Qin Yang smiled softly: "The Peter family and the Lipton family are both cultivator families. You, an ordinary person, are easily targeted here, just like you were injured before. If you leave, I will have no worries about letting go... …Rest assured, I will explain to Morgana that you are definitely not a deserter on the road of feelings!"

(End of this chapter)

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