The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1650: God's Translation

"How is your work recently?"

Qin Yang was holding a fruit knife, cutting the apple swiftly, and asked casually.

Lin Zhu's eyes fell on the apple in Qin Yang's hand. The knife wandered like alive. With the movement of the knife, the apple peel peeled off cleanly, without any breaks in the middle.

"It feels good. The boss is very nice to me, and the colleagues are very friendly. Thank you for your help at the beginning. Otherwise, I am afraid I will not get a job, but will be sent to prison."

Qin Yang smiled: "Don't push everything on me. What you did at the beginning, although it violated the law in a sense, you are also venting for the country. Even if I don't find Huo Jinhai, they will not You are thrown directly into prison."

Lin Zhu smiled and looked at Qin Yang. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but asked softly: "Boss, I know I shouldn't ask, but I still can't help... Are you and me colleagues?"

Qin Yang smiled: "Why do you ask?"

Lin Zhu rubbed his hands awkwardly: "It feels, and I feel that your identity should be quite high, you said, Huo boss and you are friends, which at least shows that you are not under his jurisdiction..."

Qin Yang pondered for two seconds, and then explained softly: "I can't count as a colleague, I can barely count as a colleague. I am a free person, and the relationship with Huo Jinhai began with my parents. I am not under his control, so I can naturally communicate equally. "

Naturally, Qin Yang couldn't reveal his identity. This was the rule, so Lin Zhu's answer was the maximum he could answer.

Lin Zhu stretched his brows, and his eyes were a little excited. Although Qin Yang didn't say anything about it, it at least proved that his conjecture was correct.


Although there were still some doubts, he didn't ask any more questions. After all, he learned the rules of confidentiality, and it would be against the regulations to reveal his identity!

Hidden identities and living a life of dual identities makes Lin Zhu's heart twofold complicated, especially the content of his work cannot be revealed like anyone else, some work troubles and thoughts cannot be told to others, cannot be shared, and his inner feelings Quite lonely, confirming Qin Yang's identity now gave him a feeling that I am not alone.

I am not alone, so is the boss!


The door of the ward was slammed open from the outside, and a man in his thirties with a striking hook nose walked into the room with two men dressed as bodyguards.

Qin Yang turned around and frowned.

Although the other party hadn't indicated his identity, Qin Yang had already guessed the possible origin of the other party.

Either the Peter family where Morgana belongs, or the Lipton family where Jimmy belongs, no one would break into Lin Zhu's ward so rudely.

Lin Zhu sat up from the bed, looked at the intruder warily, then glanced at Qin Yang.

Lin Zhu doesn't speak French.

Qin Yang stood up, blocked Lin Zhu's hospital bed, and asked coldly, "Who are you? Why did you break into our ward?"

The man in his thirties was tall and thin, with a handsome appearance, but his obviously hooked nose made him look a little more gloomy. His eyes fell coldly on Lin Zhu on the hospital bed, and after a few seconds it fell on Qin Yang's body.


Qin Yang frowned: "You haven't answered my question yet."

The man said coldly: "My brother Jimmy was murdered while driving last night, and before that, he had a conflict with the Chinese man in bed, so I suspect that this is the kid looking for someone to avenge my brother. ... Are you his friend?"

Qin Yang still did not answer the man's question, and said coldly, "Are you the police?"

The man understood what Qin Yang said, and said coldly: "I am Henry Lipton. Although I am not a policeman, if you do not answer my question, I might make you more uncomfortable than a policeman. You Remember, this is Gaul, not China!"

Qin Yang raised his brows: "Are you Jimmy's brother? The Jimmy who hurt my friend?"

Henry replied arrogantly: "Your friend expects something he shouldn’t get. It’s right to be taught a lesson. You should be thankful that he was only slightly injured, instead of being crippled for a lifetime and wanting not to be injured again. Just ask your friends to stay away from Morjana. Some people are not what he can expect, and that will cause him irreparable harm... Ok, now tell me who you are!"

Qin Yang was silent for two seconds, seemingly weak, and replied: "I am his friend. I heard that he was injured. I came to visit him and took him back to China."

Henry looked up and down Qin Yang sharply: "Your name?"

Qin Yang replied calmly, "Qin Yang."

Henry continued to examine Qin Yang: "When did you come to Gaul?"

Henry has already investigated. This Lin Zhu is just an ordinary person. When he faced his younger brother, he had no ability to counterattack at all. He was easily knocked down and was seriously injured. The news of his brother's car accident obviously has nothing to do with him. Is it his friend?

Henry subconsciously suspected Qin Yang. Although Qin Yang looked very young and did not seem to be dangerous, Henry was unwilling to let go of any clues.

Henry sent someone to investigate the car racing last night. The owner of the ghost car said that he was not in Paris last night. That is to say, someone stole the car and participated in the racing and killed Jimmy. People are hiding quietly in the city of Paris like a ghost, but there is no way to find them.

Qin Yang did not conceal it, and calmly answered the date of his arrival. After all, his entry date is too simple to find out with the energy of the Lipton family. If he lied and was found by them, it would be no Recruit yourself.

Henry's eyes lit up slightly: "Where were you last night?"

Qin Yang seemed to be a little impatient and replied: "I walked around the hotel and bought a few things... You are not finished, you are not the police, you have no right to ask me, please If you leave and don’t leave again, I will warn you of harassment!"

Henry stared straight at Qin Yang, his eyes sharp as a knife, but Qin Yang didn't have the slightest guilty conscience, instead he had a bit of anger that seemed to be overwhelming.

After a while, Henry turned his eyes away and swept to Lin Zhu on the bed: "Boy, you better have nothing to do with this matter, otherwise, be careful of your life, no one can hurt the Lipton family. Get away with it!"

Lin Zhu looked blank, not knowing what Henry was talking about, and turned his head to look at Qin Yang subconsciously.

Qin Yang was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly added a sentence softly: "He doesn't understand French!"

Henry shouted at Qin Yang angrily: "Then you translate it to him!"

Qin Yang let out a cry, turned his head and said to Lin Zhu: "He is Jimmy's brother. He said he only knew about Jimmy hurting you. He was very sorry. He apologized to you instead of Jimmy..."

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