The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1659: undercurrent

early morning.

When Qin Yang had breakfast together with Levins, the four people, led by a white-haired old man, passed through the hall on the first floor and then came to the deepest room of the castle.

The white-haired old man opened the door of the room. There were no furnishings in the room, only an authentic entrance.

The five people walked along the tunnel towards the depths of the earth. The steps were densely packed one after another. They didn't know how many they were, and they couldn't see the head at a glance.

Wall lamps were installed on both sides of the tunnel to illuminate the entire tunnel. Five people were walking, and a low roar came up from the ground. The roar was full of violent emotions, just like the roar of a wild animal.

The voice was clear in the tunnel, but the five people who were walking were not surprised at all, as if they were completely used to such a roar, and were not surprised at all.

Five people walked down hundreds of steps at least. The white-haired old man in the middle opened three solid steel doors, and finally set foot on the ground.

This is a huge underground space. The huge modern steel pillars support the entire underground cave like a skeleton, and there is a person standing near the wall of this underground cave.

This man has very long beard and hair, and his whole head is like a hair ball. The most surprising thing is that all his hands and feet are tied to a huge black and shiny iron rope. The other end of the iron rope is deeply tied. Drilling into the huge steel pillar on the ground or on the wall, whenever the person moves, the huge iron rope will be taken away, clashed, looks strange and shocking.

The man’s head was messy white hair, and his thick hair revealed a pair of fierce twinkling eyes. He was looking at the five people coming in through the entrance with a fierce light. At the same time, there was a low roar in his throat while his body was facing. The direction of the door rushed, but when he moved, the thick chains on his hands and feet became straight, and they pulled him tightly, preventing him from rushing to the tunnel entrance.

The white-haired old man looked calm, ignoring the ferocity of the imprisoned man, calmly stopped, put down a box in his hand, and waved his hand to the four people behind him: "Get ready."

The four men nodded and walked up one by one, each took out a blue potion from the white box, and then opened the potion in front of the white-haired old man, and then inhaled all the potion into a syringe with a stainless steel sleeve. Inside, each took out a gun with a special shape from his body, and put a stainless steel syringe filled with liquid medicine on the front of the gun.

While everyone was busy, the man standing at the very edge of the four quietly took out a bottle of the same shape and size as the medicine in his hand from his pocket, and his wrist shook, the one from The liquid medicine taken out of the box disappeared suddenly, but the medicine he took out appeared in his hand, and the liquid inside was quickly sucked into the syringe.

"Are you all ready?"

The white-haired old man looked at everyone intently, and kept watching everyone completed the preparation work, and then waved his hand.


Four people, all four guns were aimed at the old man who was chained.


Four people pulled the trigger at the same time, whoosh whoosh, four special syringes with medicines were shot out instantly.

The limbs of the old man who was locked by the iron rope were all locked by the thick black chains. There was no room to move and dodge at all. He could only watch the four syringes stuck in his upper body, and the liquid medicine inside followed. With huge inertia, it was all injected into his body in an instant.

Feeling the pain, the old man's blue veins violent, and his muscles bulged high, like blocks of strong steel plates, and those muscles actually exuded a light luster like metal.

The old man was struggling and pulling frantically, and the huge force broke the heavy black iron chain straight, and the huge iron pillars connected to the iron chain shook wildly because of his power, as if the next second, those huge iron chains The column is about to fly out of the ground.

The white-haired old man stood quietly, carefully observing the old man's movements, his eyes were two points of tension.

Soon, the old man’s crazy struggle weakened, and his bulging muscles slowly calmed down. In the end, the whole person fell to the ground, as if those heavy chains had become a huge burden that overwhelmed his body. He lay down. On the ground, panting feebly, the original madness gradually turned into calm.

The white-haired old man also loosened his tight muscles, raised his wrist, checked the time, and waited quietly for another five minutes before carefully walking towards the limp old man on the ground.

The old man's beard is very long, and his hair is also very long. Among the thick beard and hair, a pair of eyes have regained clarity. He stared at the white-haired old man in front of him with a slightly complicated vision.

The white-haired old man respectfully saluted the old man: "Ancestor, please forgive my offense!"

The old man sighed long: "What's the matter this time?"

The white-haired old man stepped forward respectfully, took down all the syringes from the old man, and replied respectfully: "Old ancestor, we have hired a genius doctor from China. We will arrange for the old ancestor to treat him later. Can help the ancestors."

The old man frowned: "China's genius doctor?"

The white-haired old man introduced Qin Yang in the most concise words, and finally said with a slightly helpless expression: "All the doctors we could ask before have been I am helpless in this situation, my ancestor. Huaxia is an ancient country of Eastern civilization, with countless excellent and mysterious inheritances. The Yinmen where Qin Yang is located has a single line of inheritance for thousands of years, and its history even exceeds that of our Koman family. There may be some different methods of diagnosis and treatment."

The old man's eyes were complicated, and then a fierce light flashed again, but it disappeared in an instant: "Let's take a look."

The white-haired old man stood up respectfully: "Ancestor, please take a rest and calm down your physical condition. After about twenty minutes, the doctor will come."

The old man closed his eyes, hummed, and stopped talking.

The white-haired old man stood up and took the four people to the outside. Soon, the dungeon returned to calm again.

The old man seemed to be dead, lying still, motionless.

I don’t know how long the old man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flickering, his expression struggling, his eyes sometimes fierce and cruel, sometimes calm and cold, and with the change of his face, the calm muscles on his body have been slightly raised again and exuded again. Luster like metal...

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