The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1660: Look at you and he is dead!

"Mr. Qin, please inside, the patients who need treatment are below."

Levins politely led Qin Yang into the long underground passage, and at the same time once again exhorted: "Mr. Qin, the patient's identity is special. Please be sure to keep today's treatment confidential."

Qin Yang smiled and replied: "I am a doctor, keeping secrets for patients. This is a must-have medical ethics, so Mr. Levins don't worry."

Levins smiled: "Then I'll put it down, please!"

Qin Yang followed Levins all the way down the steps, opened three iron doors, and finally arrived at the spacious underground cell.

At the same time, in a spacious house in the castle, the elders of the Presbyterian Church have once again sat at the old wooden table, clearly watching the scene of the underground prison in a huge projection on the wall in front of everyone. On the screen, Levins was leading Qin Yang across the last iron gate into the underground iron prison.

Everyone in the Presbyterian Church focused their eyes on the screen, and all of them pricked their ears, listening to the voices from the dungeon.

In the dungeon, Qin Yang looked at the old man with white hair and messy hair and beard tangled in a thick chain, with shocked eyes.

"This is the patient to be diagnosed?"

Levins nodded: "Yes!"

Qin Yang took a breath of air. What kind of strength is this old man who can't see his face at all, and he needs so many strong chains to imprison him?

Such a mysterious underground prison, the mysterious prisoner old man... This reminded Qin Yang for the first time in a martial arts man who was imprisoned in the iron prison at the bottom of the lake. How similar is this?

Qin Yang did not rush over, but asked with his head sideways: "Mr. Levins, since I am already standing here, I think you should be able to introduce the patient's condition to me, as well as relevant details. The diagnosis results will help me understand his condition more accurately and make accurate judgments."

Levins nodded: "Please here, please."

Levins took Qin Yang to a room next to the dungeon. Levins closed the door and took out a thick stack of documents.

"The main symptom of the patient is going mad. Once he goes mad, his emotions will become extremely violent and cruel. The six relatives did not recognize him, and he shot fiercely. Once he went mad and killed many tribesmen, including powerful family masters and bodies. People in important positions..."

Qin Yang frowned and asked, "Crazy? Under what circumstances does that happen? Is it severely stimulated, or is there no sign?"

Qin Yang asked questions while examining the thick stack of documents in his hand. These documents contained various examination results, especially the brain examination which was extremely detailed, and there were even some similar psychological assessments. the result of.

Qin Yang frowned as he looked at these assessment reports.

Split personality?

The human brain is extremely mysterious. Even when science is so advanced today, the study of the brain is still not completely thorough, and there are still too many intractable mysteries. At the same time, the human brain is extremely fragile, which is doomed to fail. Repeatedly "disassemble" research like other parts of the human body.

The dead brain and the living brain are completely different things.

Qin Yang suddenly felt a bit tricky. It is indeed difficult to find an accurate cause of this disease, and it is also difficult to treat it with a direct and effective measure.

Qin Yang carefully reviewed all the inspection reports. After thinking for a while, he turned his head and said, "Mr. Levins, can I call my master? I want to discuss this disease with him. Don't worry. , I’m just discussing the illness, and will not involve other..."

Levins made a please gesture: "Yes."

Qin Yang didn't avoid Levins, he directly fetched the phone and dialed Mo Yu's phone.

It is difficult to prescribe the right medicine for such a disease. Qin Yang wanted to ask his master for advice. After all, he had seen more bizarre diseases than himself.

"Master, I'm in Gaul now, and I met a patient whose condition is a bit special. I want to ask you something..."

Qin Yang Luoluo gave a generous introduction to the situation, without involving the patient's identity and origin. Levins stood by and listened quietly.

He still trusts Qin Yang. On the one hand, there is no conflict of interest between the two parties. On the contrary, if it can be cured, it will be good for everyone. On the other hand, he knows that Qin Yang's master is known as the master of medicine and martial arts. The first person in Chinese medicine, if he had a choice, he would prefer to ask Mo Yu to treat his ancestors, but he knew that he would definitely not be able to ask, so he asked Qin Yang to come out of the mountain.

Doesn't it mean that you have invited Qin Yang out of the mountain to invite Mo Yu?

Qin Yang and Mo Yu had a discussion, and finally hung up the phone.

"Mr. Levins, if possible, I will conduct a close examination of the patient, and I even hope to use hypnosis to get some in-depth understanding of the patient. Of course, Mr. Levins, you can supervise the whole process..."


Levins raised his brows slightly, and another thing suddenly came to his mind.

Yesterday Qin Yang and Henry had a weird incomprehensible interaction, and Qin Yang did not explain this, but told Levins to pay attention to the situation of the Lipton family if he was interested.

The Koman family’s approach is naturally very powerful. He ordered people to pay attention to the Lipton family last night, and this morning he received a shocking news.

Yesterday, Henry led people to encircle Qin Yang and he failed to return to Jasper’s house. At that time, many members of the Lipton family were there. Just as Henry and the others were telling the story, without any warning, Henry suddenly pulled out. The gun was shot at Jasper and hit the heart directly. The Jasper died before being sent to the hospital.

Levins was stunned for a long time when he heard the and a bit of horror was in his heart.

He was immediately sure that Henry's behavior was related to Qin Yang's weird behavior yesterday. Now that he heard Qin Yang say this, he suddenly thought of it.

By the way, it's hypnosis!

Isn't Qin Yang's master known as the three-eyed god, what he is best at and the most powerful is not his powerful strength, but his horrible pupil technique that can distort people's hearts and influence or even manipulate them!

Levins suddenly understood, and solemnly asked: "Mr. Qin, does the hypnosis you mentioned come from your Shigong Miao's pupil technique?"

Qin Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then frankly replied: "Yes, it seems that you know me quite clearly."

Levinstein replied: "It is precisely because we understand very clearly that we have great expectations of Mr. Qin... In addition, I heard a news that Henry suddenly drew a gun and shot him after returning home yesterday. Father Jasper, this must be inseparable from Hitomi Shu, right?"

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