The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1662: Personality Revival 2

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-two chapter the second personality awakens (page 1/1)

Qin Yang's eyes were originally looking at the old man's eyes intently, so he quickly noticed that this was not an obvious change in the opponent's eyes.

What's happening here?

Is it a struggle with self-consciousness?

Subconscious spiritual confrontation?

Qin Yang increased his mental attraction, and continued to guide the old man with words, making him hypnotized at a deeper level.

"What's your name?"

"Lucian Coman."

Levins frowned and took a step subconsciously, but he hesitated and stopped.

Hypnosis is generally from shallow to deep, from the most basic and almost intuitive questions to eliciting the deepest secrets in the heart. This is a necessary step. Levins is also very clear. It should not be Qin Yang who consciously inquired about the identity of the old man. .

It is true that Qin Yang did not deliberately inquire about his identity, he just routinely conducts hypnotic guidance.

For a series of simple questions, Lucian answered Qin Yang very cooperatively, and Qin Yang deepened the depth of the questioning: "Do you know that you will go crazy?"


"Then when you are crazy, you can't control yourself, what's hindering your control?"

The corner of Lucian's mouth curled up quietly for two points: "Me."

Qin Yang was stunned for a moment and asked repeatedly, "What do you think is preventing you from controlling your body?"

Lucian raised his head and stared straight at Qin Yang. The smile on the corner of his mouth was two weird: "I just answered you, it is me who prevents him from controlling his body!"

In an instant, Lucian's eyes changed from the initial blank moment to violent, bloodthirsty and crazy. He looked at Qin Yang like a cat looking at a dying mouse, his eyes full of cruelty.

The hair on Qin Yang's back suddenly stood up.



Split personality!

Fuck, the second personality actually appeared, and ignored his hypnosis!

No, in other words, it was his hypnotism that awakened his second personality!

Qin Yang took a step back subconsciously, but immediately remembered that Levins had said that Lucian had been injected with drugs before, which could inhibit him from exerting his strength. Now he is almost like an ordinary person. Thinking of this, Qin Yang thought again. Relaxed a bit, but he still looked at Lucian in front of him on guard, because the breath revealed by the opponent gave him a very insecure feeling.

Levins next to him was also taken aback, his face changed drastically, and he whispered: "Mr. Qin!"

Qin Yang ignored Levins and put all his energy on Lucian in front of him: "Mr. Lucian, why did you wake up?"

Lucian stared at Qin Yang coldly: "He is a trash, with such a powerful strength, but he is imprisoned here, living a dark life, my awakening is naturally to change all this, that group of trash, I want to kill them all to reduce my inner anger!"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice, "Mr. Lucian, you should know that you can't escape!"

A mocking smile appeared on Lucian's face: "Can't escape? Haha, is it because these chains have locked me?"

A somewhat bad premonition emerged in Qin Yang's heart: "Did you not have been injected with drugs and your strength has been suppressed?"

Lucian slowly stood up from the ground, with a slightly strange scarlet in his eyes: "Yes, these people have been using drugs to control him and suppress my appearance. Unfortunately, I don't know whether it was negligence or the wrong drug. I am full of power now!"

Levins's face changed drastically, and he said loudly: "It's impossible! The medicine we give you this time is twice as much as usual! How can you have power!"

Lucian laughed, his muscles suddenly bulged, and his skin was almost metallic. He raised his arm and pulled it vigorously.


The thick iron chain that was locked in Lucian's hand suddenly stretched, and the great strength caused one of the chains to break suddenly.

Qin Yang's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes revealed a little panic.

Such a thick iron chain was broken so casually by him!

Even with such a thick chain, it would take a long time to use a cutting machine, but he broke it in one fell swoop. What a violent power!

His strength is not limited!

How is this going?

Didn't Levins guarantee that his strength is limited?

Qin Yang did not dare to stay in front of Lucian again, he bounced up and flashed to the rear.

"This is impossible!"

Levins' eyes were full of horror, and he shouted loudly: "His second personality wakes up again, start emergency measures!"

At the same time, the elders who watched the treatment process in the inner room of the castle were also full of panic, and all of them were panicked.

The Grand Elder said solemnly: "Start emergency measures, hurry!"

Following the command of the Grand Elder, Levins rushed into the next cabin, opened a hidden compartment, revealing a red button inside, and Levins slapped it with a vicious slap.

As the red button was pressed down, a large dark panel suddenly bounced off the top of the dungeon, revealing a gun fixed to the robotic arm, but the bullets of these guns were not real bullets, but carried Needles for powerful anesthetics.

In the short time Levins started the emergency procedure, Lucian had once again torn off the chains of one hand and one foot, bending over and grabbing the last one.

"Swish swish!"

Dozens of steel needles with powerful anesthetics were shot out forcefully, and shot at Lucian who had not completely broken free.

Lucian completely ignored him, bulging his muscles, letting those steel needles shoot on him.

The steel needles fired by powerful special firearms were extremely fast and had strong penetrating power. However, they shot Lucian's body as if they were shot on a steel plate. They couldn't get in at all, and they all fell to the ground.

Lucian grabbed the last iron chain, roared, and pulled hard.


The last iron chain was also pulled off abruptly by Lucian. Lucian was still dragging a severed iron chain on his hands and feet. These thick chains dragged on his hands and feet, not only did not cause him inconvenience, but they looked like hands. The weapon being dragged in rushed out of the room, seeing this scene, his eyes were full of horror.

Even the steel needle fired could not pierce his body. This only shows that his strength has been fully restored at this moment, and his body is comparable to steel, but how did he do it!

Obviously he injected twice the amount of medicine!

Lucian looked at Levins who rushed out, with a cruel smile in his eyes. The body shot up and directly ran into Levins. Before the person arrived, his right hand waved out, and the heavy chain suddenly looked like It was like a whip, slammed heavily on Levins.

Levins didn't even have time to make any resistance, he was already drawn by the chain, and his whole body flew out, hitting the wall with a bang...


Yesterday something was delayed, today will be more updated, keep four and five changes~

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