The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1663: Blow!

Levins is not a weak person, on the contrary, he is very strong, if not so, he would not become one of the most powerful staff of the Coman family today, and he is deeply trusted by the Presbyterian Church.

However, Levins had no resistance at all in front of Lucian.

The sturdy chain swept across Levins' body, Levins was like a rag doll thrown out, hitting the wall directly, the bones were broken for a moment, even the wall was smashed A pit, and he himself rebounded to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Qin Yang's face changed, and his figure quickly retreated to the back. He wanted to stay away from Lucian as much as possible. At this moment, Lucian was full of danger.

Qin Yang's strength is nothing in front of Lucian. At least Qin Yang doesn't think he can easily break such a thick iron chain. Perhaps this Lucian's strength has reached the supreme state, and his other relies on pupil skills. Obviously lost the effect.

A violent, bloodthirsty Lucien, his mental power state was bursting, and Qin Yang couldn't control Lucien with pupil skills.

The pupil technique is divided into induced control and forced control. If you want to force control, you must have an absolute mental power. It is a powerhouse of the supreme level, and it is impossible to control it with Qin Yang's strength.

If you can control the Supreme Power by relying on the fourth-layer black hole of pupil technique, wouldn't Qin Yang and Miao Jiangong who know pupil technique be directly invincible?

Lucian watched Qin Yangfei back, with a two-pointed grin on his face, and his body appeared beside Qin Yang instantly as if he were welcoming.

Qin Yang was shocked, and when he raised his hand, two spirals of internal energy shot out and hit Lucian's throat. At the same time, his toes touched the ground and the phantom step started, trying to stay away from Lucian as much as possible.

However, Qin Yang's attack had no effect.

Lucian didn't hide at all, he just leaned his body slightly, avoided the delayed position, and let the two beams of qi fired by Qin Yang directly hit his upper body.

The qi hits and bursts swiftly, but the spiral qi that can penetrate the rock did not hurt Lucian the slightest, as if it was tickling.

Qin Yang phantom step only appeared, Lucien had already rushed over and appeared in front of him instantly, slapped Qin Yang's chest with a thick big hand.

Phantom Step has no effect at all in front of a strong man like Lucian!


Qin Yang exclaimed in his heart, his body suddenly felt being hit by a huge force, and his body fell heavily to the ground. Before he could turn over and get up, Lucien had appeared in front of him again, grabbing his belt, and He raised it.

Qin Yang only felt extremely tight in his chest, as if he was about to vomit blood at any time. Seeing that he was caught by Lucian, Qin Yang suddenly felt confused.

He saw Lucian packing up Levins. Levins's strength couldn't stop him. He was kicked half to death by an iron chain. But Lucian punched himself, and he didn't die?

With his own strength, it is absolutely impossible to block Lucian's punch. No, he can stab himself to death with one finger, but why didn't he die?

Lucian grabbed himself, what is this going to do?

Qin Yang's thoughts were turning quickly, and just as Qin Yang was thinking about it, Lucian had already turned his body and ran directly toward the passage.

There is a refined steel door at the entrance of the passage. This iron door was locked after Levins and Qin Yang entered. Lucian carried Qin Yang directly towards the refined steel door, and the whole person seemed to be turned into a cannonball. .


In the dull sound of impact, the heavy fine steel door was directly and deeply sunken in, and the place placed on both sides of the iron door was even more concrete flying horizontally, and the whole iron door was directly and forcibly knocked open!

Although Qin Yang didn't directly hit the door, the huge shock still made him dizzy. He felt like he had hit a big steel clock, and his mind was buzzing. ring.

Lucian carried Qin Yang, speeding as fast as a wind with no shadow, and instantly came to the second iron gate.

Lucian still didn't pause, his body was slightly sideways, and when he stepped on his feet, the stairs on the ground cracked one after another, and the bluestone steps in the center burst directly into powder, and Lucian had already slammed into it again.


The momentum is like a broken bamboo, blows dry and rotten!

The heavy stainless steel gate could not stop Lucian's collision. The huge door panel was hollow and twisted, like a twist that was crossed by a cow. Even the concrete inlaid with the iron gate burst and the steel bars broke and the gate directly followed Lucian. The impact broke away from the wall, and was directly knocked out!

Lucian just carried Qin Yang all the way up, breaking through three gates without any pause in between.

Lucian was like a violent wind rolling out of the dungeon, then bounced up, broke through a wall, rushed directly out of the castle, and landed on the open space outside the castle. When it fell, it fell on the open space with a car. At the top position, the luxury car immediately collapsed, instantly turning into a pile of scrap iron.

With red eyes, Lucian stood up straight, looked up at the sky outside, and let out a cheerful roar.

"I finally figured it out!"

Qin Yang was so lifted by Lucian in his hand, his whole body turned dizzy, and his heart felt like vomiting.

He raised his head hard and glanced at Lucian, and found that the old man's long hair was scattered, his muscles bulged, even his height seemed to be much higher than before, and the whole person exuded a violent aura that no one was near. .

Qin Yang didn't know why Lucian wanted to grab him and rushed out, and he didn't understand why he didn't kill himself directly. According to Levins, isn't Lucian of the second personality who doesn't recognize bloodthirsty and kills?

Lucian's rushing out was so loud that alarmed the entire castle, and many guards with guns had received orders and quickly leaned over here.

The figure of the Great Elder appeared behind a window on the upper floor of the castle. He looked at Lucian below, his eyes full of horror.

"Let him go, don't stop him, don't irritate him!"

Da Lao Zhang watched as many castle guards were approaching here, and quickly issued the order loudly, but his order was a little late.

Lucian left Qin Yang casually, and rushed out like a violent wind, and instantly appeared in front of a guard holding a gun, and blasted out with a punch.

Qin Yang fell on the ground, a little hope surged in his heart, he hurriedly supported his body, and when he looked up, he saw the body of the guard burst open.

Yes, Lucian punched the guard completely!

Qin Yang took a breath of air-conditioning, fucking, so strong and ruthless!

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