The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1668: Kill it!

"That guy, as a strong man of supreme strength, always cares about this and that. It is precisely because of his mentality that the other two families are able to make progress. Maybe he is also under great pressure in his heart, but he I don't want to be too extreme, so under such circumstances, I wake up."

Lucian used that guy to call his master, with disdain in his words: "At that time, the family was divided into two factions. After I woke up, I killed almost all the guys who were eating inside and out. It was just that I killed them. If you distinguish too clearly, you will definitely kill a lot of mistakes."

Qin Yang was taken aback. As he had predicted before, these two personalities of Lucian were biased towards two extremes. The master personality was too loyal and too scrupulous, and the second personality was too extreme, without scruples, just follow me. Those who prosper, those who oppose me die.

Perhaps in the inner subconscious of Lucian’s master character, he also hopes that he can be unscrupulous and decisive like a sub-personality, but his personality limits him to this level. In this suffering When receiving important stimuli from the outside world, the sub-personality completely awakened, killing the Quartet, doing what the master wanted to do but was unwilling to do, or even overdo it.

"Then when you woke up for the first time, under what circumstances did you fall asleep?"

Lucian stared at Qin Yang and asked coldly: "Why, want me to tell the answer, and find a way to make me sleep well and wake up that guy?"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Mr. Lucian, you don't need to be so wary of me. My strength is nothing in front of you. You can kill me with a single finger. How can I dare to move? You don't expect me. Help you kill him, then I at least need to know under what circumstances he and you alternate, otherwise, how can I find a way?"

Lucian sneered: "The first time I woke up, I was not strong enough, nor clear enough, so after the killing, maybe that guy was squeezed out because of the guilt and other garbage emotions in his heart. , I said, that guy is a trash, as an ancestor, for some rebellious offspring, if you kill it, kill it. If there is anything you can't think of, he is willing to be imprisoned in the dungeon and live a dark day. I also used various drugs to suppress my appearance..."

When Qin Yang heard this, he roughly understood that the appearance of the sub-personality is often a certain unbearable possibility of the master personality and eventually appears in a blinded way. After enough emotional venting is achieved, the will of the sub-personality will be greater. The amplitude is weakened, so that the more complete master character snatches back control of the body.

This is why many people will suddenly lose control when they are subjected to some kind of intense stimulus, showing various negative emotions such as madness and violence, and doing things that are impossible to do in ordinary days. When the intense negative emotions are vented, they lose control. People who tend to regain self-control and calm down again, and in serious cases, there will be a sub-personality resurrection like Lucian.

Emotional venting, this is a good way.

The solution to split personality is often to break the barrier between two personalities. Most of the memories of the two personalities are non-intersecting and fragmented, but Lucian’s second personality knows the first personality. What they have experienced shows that their memory barriers already have a blending part.

Perhaps in a way that was enough to vent his emotions, Lucian's master character might be able to wake up.

"During my self-imprisonment period, I actually appeared a few times. I became stronger and more complete each time. Today, I have been able to completely replace his coward. Don't worry. What he wants to do but dare not do, I will do it for him!"

Qin Yang asked curiously: "What does he want to do?"

Lucian replied coldly: "Kill! He wants to kill the supreme powerhouses of the other two families, so that they will not have the ability to oppress the Coman family anymore, but he has too much scruples and dare not do anything. I have no scruples, just kill. Kill, if you can't beat it, you have to beat it, otherwise others will really treat our Coman family as soft persimmons."

Qin Yang opened his eyes wide and said in surprise: "Mr. Lucian, you mean you are going to Lyon to kill the supreme powerhouse of the Thrall family?"

"That's right, the duel of the supreme strong, boy, you have a blessing!"

Qin Yang's eyes lit up. He really hadn't seen the duel between the supreme and powerful. The most powerful duel he had ever seen was the duel between Shigong Miao Jiangong and Monk Hongchan. One was the peak of Tongshen and the other was half a step. Supreme...

What will happen to the battle between two supreme?

If you are setting up a war, will it destroy a city?

"I have never seen the battle of the Supreme Power, then I am really blessed!"

Qin Yang praised it, half-hearted and half-delayed. Since I can watch your duel, does it mean that I will not rush to kill me before?

When you two supreme fight, let’s not say whether you have been able to fight before. After you fight so fiercely, the emotions accumulated in your heart will vent too much. Maybe the master will take the opportunity. Regained control of the body?

Qin Yang thought in his heart, but asked questions in his mouth: "Then how did you wake up this time? According to Levins and others, didn't you give you double injections? Why can you still use your strength? Doesn't seem to be discounted at all?"

Lucian frowned: "The previous drug had a problem. There is a drug that not only neutralizes most of the effects of other drugs, but also has a special stimulating effect. The guy was stimulated by the drug to go into a violent state, and naturally I also made sense. Come Qin Yang opened his eyes wide: "So someone deliberately let you out? "

Lucian sneered and said: "It's always one of those two families. Maybe they are looking to take advantage of this moment to drive me crazy, and then violently kill the Quartet again, killing all the people in the entire castle, but They won’t know that I have been able to completely control myself..."

Qin Yang asked suspiciously, "But didn't you also kill those guards before? Since you can control yourself, why do you do this?"

Lucian said coldly: "The medicine is very powerful. If I don't let it out by killing and killing, I'm afraid I really can't help but kill the Quartet in the castle. Those guards are just hired. Outsiders, kill them if you kill them, what's the big deal..."

Qin Yang looked at Lucien Sen's cold eyes, listened to his indifferent tone, couldn't help taking a breath.

This guy really kills without blinking...

(End of this chapter)

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