The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1669: Come out and die!

The headquarters of the Saar family is also a towering castle with a long history, standing above the wilderness. There is a small town not far from the castle. From the east of the town, there is a wide cement road leading directly to the castle.

As the car drove into the town, Qin Yang looked at the leisurely crowd next to him through the window of the car, and asked, "Mr. Lucian, the old castle of the Saar family is just ahead. Do we have to move on? "

Except for eating and going to the bathroom, Lucien was sleeping with his eyes closed. Qin Yang couldn't help wondering whether he was procrastinating his existence by resting on the sleeping.

If he really relaxes and sleeps completely, then the master should take this opportunity to grab back control of the body naturally.

If Qin Yang's guess is true, it means that Lucian has not been able to really sleep, at best he stays half-awake in a false sleep...

"Buy some food, find a place where no one can rest, and go to the castle at night!"

Qin Yang agreed: "Okay."

Qin Yang walked into the supermarket, bought a large bag of things, and then paid the bill with the money he had easily touched before. He glanced at Lucian who was resting in the car outside. Qin Yang made a silent gesture at the shopkeeper and then casually. I picked up a pen on the counter, brushed the account, wrote a phone number, wrote a paragraph, and then took out a piece of money and put it on that paragraph.

The shopkeeper glanced at that paragraph, his eyes were slightly confused, but when he saw Qin Yang's money, his eyes lit up, and he made an OK gesture toward Qin Yang without hesitation.

Qin Yang left the supermarket with a large bag of food and water, got in the car, started the car and left the town.

After Qin Yang left, the shopkeeper picked up the phone and dialed a phone number left by Qin Yang.

"Hello, hello... There was a young man just now, his name is Qin Yang, he asked me to call this number, and he asked me to tell you that he is in the old castle of the Thrall family... I am here, I am here..."


Orleans, Coman family castle.

Situ Xiang put down the phone, with a look of excitement on her face, she ran quickly towards the house.

"Old Sect Master, Senior Yang, the master has called, he is still alive!"

Yang Haoran and Miao Jiangong were chatting, and when they heard Situ Xiang's words, they both stood up suddenly.

"Where is he and how is it?"

Situ Xiang reported in a quick report: "He is in Lyon, in a small town near the Saar family castle. He asked the owner of the supermarket to call me. Lucian should be near him if he wants to come. He can't contact us by himself."

Miao Jiangong said solemnly: "Then we will go over as soon as possible."

Situ Xiang said cleanly: "I'll go to the Great Elder and ask him to tune a helicopter for us!"

After Situ Xiang left quickly, Yang Haoran smiled and said, "Qin Yang Elf is smart, although he is not Lucian's opponent, but since Lucian didn't kill him in the first time, he must have found a way to delay him and wait for us to save him."

Miao Jiangong's eyes were cold and sharp: "I'm going to compete with this Lucien to see how good he is!"

Yang Haoran persuaded: "Let’s act on the occasion. It is better to focus on Qin Yang’s safety. Then Lucian was also calculated by someone, and the second personality was awakened. This is indeed an accident, but it is not that the Koman family has calculated Qin Yang... …"

Miao Jiangong smiled: "What I understand is that I am a newcomer to the Supreme, but I want to find someone to have a good discussion. How can I know where the gap is without doing my hands."

Yang Haoran heard what Miao Jiangong said, and then she understood what Miao Jiangong meant.

He is not only to save Qin Yang, nor is he just to vent his anger, but he really wants to find the supreme power to fight!

"According to the people of the Koman family, this Lucian has been in the Supreme Realm for sixty years, and the strength has already reached a very strong point if you want to come. If you want to try, then I will help you take the battle..."

Miao Jiangong first entered the Supreme. Although he wanted to fight this fight, he was not arrogant enough to think that he would definitely defeat Lucian, so he bowed his hand: "Okay, thanks!"

Situ Xiang returned quickly: "Old Sect Master, the helicopter will come over immediately, and the Great Elder and others will also pass by with us."

Miao Jiangong raised his eyebrows, with cold eyes: "It's okay for him to be together, if Qin Yang is fine, there is still something to talk about. If Qin Yang has an accident, they will pay for it!"


The night shrouded the earth, a bright moon rose in the sky, and the bright moonlight shone on the earth, so that the entire wilderness was shrouded in bright moonlight.

Lucian stretched his arms and looked at Qin Yang coldly: "I haven't thought of a way yet?"

What Lucian was talking about was a way to completely kill the master. Qin Yang naturally didn't have any, and helplessly explained: "This requires constant practice. Or, I will give you a shot now?"

Lucian snorted coldly: "You think about it now, I'm going to kill people, I'm not sure if I can hold on after this fight, if I can't hold on, I will kill you before disappearing. , I don’t want to wait for that guy to wake up and cooperate with him to kill me!"

Qin Yang was shocked and quickly stated: "I will find a way as soon as possible!"

Lucian glanced at Qin Yang coldly. He didn't care whether Qin Yang was procrastinating, because he believed that even before he was "squeezed off the line" by his master, he would surely kill Qin Yang.

Qin Yang's strength is good for ordinary cultivators, but for him in the Supreme Realm, he is nothing at all. Before him, Qin Yang is like a newly born baby with no resistance.

"Let's go!"

Qin Yang started the car, and the car followed the straight road towards the old castle of the Saar family.

After traveling for a few kilometers, the old castle in the middle of the wilderness appeared in Qin Yang's eyes, and soon the car came to the gate of the old castle.

"What should we do now?"

Qin Yang turned his head to ask Lucian, his tone was also slightly nervous.

There was a thick blood in Lucian's eyes again, and he gave Qin Yang a cold look: "You stay here, UU reading www.uukā If you want to drive away or do other things, I will Destroy you instantly!"

Qin Yang thought about the continuous bends he had come up the mountain before. It would waste a lot of time to escape, and then think about Lucian's madness before jumping directly from a mountain of hundreds of meters until he was driving, as long as Lucian was still normal. If you move, you can't escape.

"Okay, I am here waiting for you!"

Lucian opened the car door, walked out, walked to the huge and heavy iron door, and slammed a fist against the iron door.

The huge and heavy iron gate seemed to have been hit by a train. It broke away from the concrete column head next to it and flew out directly.

Lucian rushed in like a ghost, dragged the heavy huge iron gate with one hand, and rushed towards the castle as if he was weightless, and at the same time let out a roar like thunder.

"Eric Thrall, come out and die!"

(End of this chapter)

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