The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1678: Take a supreme as a kid?

At the juncture of life and death, Qin Yang did not dare to relax in any way.

Seeing that Lucian's movements stopped, Qin Yang still madly released his mental power to impact Lucian, while slowly hypnotizing with a bewitching voice.

"Lucien, I, Qin Yang, standing in front of you, is your master. You must obey any orders from him, and you must not violate or hurt him... Remember, I am your master, and you must obey me. Can't hurt me..."

Qin Yang didn't dare to relax and hypnotized Lucian repeatedly.

Lucian's eyes were hollow at first, as if he didn't have any soul, but as Qin Yang's hypnosis progressed, Lucian's eyes were less hollow and more bizarre. Looking at Qin Yang in front of him, his eyes gradually filled. Up respect.

Casting pupil technique is very mentally exhausting. Qin Yang also used his best to cast pupil technique in order to survive. This mental energy consumption was completely in a state of exceeding the standard. After a few consecutive hypnotisms, Qin Yang could no longer support him. Yihei, fainted directly.

Qin Yang didn't know how long he had been fainting. When Qin Yang was awakened by the bird's call again, and slowly opened his eyes, he found that the sky was completely bright and the sun was emitting a soft light in the eastern sky.

Qin Yang's head was in chaos, and he subconsciously asked three consecutive questions.

who am I?

where am I?

What am i doing?

After a few seconds, Qin Yang finally became clear in his mind and remembered what had happened before.


Qin Yang was shocked. He sat up from the ground all of a sudden, and turned his head to look, only to see Lucian sitting under a big tree next to him, staring at him hollowly, his whole body motionless, as if there was no soul. stone carving.

Seeing Qin Yang sitting up, Lucian's hollow eyes showed a double look. He stood up and shouted at Qin Yang: "Master, you're awake, I'm so hungry..."

Qin Yang's guarded expression suddenly froze, his face stunned.

He called me master?

Qin Yang recalled in his mind that Lucian wanted to kill himself before. In order to survive, he used pupil skills to initiate a mental shock on Lucian when he couldn't hide, and hypnotized him desperately, and finally overdrawn mental power and fainted.

He calls himself master?

Did your hypnosis succeed?

Qin Yang was pleasantly surprised, but he still felt uneasy. After all, Lucian was the supreme and powerful, and his willpower and mental power were very strong, not to mention that he had a bloodthirsty and violent sub-personality.

Qin Yang asked cautiously: "Who are you?"

Lucian replied blankly: "Lucian."

Qin Yang asked, "Lucian is your first name, what is your last name?"

Lucian shook his head and replied blankly: "I don't know, I only know my name is Lucian."

Qin Yang looked surprised, Lucian had forgotten even his last name?

How is this going?

Even if Lucien succeeded in using the pupil technique to hypnotize Lucien, it would only allow him not to hurt himself, obey his own orders and treat himself as the master, but it is impossible for him to forget his surname?

This is weird!

Qin Yang began to ask Lucian carefully: "Then do you know who your parents are?"

Lucian shook his head.

"Do you remember where you live?"

Lucian continued to shake his head.

"Except for me, do you remember anyone else, your relatives, friends, or anyone in your memory?"

Lucian looked at Qin Yang, his eyes still very hollow: "I only remember the master, I don't remember anything else, I want to listen to the master, and can't hurt the master..."

Qin Yang's expression was a bit weird, and he continued to question Lucian in great detail. This questioning lasted at least half an hour, and it even contained a lot of tests.

When Qin Yang finally stopped questioning and testing, Qin Yang's expression had become quite weird.

Lucian had completely lost his memory.

No, it is not accurate to describe Lucian with amnesia, because at this time Lucian can no longer describe him as normal.

A normal person with amnesia just loses the memory of a certain period of life in the past, but the person's IQ is still there, but Lucien is not even there anymore!

At this moment, Lucian turned out to be like a three-year-old child. Not only did he completely do not remember anything before, he even had a decline in intelligence, and he could even be described as an idiot.

Qin Yang asked and tested carefully, and the final result was that Lucien's brain was completely broken!

Qin Yang speculated that the probable reason for Lucian's change was that Lucian wanted to kill himself at a critical juncture. Lucian's master came out to prevent the sub-personality from doing anything to him. The two personalities had a fierce conflict and collision in their brains. , And he just launched a mental attack on Lucian at that time, and the three-way collision caused Lucian's brain to be unbearable and completely blown up.

To put it simply, Lucian’s brain is like a fuse with a current limit. Before, it could afford the full power of one electrical appliance (master), but now suddenly there are two appliances (master and sub-personality). ) The use of full power, coupled with an extremely strong instantaneous current (Qin Yang's mental impact), and the total current of the three combined far exceeded its upper limit, and the fuse burned!

Lucian was the fuse that was blown by the excessive current. His brain was completely burned out, and it was completely blank!

Regardless of the master personality or the sub-personality, everything is completely burned out, burned out!

If Qin Yang did not hypnotize with pupil technique, then Lucian would have become a complete idiot, but Qin Yang had repeatedly hypnotized Lucian and indoctrinated Lucian so hard that Lucian’s blank brain was deeply left behind. After Qin Yang's figure, Qin Yang's previous words seemed to be imprinted in the depths of his soul, becoming the only thing he could remember.

"Master, I'm hungry..."

Lucian stretched out his hand to cover his belly, and looked at Qin Yang with a flat face and aggrieved expression, his expression full of prayers.

A white-haired Lucian looked at Qin Yang with the tone and attitude of a three-year-old child. This strong deficit made Qin Yang a little stunned for a while.

Qin Yang pointed to a big tree not far away that needed a few people to hug: "Lucien, you can try to break that tree with a full punch."

Lucian didn't say anything, and rushed directly, as fast as lightning, and then slammed a fist against the big tree.


The big tree hugged by several people clicked, broke directly, and fell down rumblingly.

Qin Yang stared at the fallen tree in a daze, then looked back at Lucian who seemed to have done a trivial thing, and couldn't help taking a sip of water.

what is this?

Did he accept a supreme powerhouse as a younger brother?

(End of this chapter)

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