The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1679: Take him back to China?

The ancient castle of the Saar family.

Situ Xiang sat on the grass, frowning, his face full of worry and anxiety.

Yang Haoran and Miao Jiangong have already returned. They pursued the middle of the night, and finally pursued the goal thoroughly.

Lucian took Qin Yang abducted and headed towards the depths of the forest. In addition, it was night and it was difficult to tell the trajectory of his actions. After all, Lucian did not move step by step on the ground, but went out a long way. Jump five times, and you don't know where it's going.

Before Lucian took Qin Yang abducted and didn't kill him, maybe it was for some purpose, but this time Lucian and the three great powers desperately and were injured. This is bound to irritate him completely, and he will show mercy to Qin Yang's men. ?

Situ Xiang remembered what happened last night, and couldn't help but complain about Miao Jiangong.

We are here to save Qin Yang. Wouldn't it be enough to save Qin Yang and protect him?

You are going to challenge them, but they go crazy and fight back all at once, and then take Qin Yang away again. Surely Qin Yang's heart is full of despair, right?

I was saved by sight, and I was happy, but after two minutes had not been happy, he fell into the clutches of Lucian again. This gap in my heart might drive people crazy.

Qin Yang, can he escape the clutch this time?

Will he die?

Situ Xiang is Qin Yang's hidden servant, but also his woman. She regards Qin Yang as her master, as her man, as her spiritual support. Now Qin Yang is in a state of nine deaths, how can she not worry ?

Situ Xiang hadn't slept much in the past two days. His exquisite and beautiful face had become quite haggard, and he even had dark circles under his eyes and bloodshot eyes.

The sun had already risen, and she was sitting on the grass in front of the castle blankly, staring into the distance blankly, her eyes erratic, as if the soul had dissipated and only a body was left.

I didn't know how long I sat there, and a black spot suddenly appeared in Situ Xiang's vision.

This black spot appeared in the deep forest in the distance. The black spot was moving at a fast speed. It appeared on the edge of the forest in the blink of an eye. The direction of the black spot's movement was the direction of the castle.

Situ Xiang came back to his senses at once, and suddenly stood up, opened his eyes wide, and stared at the gradually expanding black spot.

The black spot was a few minutes closer, and Situ Xiang had recognized it, and the black spot was alone!

Situ Xiang's heart was beating violently. Seeing the way and high speed of the black dot movement, Situ Xiang had already guessed who that person was.

Lucian who disappeared last night!

Lucian is back again!

What about Qin Yang?

Lucian had empty hands and didn't hold Qin Yang as before. Situ Xiang, who saw this clearly, only felt a bit of rapid breathing, and his heart seemed to be gripped by an invisible hand.

Lucian's figure moved as fast as lightning, and there was a long distance between the movements. The steep **** of the valley was jumped over, and soon he came under the steep **** in front of the castle.

Is Lucian here to take revenge?

Lucian seemed to have spotted Situ Xiang, paused for a moment, and rushed towards Situ Xiang.

Situ Xiang's eyes jumped, but she did not flee towards the castle in horror, but stood there quietly waiting for Lucien to arrive.

She wanted to ask Lucian what he had done to Qin Yang. Is Qin Yang dead?

If Lucien had killed Qin Yang, he would definitely not care about killing one more himself, then... die and die, anyway, Miao Jiangong and Yang Haoran are worried about revenge, and they don’t need him, he is. Can follow Qin Yang underground.

If there is really the Yin Cao Netherworld, can I still catch up with Qin Yang and meet him underground again?

Lucian shot up, rushed directly up the slope, then crashed down like a cannonball, and landed in front of Situ Xiang.

Situ Xiang gritted his teeth and was about to ask Lucian. Lucian suddenly stuck out a head behind his tall figure and looked at Situ Xiang with a smile: "Xiang Xiang, what are you doing here, waiting for me?"

Situ Xiang looked at the familiar smiling face, his eyes were shocked, and his face was filled with disbelief. At this moment, Situ Xiang seemed to be in a dream.

Qin Yang!

"Master! You are not dead!"

Qin Yang patted Lucian on the shoulder. Lucian let go of his arms around Qin Yang. Qin Yang slipped off him and walked to Situ Xiang, looking at her slightly messy hairstyle, haggard face and eyes. The bloodshot of Situ Xiang felt pain in his heart, without talking nonsense, he hugged Situ Xiang directly.

"It makes you worry, it's okay, it's all over."

Situ Xiang felt Qin Yang's warm embrace, felt the familiar breath of Qin Yang's body, and finally recovered completely, and his tight heart was completely relaxed.

She quickly glanced at Lucian, who was standing next to him like a giant, but found that Lucian's eyes were blank but empty, and she was looking at herself with a peculiar look, with a slight curiosity in that look.

What is this expression?

Situ Xiang broke free from Qin Yang's arms, and asked curiously, "What's going on, he..."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "The situation is a bit complicated, but if you can summarize the result in one sentence, it is that I am his master now, he is my servant, and I am obedient..."

Situ Xiang opened his eyes wide, and looked at Qin Yang in disbelief, "Servant? He obeyed you?"

The corners of Qin Yang's mouth curled up, and the smile on his face was slightly strange: "Yes, it's hard to believe it, right? I was the same as you at the beginning, but this is indeed a fact... All his memories have been completely destroyed. Destroyed, now only recognizes me, remembers me, listens to me..."

Situ Xiang turned his head and looked at Lucian. Lucian heard Qin Yang's words, his eyes were still a bit blank, and he grinned stupidly: "I am Lucian, listen to the master's words, whoever bullies the master, I will beat him!"

Situ Xiang felt a thunder in his is this all about, how is this possible?

Lucian is the supreme powerhouse?

Wasn't he awakening his personality before, and went crazy and killed the Quartet? How could this be?

Qin Yang stretched his hand to hold Situ Xiang's words, turned his head to Lucian with a smile, and said, "She is called Situ Xiang, and she is also my servant. You will also listen to her in the future. She will give you a lot of delicious food."

Lucian's eyes lit up: "It's delicious, well, I'll be obedient!"

Listening to Lucian's childish tone, Situ Xiang didn't know how to respond for a while, but she was suddenly excited. What did Qin Yang just say?


Situ Xiang turned his head to look at Qin Yang in shock: "Master, are you going to take him back to China?"

Qin Yang blinked and said with a grin: "Yes, what do I think?"

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