The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1680: How confident are you yelling at me?

The movement when Lucien appeared, alarmed the people in the castle, and Eric, Yang Haoran and Miao Jiangong rushed out of the castle for the first time.

Miao Jiangong's face was cold and severe, and searching for it in the middle of the night had no results. Regarding Qin Yang's life and death, he was already inclined to a rather pessimistic result, that is, Qin Yang had been killed by Lucien.

Seeing Lucian returning again, Miao Jiangong was full of murderous intent at this time.

He was originally not a gentle-hearted person, otherwise, he would not have been ups and downs in Japan, and would not be hostile by so many people.

But when Miao Jiangong rushed out of the castle and saw Qin Yang standing in front of Lucian with a smile on his face, Miao Jiangong's footsteps suddenly stopped.

How is this going?

Miao Jiangong's gaze swept towards Lucian, and he noticed his strangeness in an instant.

Miao Jiangong frowned and rushed to Qin Yang's side, straddling directly between Qin Yang and Lucian, looking at Lucian with alert eyes.

"Qin Yang, are you okay?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Master, it's okay. The trouble between Lucian and I have been solved. He listens to me now, but there may be another problem to be solved next..."

"He listens to you?"

Miao Jiangong also found that Lucien was quite wrong. Standing in front of him, he didn't respond at all. He just looked at himself and others empty-eyed, and his eyes revealed a bit of childlike curiosity.

"Lao Yang, Master, come with me."

Qin Yang greeted Yang Haoran and Miao Jiangong aside, and recounted what happened last night in the simplest terms.

The expressions on Yang Haoran and Miao Jiangong's faces were also full of shock and disbelief, and they never expected such a bizarre thing to happen.

"Master, I am now going to bring Lucian back to China. After all, he only listens to me. He tossed me like this before. Now he must work hard to make up for me. I almost took my life in..."

Yang Haoran frowned, "Lucian is the sacred needle of the Coman family. I am afraid that the Coman family will not promise you to take people away."

Qin Yang smiled: "They dare not disagree."

Yang Haoran asked curiously: "Why?"

Qin Yang glanced at the distant elder Harry, who was worried about standing next to Lucian, and said in a low voice: "Now Lucian doesn't remember who he is, nor does he know the Coman family. If people wouldn’t let me take Lucian away, I ordered Lucian to kill the Coman family. Do you think the Coman family can afford it?"

Yang Haoran opened his eyes wide, and immediately smiled bitterly: "They really can't afford it. Your method is really useful and poisonous."

Qin Yang shrugged his shoulders: "It depends on their attitude. If they cooperate well, if there is something in their family, I can ask Lucian to come back and help. If they are tough, they will get nothing."

Yang Haoran sighed, "This is the first time I have encountered such a thing at such an age. This is truly the world's most amazing."

Miao Jiangong sneered and said: "He wants to kill Qin Yang, but he can't kill him, so he can use the remaining life to pay for it. The Koman family originally relied on Lucian for support. Lucian is gone. They dare to challenge. If they dare Bravo, I don’t mind giving them a deep lesson, don’t talk about us, Eric can wait."

Qin Yang smiled: "Yes, the other two families have been oppressing the Koman family, and now they have lost the pillar of Lucian. Not to mention that I let Lucian turn around to deal with him. As long as we stand by and watch, they will suffer... Let's go, it happens that Great Elder Harry is here, let's talk to them."

Qin Yang turned around and walked back to Lucian. Before he could speak, Harry greeted him and asked anxiously: "Mr. Qin, what's wrong with Lucian, why don't you recognize me at all, and have no reaction at all?"

The corners of Qin Yang’s mouth curled up slightly, and he replied in a calm voice: “His two personalities appeared at the same time, competing for control of the body, and then his brain was overloaded and burned. He was about to kill me. I countered him with pupil technique, and then he became like this..."

Harry was still talking, and Lucian had already spoken: "Master, I'm so hungry and want to eat."

Qin Yang smiled. Before answering, Eric and Harry's expressions changed. Eric's expressions were full of shock and disbelief, but Harry still had an embarrassment that could not be concealed.

The ancestor of the Koman family turned out to be Master Qin Yang!

How can this be!

Harry's face suddenly hardened, and his voice also became cold: "Mr. Qin, what is going on, what have you done to the ancestor?"

Qin Yang spread his hands and said with an innocent look: "I just said, he wanted to kill me, I fought back, and then it happened that his two personalities grabbed control of the body, his brain was overwhelmed, and finally his brain burned. Blank, it happened that I was fighting back to hypnotize him. I hypnotized him. I was his master. He must not hurt the master. Then I fainted and woke up like this."

Harry said angrily: "Mr. Qin, how can you hypnotize him as your servant and let you be the master, you must immediately unhypnotize him!"

The expression on Qin Yang's face gradually became cold: "Mr. Harry, it seems that you haven't figured out the current situation."

Harry stared at Qin Yang angrily: "What do you want to say?"

Qin Yang drew closer to Harry for two points, and said in a cold voice: "Lucian wants to kill me, I will naturally fight back. If he didn't kill me, he would naturally have to bear the consequences. Why should I lift his hypnosis? Listen to me, only know me, and I will do whatever I ask him to do. What confidence do you have to talk to me with such an attitude, believe it or not I let him destroy your Koman family?"

Harry was stunned and his face was pale.

When Eric heard this next to him, he burst into laughter: "Haha, this is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen in my life. Lucian, this guy, is arrogant and thinks he is awesome, but he capsized in the gutter. , I really laughed at me!"

Harry gritted his teeth and said: "He is like this, what are you going to do with him?"

Qin Yang said coldly: "Did you not hear him calling me master? Since he is my servant, he will naturally follow me. When I return to Huaxia, he will naturally follow Huaxia..."

Harry was shocked: "No, you can't do this! He is from our Koman family, even if he looks like this now, he can't go to China with you!"

Qin Yang sneered: "You are afraid that you have been sitting in a high position for too long. Didn't you see the situation clearly? There are several supreme powers here, four! And these four people can become enemies of your Koman family. And there are so many supreme and powerful people in your Koman family now, none of them! I really don’t understand, what is your confidence in yelling at me, at this time, shouldn’t you just beg me? ?"

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