The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1705: This is a show!

     Just as Qin Yang and others watched the list, on the other side, the Eagle Nation team also entered the field, which triggered a wave of enthusiasm, and the home court advantage was undoubtedly revealed.

   Qin Yang and the others looked over naturally, the eyes of the players from both sides collided in the air across the arena, as if an invisible spark bloomed, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

   The host walked to the center of the competition hall and began to host this competition.

   All the processes are going through. The Mayor of New York speaks and the guests speak, but everyone did not listen too carefully. Anyway, all you have to do is to get on stage and work hard.

   After finishing the process, the highlight is about to begin.

   Duanmufeng met with the leader of the Eagle National Team, and then the draw began.

   Duanmufeng handed in the list of ten players and numbered them from one to ten. Two lottery machines were placed side by side, and ten small **** were put into the lottery machine.

The two team leaders each pressed a lottery machine, the two lottery machine **** rolled out, and the camera immediately aimed at the two balls. When the numbers on the **** were clearly revealed, the huge display immediately showed that they are about to debut. Photos and names of both players.

   Qin Yang's eyes fell on the display, he was a little relieved, turned his head and smiled: "Chen Hou, you are the first, and the opponent is not extraordinary, come on, try to get a good start!"

   Chen Hou also had a bit of excitement on his face, clenched his fists, and waved vigorously.

   "Brothers wait and see, I will definitely win!"

Following the host’s call, Chen Hou came onto the stage and stepped into the arena, perhaps with a bit of excitement. Chen Hou took a run-up, his body shot up cleanly, like a cannonball, and then in the air. A clean and neat roll, beautifully landed on the wide ring, making a dull loud noise.

   Chen Hou's beautiful appearance instantly calmed the audience. There was a moment of silence in the audience, and then the shouts burst like a volcanic eruption.

The audience here are all ordinary people. There was no special publicity before this game. The audience only knew about the exchange contest between the cultivators of the Eagle Country and China. Everyone didn’t know how it was so powerful. Most people came with curiosity about the practitioners.

   Chen Hou's opening jump shocked everyone's heart.

   There is no setting to help take off, how can people bounce so high on flat ground?

Everyone has seen those horse vaulters or parkour masters on TV or in social life. Their control of the body has reached a very high level. It is completely fine to jump for one or two meters on the spot, but How high did Chen Hou jump just now?

   Five meters or seven meters?

Is that human being?


   Is this a practitioner?

   All the audience's emotions were suddenly detonated by Chen Hou's actions, especially those Chinese audiences who desperately cheered for Chen Hou.

  The Eagle Country player looked at this scene, and his face suddenly showed an uncomfortable look.

His whole body was bulging with muscles, and his skin was glowing like a metal. He also rushed towards the ring, and then suddenly exerted force. He was kicked into a big pit at his feet in an instant, and he himself shot into the sky like a rocket. It rises, then falls like a meteorite, slamming heavily on the steel ring, making a more dull loud noise.

All the audience in Eagle Country shouted with excitement. They had never seen such a scene before. Although they didn't understand why the game was suddenly opened to the public, they intuitively told them that this world might happen. Great changes.

   Many viewers have already taken out their mobile phones to make video recordings, or the audience who recorded two people on the stage can't wait to send small videos to their friends or to their own Twitter or Moments.

   Chen Hou and Eagle Country player Hanks have their own characteristics. Chen Hou is light and elegant, while Eagle Country player Hanks is mighty and domineering, full of power. The comparison between the two is more shocking.

   Chen Hou arched his hands at Hanks, Hanks also bowed, and as the host announced the start, the two rushed directly to each other.

   Without any fancy, the two rushed straight to each other, punching in the past.

   Chen Hou’s strength is the 27th Acupuncture Points of the Celestial Man. After more than half a year of hard cultivation, he has basically reached the peak of Celestial Man’s strength, so he has no fear of adopting a head-to-head style of play.

The two people were thinking about flying from the rear at the same time, like two cannonballs, but after the two people rubbed their feet and rubbed the ground to stabilize their figure, the two people once again rushed towards each other like an arrow from the string, just like Superman in the movie. Collision.



  Perhaps because the first game plus everyone's strength is not much different, both of them took a breath and both adopted this kind of pure force collision.

   Gang Qi is like a knife, but it can't cut Hanks' bones like steel, and his fist is like iron, but it can't break Chen Hou's strong shock.

The silhouettes of the two people are almost too close to the naked eye. The ordinary audience present can only see the shadows, crashing together, then flying back, falling, starting again, and disappearing instantly. The silhouettes, and then the two are in the middle. Collision again.

   All the audience was deeply shocked by the scene before them.

   How does this TM look like watching a blockbuster movie?

   This is a blockbuster film without special effects at all!

   Practitioner, is it so powerful?

Originally in everyone’s imagination, the cultivator should also be a martial artist, better than ordinary people, but there should be a degree. This exchange game, maybe it is two people, you punch me and you come and me~www It's like a boxing match on TV, but what do you see?

  This speed, this power, this brutal impact...

   Everyone feels the same.


   It turns out that there is really a superman in this world!

They have been living with us all the time, and we don’t even know how powerful they are. There are even a lot of people who think that the cultivator’s power is simply bragging. Some of the cultivator videos that are occasionally leaked on the Internet are all post-PS Synthetic……

   Qin Yang looked at the battle in the stands, then looked at the audience on the stage, and his mood was quite complicated.

Although I don’t know why the two governments will suddenly make the decision to open the game, but instinct tells Qin Yang that there may be some major incident, and this major incident is probably not only a matter of which country, otherwise, two Will the most powerful country come to play such a game?

   This is indeed a game, but thinking of the unknown reasons behind this incident, Qin Yang suddenly felt that this game might be more of a show!

   A show for ordinary people all over the world!

   Look, this is the practitioner!

   They are by your side!



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