The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1706: I'm afraid I will kill you!

Chapter 1706 I'm afraid I will kill you! (Page 1/1)


The corner of Chen Hou's mouth slammed into Hanks's back with a fierce punch, and Hanks's steel-like muscles instantly sank into an obvious fist mark.

The qi entered the body, like a blade rushing, Hanks's face was pale, and a mouthful of blood came out.

Chen Hou's attack did not stop there. He dodged, avoiding Hanks's horizontal elbow blow, then leaned out at an angle, punching again with his backhand.

The fist mark of the qi fist landed on Hanks’ chest, and there was a clicking sound. Hanks didn’t know how many ribs had been broken. He retreated a few steps to the back, and then he uttered a fart. On the ground, blood spurted out of his mouth again.

Chen Hou didn't attack any more, he hung his left arm, and a look of excitement appeared on his red face.


Although I was interrupted by an arm, I still won!


Hanks gritted his teeth and seemed to want to stand up, but he only stood up for two minutes and fell down again.

Hanks was rushed to the stage by Yingfang's staff and carried him down. He looked at Chen Hou standing on the stage with a look of shame on his face.

He was careless.

His strength is similar to that of Chen Houxiang, but when Chen Hou sold a flaw and gave him a chance to break Chen Hou's arm with a punch, he rushed forward without hesitation.

He cleanly interrupted Chen Hou’s left hand, but was severely hit by three consecutive blows by Chen Hou, who had been prepared for it, and directly beat him into serious internal injuries, and Chen Hou found the opportunity to break the enemy with one hand. , Knocked him down completely.

"The first game, winner, China Chenhou!"

Chen Hou raised his intact right hand and waved in the direction of the Huaxia audience, which evoked a tidal wave of good shouts, and he turned away contentedly.

This time, he walked off the stage because his arm was so painful that he didn't dare to toss any more.

Duanmufeng greeted him and asked with concern: "You did a good fight, how is your arm hurt?"

Chen Hou grinned: "It's broken, but fortunately, I was prepared for it, so it was just broken, not broken."

Duan Mufeng beckoned to the rear, and two doctors came over immediately to check on Chen Hou and do emergency treatment.

Qin Yang walked over and patted Chen Hou on the shoulder: "Is it all right?"

Chen Hou grinned, although he grinned a little with pain because of the doctor's tossing, but he couldn't conceal the somber smile on his face.

"It's okay, it's just a broken arm. It will be fine after two months of raising. That guy hurts no more than me... Hey, Qin Yang, I won!"

Qin Yang said angrily: "Knowing that you have won, your strength is obviously higher than him, and you can fight steadily. You must have a high winning rate afterwards. Why do you use such a life-threatening move, you will still pay for the next game. Can you participate?"

Chen Hou said nonchalantly: "This is my first game at the beginning. I must win cleanly. Besides, if I drag it to the back, the ghost knows if he will break out. I still fight for the injury and directly abolish him. Come more securely. As for the individual battles that follow, there will be Zhao Qinglong Yun Bailing anyway, and you can participate in it. Wherever it is necessary for me to go, even if I am not injured, am I filling the hole?"

Qin Yang was speechless. This guy had already made up his mind to only participate in this battle, so even if he was desperate, he would have to win beautifully...

Qin Yang patted Chen Hou on the shoulder, and praised: "Anyway, you won beautifully and played well. Then it's ours."

Chen Hou smiled and said triumphantly: "Yes, my business is over, now I can watch the game easily. By the way, Qin Yang, if Yuanyuan sees me so handsome and brave, will you agree? Make up with me?"

Qin Yang did not expect that Chen Hou could still think of Long Yuanyuan at this time, and said angrily: "You used to be lovers. Shouldn't it be you who know her best? Ask me, where do I know?"

Chen Hou said embarrassingly: "Women's heart, Haizizhen, if I had made it clear at first, I wouldn't have broken up with her two finally."

Although Qin Yang wanted to ask you how you broke up, but this is obviously not the right time, and he casually encouraged him: "Although she may not like your choice, but you can win, she will be happy after all. Well, after all, you have won the first city for China, and you are a hero. Even if she doesn't say anything, she definitely admires her mentally. Don't women always like heroes?"

When Chen Hou heard Qin Yang say this, he said happily: "Yes, I think so too, hey, I will call Yuanyuan later, I have broken my arm now, I think she must be reluctant to treat me Seriously..."

Qin Yang looked at Chen Hou's overjoyed expression and was speechless. Didn't you guy just break his arm cleanly and cleanly because he wanted to sell him in front of Long Yuanyuan?

"You guy... forget it, just watch it."

Qin Yang returned to his position and looked in the direction of the draw in a blink of an eye. At this time, the two lottery machines had already begun to roll, and the second round of the draw had begun.

"Eagle Country Awana Will vs. Huaxia Yunbailing!"

All the team members stood up all of a sudden, staring at the big screen in front of them in shock.

Awana Will!

One of the three extraordinary masters of Eagle Country!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Yun Bailing, and the extraordinary battle came so quickly!

Yun Bailing frowned, but immediately returned to peace.

The opponent's three extraordinary players, Huaxia two, the probability of meeting is not too high, but it is not too small, so whether it is Zhao Qinglong or Yun Bailing, they have already made plans to fight the other extraordinary. What's more, even if the team does not collide now, the individual competitions afterwards will definitely collide, and it will definitely be an extraordinary collision.

Sooner or later!

Duanmufeng frowned his eyes were solemn, and he turned to look at Yun Bailing: "Yun Bailing, this Awana is said to be the opponent's most powerful player, and a genius from an ancient family. Try not to fight against him, and use a game to increase your winning rate."

Yun Bailing nodded: "I will pay attention!"

Duanmufeng encouraged: "Go, pay attention to safety."

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Yun Bailing stepped onto the ring step by step, walking calmly and looking calm, while on the other side, Awana had already risen and crashed down opposite Yun Bailing, looking fiercely. With Yun Bailing.

Awana revealed a beast-like aura all over his body, fierce and cunning. He looked at Yun Bailing's eyes as if he were looking at a prey falling into a trap.

"Yun Bailing, for the sake of your beautiful appearance, I will give you a chance to surrender, otherwise, once the fight really starts, I'm afraid I can't control it and I will accidentally kill you!"

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