The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1835: Horror comes


There is a huge scorpion five or six meters high, and the black carapace is covered in black paint, like pieces of steel plate spliced ​​together to form an indestructible black armor.

A pair of huge and sharp big claws with spikes look full of terrifying lethality. The scorpion tails that are raised up high behind are like black steel thorns, which makes people scared when they look at them. On the head, a pair of cold and cruel eyes were staring at Qin Yang and the others.

Qin Yang was stared at by these cold eyes, his heart trembled, and he already understood the origin of this monster.

They are the underground monsters mentioned in the death officer's notes in the treasure cave!

A huge scorpion living in an underground cave!

When the soldiers who buried the treasure were exploring the underground caves, they encountered them. Except for the leader who fled back to the treasure cave and escaped, all the other soldiers became food for these underground monsters.

These underground monsters have strong armor, sharp big claws and sharp scorpion tail steel needles. Those guns and ammunition that are very destructive to humans can’t help them. Even the amazingly powerful grenade can hardly be caused on them. Great trauma.

They are like harvesters, easily rushing into the group of soldiers, easily cutting people in half with their big pliers, or easily nailing people to the ground with scorpion tails, and then turning around. Just bite the person to death and swallow it into the stomach.

Is this only one?

This question just flashed in Qin Yang's mind, and a low humming sound came from the huge deep pit, and there were also some whistling sounds.

Mo Yu's complexion changed abruptly, and he whispered: "Go!"

Qin Yang didn't care about looking down on the giant scorpion. They turned and ran. They did not follow Augustus and the others, but ran in another direction.

The four of them were fast, but the giant scorpion who jumped out first caught sight of Qin Yang and the others, moved his thick legs, and quickly chased them.

This giant scorpion is five or six meters high, and its feet are tall and strong, running as fast as the wind, and in the giant hole behind it, there are still many huge figures jumping out of the hole.

These giant scorpions are all about the same size, and after jumping out of the cave, they quickly focused on the prey closest to them.

Although the mercenaries and scientific researchers ran the earliest in the direction of their escape in Augustus, they were just ordinary people after all. They couldn’t run fast in the desert, so they were far away from the tunnel entrance. Is the most recent.

The group of giant scorpions that jumped out then stared at the group of closest humans and swarmed away. They were fast, and quickly approached the group of escaped mercenaries.

The mercenaries looked horrified, turned their heads and pulled the trigger at the giant scorpion that came after them.

"Da da da!"

The bullets poured down like a torrential rain, hitting the giant scorpion's hard shell, sparks splashed everywhere, but they could not penetrate the giant scorpion's shell.

The giant scorpion rushed into the crowd. With a few clicks of the big pliers, someone was cut off by the waist.

Amid the screams, a mercenary looked at the giant scorpion rushing towards him, dropped his empty gun with red eyes, took out a grenade, opened the tab, and cursed loudly: "Fu-ck!"

When the giant scorpion opened his mouth to bite, he threw the opened grenade into the giant scorpion’s mouth, and then in the next second, he was also thrown to the ground by the giant scorpion, biting off half of his body. .


The grenade exploded in the giant scorpion's throat, and the giant scorpion let out a miserable cry, and its huge body jumped into the air, and then crashed to the ground.

Even if the giant scorpion has a shell as hard as an armor and teeth as sharp as a blade, but its throat is still soft after all, without any iron armor protection, the exploding grenade instantly killed it!

The death of this giant scorpion did not make other giant scorpions retreat. They are like killing machines without emotion and fear. They quickly wiped out this group of mercenaries and researchers, and then bite and swallowed them. Their bodies.

Qin Yang and others didn't have time to watch this tragic scene. They just wanted to get away from these vicious monsters as soon as possible.

If this giant scorpion is only one, then they are not afraid at all. With Lucian's strength and the cyan long sword in Qin Yang's hand, they will have no problem killing the giant scorpion, but this giant scorpion is not one. It's a group, no, I don't know how many there are!

There was a giant scorpion hanging behind them, but even though that giant scorpion was fast, it was still pulled farther and farther by Qin Yang and others.

Augustus, who carried the box in the distance and ran for a long distance, stopped, put the box in his hand down, pointed it in the direction of the pit, then opened the box and turned towards the box without hesitation. A button in the center of the room was pressed down.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a violent explosion in the huge pit.

The continuous explosion made the entire cave tremble violently, and the entire desert ground tilted and collapsed.

When Qin Yang and others looked back, they were all gone.

This lunatic!

Is this going to blow up the entire desert and collapse it?


Mo Yu shouted loudly, speeding up his run.

Qin Yang turned his head and shouted, "Lucien, run with Xiangxiang!"

Lucian stopped, Situ Xiang ran directly on Lucian's back and grabbed Lucian's back.

Lucian ejected his whole body, like a bouncing projectile, one hundred meters in one jump, Mo Yu was flying in the desert like walking in the wind, and Qin Yang was holding a blue long sword, and his speed was fast. It's amazing, like a white horse passing a gap.

The desert ground behind the four people quickly collapsed, and the collapse continued all the way, looking terrifying.


In the yellow sand splashing, a huge howl suddenly resounded throughout the and this roar came from the collapsed underground.

The expressions of Qin Yang and others changed, shocked in their hearts, and even more dare not stay at their feet, and ran all the way crazy.

The giant scorpion that followed Qin Yang and the others was still trying to chase and refused to give up, but when he heard this huge howl, it stopped chasing and fell on the ground with cold and fierce eyes. There was fear in it.

Qin Yang looked back at this scene, and his heart became more horrified. The huge howl sounded from the ground just now, sounding like a bell, spreading throughout the wilderness. From this sound, you can imagine how big the creature that made this sound is. Comparing the action of the giant scorpion behind his body that clearly expressed surrender, one can see the horror of the voice master!

There are such terrifying creatures hidden in the underground world of this desert, so Augustus and others should have come here to find the underground creatures, and judging from the explosion he made at the end, could it be that this is their trip? purpose?


There is a chapter later, you can get up tomorrow to read it!


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