The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1836: Could it be that I am making up stories?

Qin Yang and the others rushed all the way without daring to pause.

Fortunately, the big guy who made a huge howl didn't make any big movements anymore, let alone show up on the ground, or perhaps the big guy hadn't had time to get to the ground.

Qin Yang and the others didn't dare to stay. In case it was really some super fierce guy, wouldn't everyone stay here to die?

Qin Yang and the others turned a corner, circled an arc, and proceeded in the direction of the oasis.

"I'm afraid that the Oasis won't be able to go back. Augustus and the others are also going back to the Oasis. Since they have all shot at everyone just now, this is obviously endless and it is impossible to live in peace and peace..."

Qin Yang nodded, picked up the position-determining instrument and looked at it: "We can contact psc in advance and arrange a time to let their transport plane arrive at the scheduled location. We just board the plane directly at the scheduled location. In this case, we don't have to We enter the oasis again, and we don’t have to go back anyway."

"Okay, you can arrange it."

Qin Yang took out his mobile phone and contacted the people of the psc. They were taking on private tasks. As long as the money was enough, there were people who wanted them, they wanted planes and planes, and they wanted guns and guns. This transportation task was just the simplest business. Qin Yang gave it to The price is sufficient, and they are naturally willing to take this trip.

Qin Yang and the people from psc agreed on the pick-up location. Qin Yang tested the distance early and estimated the time of arrival. After the confirmation, everyone thought about the direction of the oasis.

They are certainly not returning to the oasis, but the oasis is the most reliable coordinate reference.

On the way, they proceeded cautiously, did not encounter Augustus and the others, and did not encounter other troubles, and arrived at the agreed place smoothly.

When the psc transport plane appeared in the sight of Qin Yang and the others, everyone was relieved immediately.

They are now carrying two big pockets of treasures, and they are naturally unwilling to make extravagances. Now that they can retreat safely is the best result. After all, Augustus is no worse than Lucian.

Qin Yang also paid attention to the crazy battle between Augustus and Lucian before. Augustus was not inferior to Lucian. This surprised Qin Yang. Augustus was one of the thirteen elders of Nirvana. , With the strength of a supreme powerhouse, can it be said that all the thirteen elders of this Nirvana organization are supreme strength?

A powerful organization with thirteen or more supreme powerhouses?

Is this really scary?

Everyone got on the transport plane, and then left directly, flying all the way to the capital of this small country.

Qin Yang and others found a hotel and stayed in. One was to rest, and the other was to transport the two packages of treasures back through the PSC channel. It was not possible to take a civil aircraft through normal channels.

The four people were all covered in gray after running around in the desert all day. After taking a hot bath, Qin Yang slipped into Mo Yu's room.

"Master, when Augustus instigated people to attack us today, he saw my sword, and I clearly heard a whisper of'Qing Mie'. Is this the name of this sword? Does he know this? The origin of the sword?"

Mo Yu smiled and said: "I can't give you the answer to this matter. In the end, you still have to find it by yourself. Since he can call his name, he must also know the origin of this sword, but there is something in his face and eyes. The color of greed is so obvious, it seemed that he was still preparing to take a hard shot at the time, but the appearance of those giant scorpions interrupted his plan of action. You have to be more careful in the future, this guy can't secretly attack you... …"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "I can't do much about this. After all, he is the supreme strength. The difference between my strength and his strength is too big. Lucian can't be by my side 24 hours."

Mo Yu frowned and said: "Why not? It's better to be careful and troublesome than to lose your life. Originally, Augustus wanted to do it on you, but now he knows that you still have such a powerful sword in his hand. It's strange to be tempted."

Qin Yang said, "I'll be as careful as possible. Today, this sword made a contribution. The old woman I was fighting against was so strong, but I was surprised by it. A sword slashed her dagger, and also used it. If it weren’t for that, if Lucian and Master, you were both dragged by Augustus and another person, Xiangxiang and I would be in danger...

Speaking of this matter, Mo Yu was also quite excited: "That person should have super-divine strength, but he was almost slaughtered by you, a man with twenty-six celestial beings. If this matter spreads out, I am afraid you will become famous. Oh, you are already famous, then you will definitely become more famous..."

Qin Yang waved his hand, with a helpless expression: "I'm already very famous, so don't pass it out anymore. Let me save some cards, otherwise, whoever wants to deal with me in the future will directly send Tongshen or even the Supreme Power. I can't get through."

Mo Yu smiled and didn't say much about this question, but changed the topic: "Just the underground giant scorpion that appeared today, do you know any news?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "I also read the translation notebook. I realized that there are such powerful monsters in this world. I didn't know anything before. This is really shocking."

Mo Yu joked: "I was adventurous in Yinggle Cave before, but I also saw so many strangely shaped and ferocious beasts in the bottomless mountain lake... And, you heard the last huge howl, right? , Can let the huge scorpion that chased us five or six meters high surrender cleanly to the ground. This shows how powerful this guy should be in the end. What kind of beast do you think it will be?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "Where do I know, I now think of the huge howl that is so heartbreaking, and I am still a little calm, and I don't know if there will be a follow-up to this matter, and those guys don't know what to do..."

Mo Yu shook his head did not speak, because he didn't know anything.

Qin Yang thought for a while, and decided to call Dragon King again.

When Qin Yang was passing through the capital, he wanted to ask the Dragon King to tell him about Nirvana, but the Dragon King rarely rejected him. This shows that the country is very careful and cautious in handling this issue, lest the information leak or be compromised. Sneak exposure.

Qin Yang omitted the treasure hunt and only said that it was a trip to the desert, but he met Augustus accidentally.

"Five or six meters high scorpion? A huge howl from the ground?"

The Dragon King's tone was not calm, obviously, he was also shocked.

"true or false?"

Qin Yang replied in an angry voice: "Don't you think that I can't make up a story with you? Fortunately, that big guy didn't rush out for the time being. Otherwise, I don't think we may be able to drive here alive..."


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