The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1848: We have been waiting for this day

"I said that we are the masters of the truth of the world. Join us and we can touch the essence of the world together, grasp the future direction, and win a new life!"

Although Wen Yanhou was shocked by this video, he still remained sober in his mind.

"Newborn? Your rhetoric is getting more and more routine. Don't you think I am like the kind of person who gets crazy after being said a few words, and then plunges into it to work for you?"

Tong Shuixian smiled, although Wen Yanhou's words are still sharp, but she has keenly sensed the change in the other party's mentality.

From the previous total opposition to the current shock, even if he is still very resistant in his heart, but he has already born curiosity in his heart.

People are curious, especially when facing things that they don’t understand but may change their lives. People can’t want to understand. Just like now, Wen Yanhou wants to know about the giant scorpion very much.

"As long as the history of practitioners is, the history of our organization is as long as that. I said that we should master the nature of the world and the direction of the future. This is not bragging nor exaggeration, but we really know it."

Wen Yanhou sneered: "Then what are you going to do now to destroy the world?"

Tong Shuixian smiled and said: "I am just a messenger. Many secrets are not understandable by my authority. If Mr. Wen can join us, he will be granted a seat on the board of directors and he will have high authority. You can learn a lot of things you didn't expect."


Wen Yanhou put the sunglasses back on his face again, then lay down, looking at the blue sky in the distance: "What position can the director occupy in your Nirvana?"

Tong Shuixian explained: "Under the leader there are the Presbyterian Council and the Council. There are 13 elders in the Presbyterian Council. The Council has directors responsible for each region. The responsibilities of the elders and the directors are different. Therefore, it cannot be said that the elders are better than the directors. High level..."

Wen Yanhou heard what Tong Shuixian said, and immediately understood: "Dear directors of the board of directors and managers of major areas, that is, regional leaders, your structure is no different from that of a large company."

Tong Shuixian smiled and said: "No matter the organization or the company, it is composed of people who need to do things. It is not surprising that they have the same structure."

Wen Yanhou smiled and said: "Then if I become this director, what can I get compared to now, and what do I need to pay?"

"What you need to do will definitely be within your abilities. If you encounter difficulties, you can apply for assistance from the headquarters. Our organization has a strong force. The supreme and strong people alone have double digits. It's called backing on the big tree to enjoy the coolness, and we won't have anything to do and continue to destroy or something. If I didn't find you, would you know our existence?"

Wen Yanhou looked shocked, a double-digit supreme powerhouse!

His face has become a bit ugly. At present, his dragon slayer has tried his best to absorb all kinds of masters. So far he has only two powerhouses with the realm of gods, but compared with Nirvana, it counts as nothing. No, if you don’t answer to the other party, the other party may wipe it off and you can completely remove yourself...

Tong Shuixian obviously knew Wen Yanhou’s concerns, and smiled sweetly: “Mr. Wen, please don’t worry about it. Even if you refuse us, we will not do anything to harm Mr. Wen and Mr. Wen’s organization. We cannot cooperate today. Maybe one day we can cooperate again, our purpose of existence is not to dominate, but to live better in the future!"

Wen Yanhou's expression changed slightly: "You have talked about mastering the future several times, and you still said what you said to live. Could there be any changes in the future?"

Tong Shuixian smiled lightly: "The future will naturally change. It can be said that from the existence of Nirvana to today, we have been waiting for this day. In the long history of the past, Nirvana is more about watching and helping each other, silently hiding and silently. Fortunately for our generation, we will wait until that day, and on that day, sinners will be punished and we will be reborn!"

Wen Yanhou frowned when he heard Tong Shuixian's preaching statement, "Can you be more detailed?"

Tong Shuixian chuckled and shook his head: "I can reveal more confidential things, but if you listen, it means you have gone deeper. If you leak out, we will erase all traces of your existence. After all, our organization is extremely tight. For the safety of yourself and others, keeping secrets is the first principle... Then, Mr. Wen, do you still want to listen now?"

Wen Yanhou was silent for a moment: "If I keep it secret, then it's okay, right?"

"Yes, you will not be harmed by this, but you will be paid attention to by us all the time, and perhaps your life will be changed a bit, but I think Mr. Wen’s character and strength can naturally do this. of!"

Wen Yanhou hesitated for a while, and finally curbed his curiosity: "Then let me think about it again. I will give you the answer as soon as possible."

Tong Shuixian chuckled: "Of course, we never force others. We are like-minded people. We gather together for a better survival and a better tomorrow. The future requires us to work together... But Mr. Yiwen In the current situation, tell me frankly, you have nothing you can't lose anymore. Join us and you will become stronger."

Wen Yanhou nodded silently, but did not speak again.

Tong Shuixian stood up and said elegantly: "Then I will leave first. When I leave, I will confirm again. Do we really need us to help you give Mo Yu an unforgettable memory?"

Wen Yanhou's brows frowned into a word "Chuan". After a few seconds, he turned his head, and his voice was steady and firm: "This is my personal business. Don't worry about it, and I don't like others to interfere with my personal affairs."

Tong Shuixian didn't say anything any smiled and said, "Then I am waiting for your reply!"

Tong Shuixian left, Wen Yanhou leaned on the chair and did not move, but his mind was spinning quickly.

In fact, he has been paying attention to domestic affairs, and even he and Qiu Si occasionally have a brief contact. He will not reveal where he is, but simply communicate.

He knew that Qiu Si had given up his heart to him, and he never thought about regaining Qiu Si's heart. The only thing he couldn't let go was his daughter.

The last time he talked with Qiu Si, he learned that his daughter was kidnapped by a gangster. It was Qin Yang who arrived in time to save her daughter from being insulted. It was Qin Yang who flew down to a tall building and used his body as a cushion to save his daughter’s life. He also lent an extraordinary master to his daughter as a bodyguard...

He really hates Master Mo Yu, but he is a decisive hero, but he is also a father.

After several unsuccessful killings of Mo Yu and Qin Yang, Qin Yang still saved Wen Yanhou’s daughter a few times despite his previous complaints. Even if Wen Yanhou was shameless, he could not continue to plot to assassinate Mo Yu and Qin Yang...


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