The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1849: Why must it be a giant scorpion?

"Boss, we're almost done with the script, come and see?"

Qin Yang had just finished his routine practice in the house, and sweaty received a call from Xie Dong from Hualong Film and Television.

Although Xie Dong is the general manager of Hualong Film and Television, he usually contacts Qin Yang personally about matters related to Qin Yang, which represents his respect for Qin Yang.

No way, this young boss is so powerful that Xie Dong, a career elite, admires it.

"Okay, I'll be here this afternoon!"

"There will be a heroine in this film, or let Li Siqi come over and have a look?"

"Okay, I have no problem!"

The script Xie Dong mentioned was the film about practitioners suggested by Zhou Peng before. In fact, some people had already taken the film of practitioners before this. After all, this is the hottest topic in the market at this time. This is also the focus.

Hualong Film and Television is not in a hurry to compete with others. Their plan this time is to let Qin Yang act as the leading role, so that a real cultivator will come to a real cultivator's film, and at least the depth will be shot. To become a landmark film.

To put it simply, if it is a crude film, I would not be embarrassed to let Qin Yang play it, it would simply destroy Qin Yang’s reputation...

After lunch, Qin Yang drove to Hualong Film and Television. When he walked into Xie Dong's office, he found that Li Siqi had arrived, and he was talking to Xie Dong, holding a stack of paper in his hand, which seemed to be a script.


Xie Dong watched Qin Yang come in, stood up and greeted enthusiastically, "You can count on it."

Qin Yang chuckled and said, "Old Xie, with such an urgent tone, do you encounter any difficulties?"

Xie Dong smiled and said: "The company has a lot of money here, and there are any difficulties that can't be solved. At present, the whole company is like a machine with oil, spinning at high speed..."

Qin Yang sat down on the chair and met Li Siqi's smiling eyes, with undisguised happiness on his face.

"Long time no see, big star!"

Li Siqi chuckled: "Forget it, Qin Yang, I will be embarrassed when we meet, and it will be superbly released. Although I am the heroine, you have robbed the limelight... Are you a big star?"

Qin Yang laughed and said: "I am a guest star, a guest star..."

Li Siqi picked up the other script in front of him and put it in front of Qin Yang: "Look at this script, I think it's pretty good."

Qin Yang picked up the script and opened it casually: "The heroine, are you suitable?"

Li Siqi’s eyes lit up. Although Xie Dong told her to come over and talk about the script, it was obviously intended to let her participate in this film, but she was still a little unsure, after all, she was just an ordinary person, not a cultivator, but she heard When Qin Yang asked, her hanging heart suddenly fell.

"If I play, there is absolutely no problem!"

Li Siqi said without humility, and then added an explanation: "My acting skills have improved a lot now. I am no longer who I was when I played Red Lingge. The only drawback is that I am not a cultivator, and I can't fly away..."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "The stories of cultivators don’t necessarily have to be cultivators, cultivators are also human beings, and ordinary people are also human beings. The stories of cultivators also blend with ordinary people.”

Li Siqi said with a smile: "I'm relieved if you say that. You can read the script first."


Qin Yang didn't talk nonsense. He looked at the script directly. Li Siqi stood up and made Qin Yang a cup of tea and set it aside, acting as Qin Yang's secret.

Qin Yang quickly finished reading the script of less than 20,000 words. The story probably tells the story of a group of practitioners living hidden in the city who stood up to defend their homes before the disaster. There were many fights and no shortage of them. Blood and sacrifice.

The living conditions of the practitioners in this script are basically in line with the state before they were exposed. Living in the city is no different from ordinary people. Obviously, the script wants to be close to reality. In the second half, it is fighting, sacrifice, The blood, the bloodliness and sense of responsibility of the practitioners are swayed vividly.

Qin Yang put down the script, closed his eyes, tapping the script lightly with his fingers, Xie Dong and Li Siqi both looked at Qin Yang. The investment in this project is not small, and the boss Qin Yang must nod.

Qin Yang thought for two minutes, then opened his eyes: "The content of the script does not need to be changed, but the disaster has to be changed."

Xie Dong's spirits lifted up: "A disaster, how to correct it?"

A strange look flashed in Qin Yang's eyes: "Change the enemy into a scorpion, the giant scorpion hidden underground, the prototype is the African king crab, but they are very large and will reach five to six meters in height. They also have a leader who is more than a hundred meters tall. They were hiding under the desert before, and later awakened by mining a mine. They began to rush out of the ground, attacking villages and towns, and attacking cities..."

"Their carapace is impenetrable, strong jumping, and fast. Conventional weapons are useless to them. They attacked the city all over the mountains. The practitioners stood up to resist and protect the people. Finally, they formed a death squad to attack the leader, and finally paid a heavy price. Kill the leader and the giant scorpion collapses."

Xie Dong rubbed his chin: "Is it a Hollywood-style monster disaster movie?"

Qin Yang nodded: "Similarly, you can refine and modify the plot. I only have one request. The disaster is the giant scorpion group led by the super giant scorpion!"

Xie Dong smiled and nodded and said, "This is not a problem. After all, there will be disasters after all, as long as their origins are compiled reasonably, I am curious, boss, Why must it be a giant scorpion?"

Qin Yang laughed: "I recently went to travel and saw a lot of African emperor scorpions. Later I checked the information and found that their lives are really tenacious. They have a history of hundreds of millions of years, so I think it might be easier to make up stories... …"

Xie Dong suddenly said, "So that's it, okay, I'll let the screenwriter revise it... Then boss, if everything else is okay, then I'll take it as you agreed to act?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Okay, I have really nothing to do in recent months. This is a film about practitioners. I am really interested."

Li Siqi smiled and said: "Then I played the heroine?"

Qin Yang turned his head and smiled and said, "I have no objection, but based on time, doesn't it conflict with Chaofan 2's schedule?"

Li Siqi smiled and replied without hesitation: "It's okay, you can focus on the filming a little bit, it will save a lot of time, and the opportunity to act with you, how can I let it go..."


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