The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1852: Haven't seen you for a long time

"Yes, not a surprise?"

Qin Yang got out of the car and glanced at the three-story villa in front of him. The floor area was not very large, but the surrounding environment was very good. The distance between the left and right villas was relatively far apart, and the orientation of the villas was also different. Different, the privacy of each villa is very good.

"Very good, when did you buy it, the location in the city is also very good, it must not be cheap."

Li Siqi stretched out his hand and directly took Qin Yang's arm and pulled him towards the house: "It's really not cheap. Fortunately, thanks to your blessings, my popularity has risen by a lot. Then I took advantage of this fire. I endorsed an international first-line brand perfume, made a lot of money, and did some domestic brand advertisements. I took advantage of the money in my hand, so I hurriedly bought this house, so as not to spend it all later. No……"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "You are a big star now, and time flies quickly."

Li Siqi leaned her head on Qin Yang's shoulder: "It's all because of you. If it weren't for you, I still don't know where I fell."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Aren't you serving as a spokesperson for my company now? My investment has made a lot of money."

Li Siqi curled her lips and said: "Forget it, you are the biggest spokesperson for your company. My spokesperson’s appeal is much worse than yours. If you post a Weibo advertisement, it can drive the sales of your company’s products. Gao Feng, my spokesperson is useless..."

Qin Yang stood in the living room and visited, sniffing his nose, "The second-hand house you bought?"

Li Siqi nodded: "Where do I have time to buy a new house and redecorate it? Buy a second-hand one directly. How good is it to move in with a bag? I just need to change the one I don't like. What's more, such villas are all bought and live in by myself. It's not bad either, at least I don't need to smell the poisonous formaldehyde in the newly decorated room!"

"Everything is quite new, the decoration is also very style, very good..."

Li Siqi happily pulled Qin Yang: "Go, let me show you around!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Okay!"

Li Siqi dragged Qin Yang around the first floor and then walked upstairs, then walked into her master bedroom, and then the two of them wandered around the master bedroom for almost an hour.

"I have replaced all the furniture in the master bedroom, especially this big bed. I personally selected it... Is it comfortable?"

Li Siqi is also a little fairy, and Qin Yang's heart is itchy if there is something in the words, and she must have "teached" her severely.

The two were tired for a while, then took a bath and put on clothes and returned to the first floor. The main reason was that both of them were very hungry during exercise. Otherwise, I am afraid they will continue to be tired.

However, when Qin Yang opened Li Siqi's refrigerator, his face suddenly turned black.

The refrigerator is empty.

"You don't have anything here, and you are ashamed to say let me come here for dinner..."

Li Siqi hugged Qin Yang's solid back from behind, and said with a grin: "The best in this room is me. Didn't you just eat me? Just make do with the rest. I'll call takeaway."

Naturally, Qin Yang was not really angry. He looked at the refrigerator and the cupboard: "Here are some dried noodles, and eggs, oh, there are two cucumbers... I'll make egg noodles and take a cold cucumber to eat. Well, I'm too lazy to order takeaway, by the way, why are two cucumbers..."

Li Siqi said with a smile: "Cucumbers, women's favorites, they can be used and eaten..."

This little hooligan!

Qin Yang picked up two cucumbers: "Used?"

Li Siqi laughed loudly: "Slicing the mask, this is still the whole one, how do I use it, ah, where do you want to go, your mind is so impure."

Qin Yang smiled: "Who knows?"

Li Siqi's tone was slightly resentful: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

Qin Yang felt a little apologetic in his heart: "Why don't you run outside all the time? I'm busy too, I rarely touch my head. Recently I will be in Zhonghai..."

Li Siqi put her face on Qin Yang's back: "Isn't it your birthday soon? Originally, I wanted to wait for your birthday to invite you over, but now you live with Qingqing, I want to have this sensitive feeling. The time is not convenient for you, so I invited you over in advance..."

Qin Yang picked up the pot and began to boil water, and he took a bowl and started beating eggs, indeed feeling two points of guilt.

I did give Li Siqi some help to make her stardom go smoothly, but I certainly gave her a chance, but more depends on her hard work. Her acting skills have improved a lot in recent years, from the jerky Up to now, she is so proficient in playing who is who, this is her talent and the result of her hard work.

In the relationship between men and women, I owe her after all, and Li Siqi is very sensible and caring. She never troubles herself, and considers everything for herself. Even if she said to buy her a house, she refused without hesitation. Until now, she saved enough money to buy this house.

Qin Yang allowed Li Siqi to lie on his back, pat the cucumber, cold salad, and then boil the water while frying the eggs. It was out of the pot soon. The golden fried eggs were on the surface, and the aroma was tangy.

"Come on, eat!"

Li Siqi came to the dinner table, took a bite of the omelette, and narrowed his eyes contentedly: "I am so happy to be able to eat the egg noodles you made yourself."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Next time you prepare more ingredients in the refrigerator, and I will cook you a big meal."

Li Siqi smiled and promised: "Well, I will fill the refrigerator with things in the future, so that you won't be like today at any time!"

Qin Yang ate two big mouthfuls of and looked at the empty house: "Are you living alone?"

Li Siqi nodded: "Yes, I run outside most of the time, not much when I am at home, besides, I am not prepared to let others come here, otherwise it will be inconvenient for you..."

Qin Yang knew that Li Siqi was always thinking about herself. This was her home, but she also regarded it as a love nest for her and herself. In order to prevent others from knowing and let herself be scrupulous, she didn't plan to invite it alone.

Qin Yang thought for a while and said, "Although this is a villa complex, the security is still tight, but you are a woman and living alone is still a bit dangerous after all, so let me find a female bodyguard for you later, and you can go out with you on weekdays. Being a driver for you, you can protect your safety at home, and you will not be afraid of someone living in your home..."

Li Siqi blinked, "Will it be inconvenient for multiple people?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "It's okay. Those bodyguards are all professional. They don't talk too much, and safety comes first. If you don't want people to interfere with something, you can temporarily put the bodyguard on vacation. It's very simple..."

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