The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1853: Big names gathered

October 18th, the 20th day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, is suitable to be engaged, get married, seek heirs, settle in bed, and seek medical treatment.

Qin Yang had been stationed in Purple Lake Manor a few days ago. Cloud’s wedding planning team naturally arrived early. A large number of staff were busy under the command of Cloud and others. The entire Purple Lake Manor was in Crowder’s Under the command has changed greatly.

Colored gauze covers all sides of the road in the entire manor, and countless flowers of different colors and meanings dress the manor into a dreamlike existence like a sea of ​​flowers.

The grass by the lake has been decorated with a piece of white veil and fan flowers full of holiness. On the remote lakeside clearing, there are six large helicopters parked impressively. This is the "wedding car" for the bride today.

A lot of guests have already arrived. Fifty tables were set up at the banquet last year. After all, most of these guests are from other places. They were taken to Purple Lake Manor by the waiting car as soon as they landed.

Mo Yu's marriage was a major event for the Hidden Gate. As the only heir, Qin Yang naturally wanted to make this event lively and everyone knew it.

Fifty tables, this was the stay of yesterday. Counting the guests who will arrive today, there will be more than one hundred and fifty tables today, and there may even be temporary guests. There will be more people. Of course, everything is prepared.

The best man and bridesmaid is naturally not Qin Yang's turn. After all, he is a disciple and is a generation shorter. His duty is to take the place of the master to receive guests from all sides.

Qin Yang wore a straight suit and a bow tie. The 185th was a clothes rack. He was tall and straight, making him look handsome and handsome. As the only heir of the master, he is naturally the protagonist of this wedding today. Today, Qin Yang is a national idol, and his popularity is so high that he can fully bear the burden of receiving guests of various identities, so that the guests will not feel that the host has lost etiquette.

Mo Yu, in a suit, took four best men on the helicopter. Today, Mo Yu is full of spring breeze. It can be said that everyone is happy and energetic. These four best men are not young. They are all in their thirties. They are all temperamental. Extraordinary, or handsome, or handsome, or handsome, looks much more eye-catching than ordinary little meat groomsmen.

Qin Yang has inquired about the origins of these four best men. They are all outstanding single disciples in the satellite family inherited by the sect masters of the hidden gates. Now that the sect masters of the hidden gates are married, they will naturally come to congratulate them, and they can also become Mo Yu's. The best man is proud, which is also a way of strengthening the close relationship between the satellite family and the hidden door.

Six helicopters took off, forming one, two, three and three angles and headed towards Long’s house.

Many people close to Qin Yang came here early, like Qin Yang’s parents, Qin Hua and his wife, a large number of people from his grandfather Luo’s family, Qin Yang got married, they would naturally come to join in, and some friends like Yang Yang Haoran, Chen Hou, and others, as well as Long Yuanyuan, Long Qi, and others are all helping to attract and entertain guests. Today, not only the friends of Master Mo Yu's and apprentices, but also many of the guests of the Long family.

Long's family is one of the four giants of Zhonghai practitioners. He has friends all over the world, and there are naturally many guests and friends.

The guests came one after another, Qin Yang received and greeted them one by one, and then led people to their seats. The seats of these people have been carefully arranged. Who is in business, who is in politics, who is the family of cultivators, who has a good relationship with whom, Who has a bad relationship with whom, etc. The details depend on Kung Fu.

Because of Qin Yang’s Weibo promotion, today’s wedding can be said to have spread all over the world, and the gathering of guests today is no less than a grand event. Countless reporters gathered outside the manor, long guns and short cannons were all set up. , Aimed at the entrance of the venue.

Starting at ten o'clock in the morning, a car or private car from the venue appeared at the entrance of the manor one after another. Once someone got off the car, it would immediately attract a burst of photos and discussions.

"Isn't this Liu Jing, the president of Ganges, he is here!"

"Wow, Fu Hai, a well-known invisible rich man with countless industries..."

"Wu Jing! Superstar Wu Jing! Extraordinary actor!"

"Yan Zixue, Yan Zibing..."

"Hey, isn't this Zhao Mingyang of Yangtian Group?"

"Zhao Qinglong! This is from the Zhao family in the desert, right?"

"Who is this, um, Su Muyao of the Su family in the capital, then she should be the head of the Su family, right?"


In fact, there are far more guests than the guests can see. Many black cars that look very inconspicuous are quietly driving past, and then directly into the manor, and these cars are often white The old man with a dazzling temperament or the middle-aged and old man with extraordinary temperament.

Most of these people have sensitive identities. According to reason, they are not suitable for appearing in such a scene, but they still come. Of course, there are arrangements here. Their cars will drive directly into the venue, and their seats will be opposite. The special location will not be seen by others.

On the grass by the lake, in the banquet room, there were guests everywhere, in a lively posture.

Qin Yang, Xiao Xin'an, and Long Boyan, who represents the Long Family, were received at the gate. A staff member came to Xiao Xin'an and said something in his ear. Xiao Xin'an turned his head and said: "Lao Zhao is here, let's go over and say hello. ."

"Good! Uncle Long, Xiangxiang, please take a look here first!"

Long Boan smiled cheerfully: "Go, go and come back!"

Although he hadn't figured out who this old Zhao was for a while, he could conceivably let Xiao Xinan and Qin Yang greet each other specifically.

Qin Yang and Xiao Xinan soon came to the banquet hall on the second floor of the main building. From here, you can also see the grassy meeting place by the lake. There are only a few tables in this banquet hall. Now there are a lot of people sitting, most of them are There are some gray-haired old people, most of them are not practitioners, just ordinary people, like Yan Yunsheng, Lei Jianjun, etc. are among them.

Zhao Xin, who had a relationship with Qin Yang, sat at the top of one of the tables and was having a good chat with a group of elderly people. Today, the person here is undoubtedly the tallest.

Qin Yang and Xiao Xinan entered the Everyone's eyes were swept over, and someone suddenly smiled and said, "Our national idol is here!"

The elders all laughed kindly, and their eyes towards Qin Yang were full of appreciation.

Qin Yang smiled, and arched his hands: "In front of the old seniors, I can't count on anything like this. It's all for fun on the Internet, so I don't dare to be it."

"Everyone on the Internet calls it that way, it shows that they are sincere, young hero, really is a famous teacher and good apprentice, Mr. Mo has a successor!"

"Yeah, how old is Qin Yang? Just turned 23. Look at my grandson, who is about the same age. Comparing and comparing, I can't wait to take a crutch. The same size, how can the gap be so big? ?"

"The one you love most is your grandson, you are willing to fight...hahaha!"

Amidst the laughter, Qin Yang solemnly bowed his hands: "Thank you seniors for your hard work to attend the wedding of your master. On behalf of your master, I welcome you all and express my great gratitude. If there is any improper reception today, Please, seniors, Haihan..."

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